Deadmines doesn't take that long

There’s a difference between “complaining” and “criticizing”.

Complaining: “It’s so hot outside” “This candy bar used to be 50 cents and now it’s 60 cents? That’s bullcrap!”

Criticizing: “There’s a bug in this questing zone and Blizzard still hasn’t fixed it. Let me submit a report to let them know” “This movie would have been great, had they done such and such”.

Criticism is finding the fault, but also coming up with a solution to the fault.

Complaining is finding the fault and then nagging everybody around you about the fault and never offering a solution.

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I get that. But it also, like… … doesn’t matter. It’s actually yet another fallacy, but this time both sides might be falling for it: The bandwagon fallacy. The alt switcher is assuming that having X number of people support you means your words are more right than if you didn’t, and likewise, viewers that care about that sort of thing are also falling victim to that fallacy’s tactic.

I know it’s annoying to keep hearing me say fallacy fallacy fallacy. But i do it for a reason. They are powerful, prevalent, and trick just about everyone at some point or another. I’ve even used some fallacies while DISCUSSING fallacies, on accident.

But anyway…

Ultimately, it shouldn’t matter if someone is alt swapping. Their words are still those same words. They either have a point or do not. It doesn’t matter who is saying it.

There have been multiple solutions offered.

Its the only dungeon that gets an audible groan on discord. If they just took out the run back part it would be fine. Its not that its too long really, its just that the run back is basically a 5 minute RP you can’t alt tab for.

i timed it today it took 32 mins

OP neither offered or suggest any solutions, only complained.

On top of that, said “complaining is good”. There may have been multiple solutions offered in different posts, just not from the OP in this one specifically.

/looks around/

… Me??? I literally had to scroll up to see if this was my thread, LOL.

I wasn’t complaining in the OP. I was saying, “Sure, Deadmines has some issues, but it’s not as bad as you guys make it out to be.”

What am i expected to bring a solution for??? I said there isn’t really a problem here.

And i thought that was pretty clear. Why do i always have communication issues on public forums???

Let’s be honest here – This is a fallacy.

Changing to an “alt” to give the illusion that someone else is supporting your own position is basically just a lie. The only reason someone does it is to give the illusion that someone else agrees or supports that position and nothing more. It sets a false narrative that others also agree.

I dunno if you skimmed through my post, but i DID already say that alt hopping is utilizing a fallacy.

Unless that was in a different thread… i can’t keep track anymore.

You did but you also said it does not matter if someone does:

I’m just saying it does matter if they are alt swapping…it is akin to a lie if they are doing it to support their own posts.

Swapping to an alt to make a post or not supporting their own posts does not matter.

It matters in regards to the swapper that they’re trying to appeal to the bandwagon fallacy.

But it’s also up to the other party to not let the bandwagon fallacy affect them. (Which goes both ways. The amount of support OR lack of support should not sway how you feel about a point being made.)

Do you see what i mean? There’s something to say about both sides.

uuuugh – I am done with this conversation. I’m not going to beat this dead horse and drag it along any further.

:thread: :mute: :no_bell:

That’s how i felt with the last post, lol.

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