Deadmines = VC, not DM

Deadmines has used VC(For Van Cleef) since release.
DM = Dire Maul.

Specific Wings use DME (Dire Maul East, ect)

Kthxbai. :slight_smile:




It’s been discussed time and time again.

Deadmines released on the release of WoW.

Dire Maul came later in Patch 1.3.0.

DM for Deadmines came first…

I’m not saying we shouldn’t change, but there’s logic as to why it’s the way it is. :wink:


People who didn’t actually play release like to say it was always VC. It wasn’t. It was DM.

At least in my server. Maybe people referred to it differently on others.

And the fact the OP thinks Dire Maul was in on release kind of just makes this thread a joke. It is Sunday though.


Voice chat?

Dungeon Master?

“Oh how convenient, while flying over westfall I see a bunch of player wanting to do dire maul. Too bad they didn’t specify the wing.”

DM is deadmines
DME/W/N is dire maul and it’s wings


It was DM on my server since release.

Dire maul is DME, DMW, DMN, DMT. What crazy person doesn’t specify a direction for dire maul?

Is this a garmuck alt?


People always say this but Dire Maul did not exist when WoW was released so what you are suggesting isn’t even possible.

The thing is it did for EU servers. The first time I ever heard VC was on pservers with a massive eu population.

Either way it makes no sense because dire maul is 3 different dungeons. You have to specify which wing. Thats why people specify which wing of SM they want.


You know what I use for Deadmines?


But also, it’s not as if DM for Dire Maul has any meaning on its own, nor would I expect any reasonable person to use it as such.

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Just an extremely weak Sunday topic.

I never said Dire Maul was in at release. I said Deadmines was VC since release.
Been there since Beta 2004.
When Dire Maul was released it was called DM.

Then again server experience matters.

The joke is on you I suppose. Carry on kiddo.

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No it hasn’t. Deadmines was DM at release, dire maul didn’t exist at release.


Don’t try to reason with it. It’s just a troll thread.

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You’re probably right. I do enjoy how this debate always neglects the importance of context. As if level 20s typing “LFG DM” in Westfall would seriously be looking for Dire Maul groups, and vice versa for level 60s in Feralas.


It’s been such a long time.

Sad to say the people I interacted with on Eldre’Thalas (A) back then used DM for Deadmines.

Incorrect. On release, Dire Maul didn’t exist yet, so people called Deadmines “DM”. It wasn’t until the Dire Maul patch that this naming got split between DM and VC.

If this wasn’t the case on your server, then it might be a regional thing. On my first couple of US servers (Feathermoon, Boulderfist, Twisting Nether), it was called DM.

Since DM is Dire Maul, i propose we call deadmines DMS (standing for Dire Maul South, of course).

Cookie’s Cove is also acceptable.

rent free.

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It was definitely VC prior to 1.3 on Spirestone (A).

It was called VC, at least from what I remember was because groups didn’t always finish the dungeon. So by saying VC you meant a full clear. I have a core memory of being told it wasn’t DM and was known as VC, and I specifically remember because my first though was that is stupid.

Similar to how when you run BRD, you typically say what wing or bosses.

However, I also had a horde toon on Draka and they referred to it as DM.

I’m assuming its just a server thing that depended on the people.