Dazar'alor is revenge for Teldrassil

maybe invest in a fire department next time you decide to build a wooden city in a tree? if we didn’t do it a rogue lighting bolt was due to kill you all anyways, we just helped nature along thanks.

I somehow find it hard to believe that the killing of that Val’kyr isn’t a death flag for the Horde war, if not Sylvanas herself. There’s also no way the Night Elves are losing Darkshore after all this so…yeah. Plus there’s the fact that Tyrande can just be thrown at future problems in the narrative because much like Jaina, she’s basically a god being with a nebulous limit on her powers now.

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Oh he does… He is a genocide apologist, which is probably the catalyst of our biggest disagreements. He is a Hardcore fan of the Forsaken, not because he likes being the bad guy, but because he thinks genocide and the gassing of civilians is A-Okay.

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The genocide of the Night Elves will not actually take anything away from the Night Elves. Their society will continue on, largely unharmed save a casual mention of population issues, while under the army of the Black Moon their forces will be stronger then ever.

That’s just how this is going to play out, heck you might not even lose Darnassus, they already hinted that the world tree can be regrown.


See, I understand characters being angry about the genocide. I don’t understand you being angry about a bunch of npcs that might as well have been nameless dying. They were so utterly unimportant that even the named night elves you saved aren’t in Stormwind.

Population numbers are always what Blizzard wants or needs them to be. They’re never tracked. They’re never recorded. They’re never written down even once.

A genocide of unimportant npcs is utterly unimportant. I understand you being upset about the World Stump, but its loss is absolutely nothing compared to Lordaeron.


So? That doesn’t actually changes anything. Things in the future will happen because Blizz wants them to happen. We already know, or at least strongly suspect, that the next patch will be the Horde turning the entire war around somehow and then it’s going to be their turn to be weeks away from victory because Blizzard doesn’t understand war.

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There is not much being a god being when you get nerfed to suit the narrative.
Malfurion and Tyrande killed 1 val’kyr we meet 5 minutes earlier.

Despite all the powerups the results are incredibly underwhelming.


woah didn’t realize the was a hardcore role play fantacy thing or whatever… i’ll show myself out

Its not roleplay. We are discussing the story.
General Discussion is that way.

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So that decision making process immediately came about as a part of the fact that Night Elves were the chosen victims of the expansions first salvo. Because they got genocided, their race will be propped up, you are given things by the narrative, rather then having things taken away.

The parts about being angry about unimportant nameless npcs dying certainly seems to be.


Even you can’t deny Blizzard did a nice job of the futile rescue mission as the Horde was burning yet another Alliance zone to the ground.


I mean, one of you is literally calling me a genocide apologist because you disagree with the things I say. So…yeah.


Sure! It does an excellent job of making you feel powerless. In the moment of story telling that it occurs in, it’s woven well.

It’s been months since it happened, though.

No, because you and Treng and apologizing for genocide.

“Nameless NPCs, what do you care?”

“Those innocent lives weren’t important.”


didn’t you just say the same about the NPC’s you murder in raid?


That’s not what apologizing is.

We’re literally discussing story structure and how the genocide in question will only impact the narrative for the night elves positively in the long run. That in no way, shape, or form advocates for the mass slaughter of innocents.


did I?

…. I never said that lol.

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So… you expect the players who had an emotional response to it are currently “well that was fun lets forget it ever happened! Its been MONTHS!”

Why do you think people are so hyped for the next Avengers movie? Thanos beat our favorite heroes. Its been months! but people are still hungry for some payback.
And Captain America forgiving Thanos and leaving him alone on his farm is going to cause literal riots in nerdom.

Its the same thing happening here,
NE players and Alliance players want a payback.
And killing a totally unrelated dude like Rastabro isnt doing it for us.


just stop responding, they couldn’t virtue signal any harder if they tried…

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