Dead Threads Getting Necro'd is Becoming a Problem

See you all in 2 years when someone necros this thread. :wave:

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Noooooo! :sob:

You mean 5 years.

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We don’t want to see a silenced fox.

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Not only that, but if you google something. It tends to populate old threads before anything else (which I think is where most necroing comes from).

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Guess that’s the only way to get me to shut my pie hole lol xD

Don’t worry. I have you covered.


lol oh no XD

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I’m setting a reminder.

In two years, I’m necro-ing this.

to never start a thread. This place should slowly start turning into a necrofest where we keep bumping old threads.

Me: facing an issue with delves 7 months later
also me: let me bump this thread about artifact power!!! and rage!!!

Don’t worry, I’ve bookmarked your post for 3 years, see you in 3 years.


2 years. 3 years. step it up. We want a good necro.

I set my bookmark reminder for 2030.

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I think a thread that’s been dead for at least a year should be coloured (red?) to show that it is dead. If nothing else, it would stop accidental Necros.

Or at least put the date it was originally posted on the front page so people can immediately see its an old one.

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And our best hope is that in two years from now, someone necro’s this very thread.

It’s a Catch-22 situation:

  • Person makes a thread about a topic, gets told to simply do a search for one of the dozens of threads already talking about that topic…
  • Person posts in a thread made a while ago instead of making a new topic, gets told to make a new thread and stop necroing…

You simply can’t win…

It’s no more of a problem than ever.

I’ve always found this conundrum rather silly. If the moderators don’t want threads necro’d, simply lock them after a certain amount of time.


You can. You are just blending some situations here.

Generally when a person is told to do a search on one of the dozens of threads about the topic, its a new topic. Its popular.

It would be like someone complaining about the HS event drop rate / being fomo / etc.

Its not generally said for someone asking about a topic not current.

The EU forums do that idk why the US forums don’t.