Dazar'alor is revenge for Teldrassil

Does anyone here who isn’t brainwashed by Steve Blightcaller and his Waifu actually believe this?

Some shiny boats and one king does not even begin to atone for countless civilians burned alive, not to mention the survivors that were captured and then tortured before the events of the Darkshore Warfront, which also adds the raising and subjugation of Kaldorei into undead servitude.


What about the countless civilians that the Dark Iron burn alive?


its not our fault you cant count past a dozen.


The Night Elves’ High King Anduin Wrynn?


Am I the only one who reads OP’s name the same as those dude pills?


I did not, but now I can’t not.


Dude pills?

Cialis (or however it’s spelled). An ED drug.

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Ah. Anyway back on topic.

What topic?

Horde does something terrible. Their players either troll or just complain how they are the real victims of poor narrative because of some flimsy injured pride or insult that is supposedly way worse than what their faction actually did.

We debate a few pages about how its not really the player’s fault but the writers (duh) and why Jaina or some Alliance character is so incredibly evil and why they are still alive.
Oh and Stormheim. Cant ever forget about that tragedy. Its like Taurajo but way, way worse.

Then we come back full circle.


We are the real victims tho. You lost NPCs you can’t name without google. We’ve spent the entire expansion being defeated not only by your faction, but also our own.


Personally, I don’t find Dazar’alor to be suitable revenge, and the only thing I do find fitting is having the majority of the Horde races (besides the Huojin and the ARs) die in a fire.

But I’m sure you’ll find someone who thinks the two are comparable. I remember one of the Blood Elf posters from not long ago arguing forever that Dazar’alor was practically the same as Teldrassil.


Majorly important and powerful lore NPC that could help balance the power imbalance between the Horde and Alliance vs a bunch of npcs you can’t name without google.


False equivalencies and cognative dissonance.

Stems from the fact that the Horde player has never had anything to lose in the game besides being verbally harrassed and their faction leaders unceremoniously written off.
Hence why couple of merchants dying or 3 huts burning is like the equivalent of Teldrassil for them.


I believe that that is really as good as its gonna get.

Sylvanas isn’t being written off
You’re not raiding another Horde capital
The Horde will not be subjugated by the Alliance
You’re not taking out Blightcaller
Saurfang will not die by the hands of any Alliance member



Was he arguing that Dazar’alor was the same as Teldrassil or that it follows literally all the same story beats as Teldrassil? Cause if it’s the latter then yeah, you’d have to practically be blind not to see the comparison.

  • Army gets pulled away by a distraction while the main force of the opposing faction closes in on the target.
  • Ancient civilization is then invaded and humbled by said opposing faction, forcing them to rely on their allies to survive.
  • Leader gets super angry, swears revenge on said opposing faction and the attack actually caused the victimized group to more tightly bond with it’s faction.

The main differences are the rampant slaughter of civilians with fire, which isn’t ordered by the Alliance but is done by the Dark Irons during the invasion, the outrage of the attack is still powerful enough make pretty much everyone on Zandalar(Even outside groups like the Vulpera.) to fully throw their lot in with the Horde.

There’s also the fact that Talanji has yet to invoke her god to even the odds, but…we’ll see how that develops in the future.


I swear to Anglican Christ, if they turn Bwonsamdi into a villain for us to kill.


I really hope not, for obvious reasons Bwonsamdi is…he’s not my favorite Loa, but he’s tied with Shadra for the spot, so yeah, don’t want to see him go anywhere anytime soon.