Dazar'alor is revenge for Teldrassil

Maybe it was something like the ascendants, the mortals infused with elemental power?

Which would be cool to learn about, I really liked how much background lore there was for the Twlight Hammer ascendants. Being this dark ritual that drove it’s energy from the dark chaotic powers of the elemental planes, capable of either driving you insane or blasting you apart with it’s power. It could even permanently transform you into an embodiment of that element, making it a forbidden practice that the Earthen Ring only tapped into when the world was on the brink of destruction.

Or when they want to melt Vulpera.

Same thing.

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Blizzard has no idea how to do a military conflict period. The latest wars have been a constant “One side is about to lose” going back and forth. There’s never any long-scale conflict. War always ends in convenient one or two years package, with very few battles in-between.

That’s not how war happens. The two world wars, which were probably as devastating as the BfA war seems to be, lasted five and seven years. Hundred Years’ war, a series of intermitent conflicts between France and England, had France be on the ropes for several decades without actually falling. Here in WoW, a single battle will be enough to put an entire faction on the verge of losing the war, and those losses can be completely disregarded when the other faction gets the break to be on the winning side somehow.


Yeah, military conflicts tend to last a while, even when one side is completely outclassed. WHile who is on the ropes does change, something as simple as time will do many nations in. Japan in WW2 and the Confederacy both lost do to their poor infrastructure being incapable of competing with their opposition, and just because you win the war does not mean you win the peace. France was a major reason the American Civil was a british loss, but out of the 4 nations that took part in the peace talks they gained the least (And i would argue the Dutch lost more then they won). While the Colonies leaving the empire was the goal, the fact Britain surrendered a lot of stuff to the Spanish and the french gained nothing but debt and people who had been exposed to the Lockean philosophy of the 13 colonies ended with their kings head in a basket and the reign of terror beginning .

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Keep your political garbage out of my thread. It’s been derailed once and now it’s getting back on track. You wanna talk about Trump and reee about fake n@zis then go somewhere else.


How would you feel if one day they went the Warhammer route and started giving the rights to the franchise to outside groups?

Maybe Night Elves and Forsaken would get attention from writers that actually care about them.


Team honor, team night elf, and team alliance. We need a team Sylvanas poster for balance.

That would actually be a pretty good idea. A lot of people complain about how the IP of Warhammer degraded since the Warhammer franchise began to make itself more liberal with it’s IPs. I actually believe the opposite, in the short term there was a deluge of trash, but after the first couple months quality markedly rose over time, some of the best examples of which I have on my steam right now: Vermintide and Battlefield Gothic, two things about niche elements of the Warhammer universe that have no right to be as good as they are.

However, the problem with this is that when Warhammer did this it also came with a rule that I don’t think Blizzard would ever implement: You have to have a lore overseer, no matter how good OR how bad your product is, someone from Games Workshop is attached to your hip as soon as you get the license. Everything your characters say, everything you model, all your background fluff needs this overseers approval before it can be shipped.

I’m not sure if Blizzard has an overseer for their OWN work, nevermind someone elses.

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Vermintide is really good. I have some buds I play it with off and on and I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t make me want to refer to Non-nelfs as Lumberfoots.

Another one I personally enjoy a lot but have no one to play it with is Bloodbowl.

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They have a “lore library” and a “lore librarian.”

Probably one of the interns they laid off.

Maybe they should “lore get off their @$$” and start smacking Danuser and Golden in the back of the head.

Yes, I knew I was forgetting another very good one, Bloodbowl is excellent. But yeah the point is that in the short term we’d have a lot of garbage WoW products, but overtime the wheat will be cut from the chaf and we’d get more quality games as the year wore on.

Also to answer Treng: Aye! I actually used to talk with Sean Copeland a lot when the lore devs were less…uh…terrified of us. But it’s obvious a lot of stuff slips by him, and a couple guys aren’t enough to oversee a project as big as world of warcraft as is. I’m not sure if they could easily balance several new games as well.

Maybe. This was the individual before Blizzcon.

Preaching to the choir, but Blizzard’s real slow about making any meaningful change.

They can’t. And yet their lore library includes lore from all of their games.


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Not gonna lie I’d play D6 Football in the WoW universe. Druid of the Claw Linebackers would be amazing.

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Sylvanas fans are the worst, they love to start forum fights. If it wasn’t for her fans I would probably like her more.


I know right they’re absolutely drea- wait a minute.


I was thinking about throwing your name in, I wasn’t sure, but I was probably going to.

I’m glad you jumped in for me.

If you look closely he said to add Sylvanas fans to balance out the idiocy of forum fights : )

I don’t start idiotic forum fights. I’m a Sylvanas and Forsaken fan the fights generally come to me.


You’ve made your bait threads, but there are three others who are far more argumentative than you are.


Probably the same way Alysra the green dragon that laters transform into a flame firehawk, the user enters into some kind of chrysalis and then their own soul essences is infused with the element they choosed, something like the lightforged process but without the need of trials.

The ascendants seems to be like the shaman version of the Metamorphosis from Demon Hunters