Dead Threads Getting Necro'd is Becoming a Problem

Shouldn’t Necroing dead threads become a rule for the forums? It’s starting to become a problem and it’s getting on my nerves dead threads keep popping up


I think EU forums auto lock threads with no new replies after 30 days. No idea why that isn’t done here.


The forums literally encourage people to necro. I’m not kidding, if you go to make a new topic it’ll show a bunch of similar dead topics.


i don’t see it as a problem at all, it seems perfectly fine for someone to add a new conversation to an old topic… helps people understand the topic in a new way…

that seems like a personal problem and you shouldn’t expect blizzard to make rules around what you can and cannot handle.


They do it on NA too…on the Technical Support forums. Lol.

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Nah if the thread is there and people can post in it then they shouldn’t really face action for doing so. They could lock threads faster instead but I’d say taking action against people for the simple act of posting in an existing topic would be a bit messed up.



Make a new thread:
“Why are you spamming this topic, there’s hundreds of threads about it.”

Post in an old thread:
“Why are you necroing old threads”

Guess the lesson here is every post has someone that will complain about it.


That’s hilarious. The only place where it might actually help people to keep a thread open a little longer to show an ongoing issue over an extended period of time.

This is funny too and I never thought of that.

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Hit the nail on the head with that one. Finally found a Gnome I like.

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Complaining is our favorite hobby here in GD.

Why not just lock the dead threads to avoid it getting necro’d?

Good point

Should I raise one from the dead for old times sake or na?

I have a soul stone ready.

Oh… I have very special and YUMMY cookies for Gnomists like you.

:skull: :skull: :skull:

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You got that right :joy:

Some people might Google a question and have old/dead threads recommended and then they reply without checking the date of the first or last comments. It happens.


Hmmm, nah.

This is from the CS forums.

walks away playing “Thriller”

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Dang it.

Sad fox noises