Deadmines doesn't take that long

It just feels longer than it is due to its repetitive nature of design.

We clear a dungeon. We fight a boss up top, whom has a phase where we just wait around. Then we fight another boss in the same spot. Then we retrace the whole dungeon anyway. (And why doesn’t she kill us while we’re hallucinating?) Then we swing on ropes and are stuck waiting. Then we have to swing on the ropes yet again.

Then we fight a murloc… in the same spot yet again.

Or maybe the murloc is before Vanessa. I don’t remember. Who cares.

But yeah. It doesn’t even necessarily take very long, but it’s just… every part of it just makes you get impatient.


I feel like we as a community are being far too nice to complainers. Deadmines is fine. If you don’t want to do it, don’t do it. You don’t even have to.

Being nice to complainers becomes problematic when devs make changes that impact gameplay for everyone else.


Interesting thought. I feel the opposite. Any time someone complains, they get collapsed on.

Although complaining is good because that’s how anyone knows that anything is wrong.


People like to say this sort of thing, but I don’t think it actually makes sense. I’ve come to form an opinion that people who complain are looking for arguments or to get something for themselves for free. They are not doing it out of goodness or kindness in general.


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Yeah, that might be true most of the time. Or, “complaining in the moment” rather than complaining after some thought on the matter.

But ultimately, complaining is just a type of criticism or feedback. Inspect each instance separately, and think about if there’s merit or not. Never dismiss complaining as being based on nothing at all.

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I feel the opposite too; people take tame mild video game complaints way too seriously and they bizarrely judge them as a human being over it, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand why people roll their eyes when they see the deadmines loading screen it just feels very boring. I have had groups that fly through it but that isn’t the case most of the time



Someone’s subjective opinion has nothing to do with rocket science. Or even science in general. If you don’t like Deadmines, don’t queue for it. But don’t change the game for those of us who enjoy it, because osme bad apples are angry complaining.


From my understanding you need to do random queue to get valor. And I never made any suggestions on removing deadmines, but when I see people complain about it I get it. The people who complain about complainers just seem like they’re being contrarian or holier than thou a lot of the time. And “it doesn’t take rocket scientist to understand” is a phrase meaning it should be easy to understand and in this case anyone who has done deadmines 20 times like most of us should understand!


I’ll assume that we’ve all played WoW for longer than Classic has been around, and we’ve seen the direction the game goes when they cater to the louder voices. I definitely feel like some versions of the game have and do cater to complainers, and I’ve opted out of those. If Cata becomes one as well, then there’s not much left for me, so I’ll speak against it.

I’ve done Deadmines over 20 times.

Aside: I’m familiar with the term, “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand…,” but I suppose I didn’t like the usage, as it seems to imply a lack of intelligence for not agreeing with someone’s subjective opinion. Anyway, no need to harp on that if that’s not how you intended it.


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I agree with this 100,000%. I’ll be in any given BG… total silence. The whole time. Then we lose BS with 8 people at the flag that didn’t prevent cap, and as SOON as i say, “Wtf, man i hate Horde,” some other guy blurts out… “STOP CRYING!”

It’s crazy. I call them the Complaint Complainers. They sit in the shadows, waiting to pounce. They are in every chat, but they don’t talk in them. Until someone complains. Then it’s TIME TO STRIKE!

I think the reason is because going against a complaint gives the impression of strength. “I’m fine with the way everything is. I’m able to thrive, so if you’re complaining, it means you’re weaker than me.” Just one of the many ways people try to pull everyone down in order to be the one up top.


The only fix deadmines needs is this.

For the final boss the speed boost needs to also increase mana regen by 1000% per stack (and be removed when final boss is pulled).

This fixes the newly leveled 85 heroic mana users from having to stop and drink on that part of the dungeon. Saving time for fresh 85 casters/healers spamming heroics for their initial gearing, and having little effect to those already geared because mana is a non issue to them at that point anyway.

Essentially just make the last part of the dungeon not have casters worrying about mana.

Second time today that the q pops and boom a dps quits then the tanks pulls two packs gets deleted and the healer leaves lol. Lesson learned when the q pops and its dead mines just save your time and leave then go do something way more interesting for 30 minutes.

Deadmines is most likely a 45min Dungeon. You are gonna replace 3-5 people and wipe several times with most random groups.

With that said Deadmines is cool to see one time then the annoying mobs, mechanics and super mario to run back is just not worth my time or anyone elses. It’s just much better to leave at the start and take the 30 min Deserter.

The easy solution is adding back in Blacklisting for BGs and Dungeons. Just let everyone Blacklist 2 Heroics and BGs. Everyone wins.

Until then as a Tank if I que into that just leave at the start everytime and do something else. Same goes for BGs. If I get strands I just leave at the start. I’ll take deserter after deserter. If you don’t want long Ques just add Blacklisting so people don’t have to suffer.

  • TLDR - Cata needs to add QoL to compete for the players time. If we get badly designed dungeons/BGs we can just take the deserter and play other games. Just add Blacklisting. Make the game better so we don’t log off cause you won’t fix it.

I have zero issues with people complaining as long as it is done correctly.

  1. Leave the emotions out of it.
  2. Just state the facts (real facts, not made up ones or ones that lead back to emotions).
  3. Just state the actual issue
  4. There does not need to be a full novel to sum up the problem
  5. Leave the telenovela series about the issue off.
  6. Leave the name calling and nonsense out of it.
  7. Provide some possible solutions
  8. Make sure the issue is an actual issue for everyone, not just 1 person or 1 person + alts.

I like what you say, especially #7.

But #8 is bogus. You know full well nobody’s actually swapping to alts. Constantly saying that is akin to name calling; both are the same fallacy.

You were caught alt swapping in your Wambulance post about being kicked out of dungeons. You were called out and then said (Oh i’m just logged on this character on my phone) lol. We all know it was an accident and you messed up and simply forgot to switch back to Hottiepants.


I knew these post were coming because I remember people complaining about it when it was retail.

Never change classic Andy’s. Never change

Actually, it is not.
Swapping alts is just that, swapping alts. I am not sure how you are even attempting to stretch that into “name calling”. People do it all the time thinking they are clever and hoping no one notices… people do.

If you think that is name calling you might want to refresh what that means.

Maybe i should have elaborated, because there’s a middle step to take in that logic.

If you name call someone, it’s a fallacy. Ad hominem. We all know that. The intention with it is to redirect attention away from the topic and onto the insult.

And what does calling the source of an opposing opinion an “alt” attempt to do? Redirect attention away from the topic and onto the accusation of who might be saying the words, which should have no bearing whatsoever on the words themselves.

I’m saying it’s akin to name calling because it IS still attempting the same fallacies. Not because i consider it to BE name calling.

Does that make sense?

What I am saying happens –

People throw out some sort of forum request, complaint, tantrum, question, request, etc.

Then they switch to one of their alts to then give the illusion that someone is supporting them with either likes, responses, etc.

This is where people think they are clever. They are not. They are not fooling anyone, and they especially don’t fool Blizzard.