Dazar'alor is revenge for Teldrassil

that is the best part, i bet that she will escape just like garrosh or worse, become kerrigan. xD

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Don’t you wish that evil on me.

Horde players got to sacrifice Undercity on their Queen’s own terms. The Alliance didn’t even stick around to occupy The Glades after the fact. Nothing is stopping the Horde from sending in a contingent of frost mages or something to clean up the blight.

Teldrassil is unrepairable. Darkshore was occupied and survivors captured and tortured.


Did you read the part that came afterwards?


But not our terms.

We were betrayed by her. We were defeated by the Alliance. We got sent home packing with our tail tucked between our legs while she smart alecks us as hard as she smart alecks you.

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pretty sure that frost magic is a temporary solution only to create a path, but not a permanent one. you will need druids for that, as malfurion proved.

That might have been true about old-lore Rastakhan. New-lore, in-game Rastakhan, by comparison, was just some dude content to sit in a gold chair, while his empire crumbled around him. Just a story prop to further the story of his daughter. She might be powerful and do all that stuff one day, but who knows :man_shrugging:

It’s part of why Zandalar in general is disappointing to me. Old-lore Zandalar, which I liked, was a secretive nation of scholars and sages, in contrast to their savage kin. Then we get there, and the Zandalari are… the same as any other Troll. Just with chiropractors, and lots of gold.

You know we’re not. It’s part of why I quit. There are other games out there that have this novel concept of actually defeating the villains.


And yet still follow her.
For the Horde amiright?


to be fair, the writers don’t leave much choice, the only choice would be actually unsub, and i think that people don’t only play for story.


We witness the powers he has, my dude.

Hell, when Rezan’s alive he threatens to eat Bwon Sam Di to keep Rastakhan alive.

That’s a massive lost opportunity for the Horde to have an awesome and powerful leader character.

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Alex said that Sylvanas is too beloved by cdev and player and that if you want revenge in a raid, Sylvanas is posted up in Grommush Hold 7 days a week lol.

I wouldn’t put too much hope in her dying, heck ask Zerde he’s been slavering at her death for over a decade.

I am only pointing out maybe his head canon isn’t actual canon.


What about Talanji? What are you some kind of a sexist?


We would’ve had her too! For someone who made a snipe about math, this looks pretty bad on you.

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Acknowledging other opinions as valid does not mean it’s better that you just wrote off a bunch of opinions as invalid. In essence: I don’t care that you think some other opinions that aren’t being espoused right now as some proof of impartiality. It’s a thin veneer at best, and immediately revealed to be false the second you started lumping Horde players together and those opinions as wrong just because you happen to not agree.


i am well aware that i can kill npcs who has no meaning at all.

and yet i play for story, not exactly for world pvp.
is not like i actually care about sylvanas,my only concern lies in what the alliance is going to do about it.
You are mistaken if you think that killing her in a raid would be satisfying.
only if an alliance character actually gives the killing blow since i care about what THEY do.

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You don’t see the hypocrisy in telling Alliance players their losses aren’t valid despite everything that happened during pre-patch and the BoL was a massive ego boost for how smart Sylvanas is?

Meanwhile complaining about Undercity which was destroyed by the Horde itself and not a single named NPC known or unknown was killed off?

Oh right. Of course all Alliance players have to run their opinions by a Horde player to verify its validity./s



She sewed the oats for her own execution. Also, why did she bomb them after seeing Jaina effortlessly defeat the blight? Why not instantly kill them all with One Hit Kill Banshee Ghost?

Sylvanas is too into herself to be factually capable.

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Nothing has happened to her and according to Blizzard after Dazaralor we are “even”.


What hypocrisy? Between the two of us, I was not the one who made the claim that I don’t consider other opinions less valid then my own. I am not free of bias, I am not above weighing another opinion as less then my own, especially when I feel that opinion is less informed then my own.

You made the claim that you were to secure a highground, and I pointed out the highground was made on sand: No more, no less.