Dazar'alor is revenge for Teldrassil

The problem is that Darkshore was largely empty too save the Shatterspears, Lor’daniel virtually unharmed and there were even Night Elf npcs just hanging around in it, that changed with the warfront.

We don’t really know a zones ‘true’ state until they focus in on it.

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The blight seems contained within’ the walls of Undercity. And if Jaina can freeze the blight that was blocking the Alliance from getting in what’s stopping some Horde frost mages from getting together and doing the same? Or fire mages going in and burning it out?

I’m not sure if the frost even stopped the Blight though, it seemed to just…thaw…after, unless that was an extremely crazy blast radius from UC.

Before now it was stated it’d take two hundred years for blight to actually vanish.

Did it thaw or is the Blight that’s in front of Undercity now just pouring out from Undercity after Sylvanas set off the bombs?

We genuinely don’t know, it’s never elaborated on. The tricky thing with blight in BfA is that it’s use was restrained largely because it was such a broken, horrifying, super weapon that rendered land completely unusable. That’s why even the RAS had regulations on it’s deployment, it did more then merely scorch the earth.

If you could just freeze over blight that would be a major departure from every other portrayal of the substance, where even the RAS struggled to find sane means of disposal and as such restricted it’s use to ‘This thing absolutely has to die.’

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Fair. Jaina is also a Mary Sue special case when it comes to her magic as well. Logically to me it just seems like a large enough group of mages could so something similar to what she did from her Flying Dutchman. I think a contingent of fire mages burning it out would work personally.

Blight is basicly a radioactive acid, if we burn it that stuff might get into the atmosphere.

Blight is like the population of any given race: Exactly what Blizzard wants it to be, without ever being recorded for posterity.


I mean as one of the few people who doesn’t actually get sick of the blight, i’v looked into the stuff enough to know that BfA is wildly inconsistent to how it works beforehand. It makes me wonder if the writers Alliance side did their homework before trying to show what it did.

For example: Take your gas masks, there’s a misconception going around right now that as of latest alliance questing all you need to do to protect from the blight is employ some form of air filtration system. This is technically correct in the sense that the fumes from blight are indeed enough to liquify you, but if it was just a lethal gas it probably wouldn’t be such a big deal.

Previously blight was also an explosive material, often carried in special containers. Once you pop the cork on a blight barrel or charge there was no way to contain it again, it would kill you outright if you even tried to handle it. It also was not just green stuff that made noxious fumes it also contained a number of lethal toxins(At one point a reagent was implied to even be the venom of the Loa Shadra.) that would liquefy you from the inside out and would even corrode through armor, hence some rangers started using it as a weapon poison.

This is not even going into the fact that in Legion it was implied to actively be infused with shadow energy that ate away at your body, and outright stated that being exposed to it’s byproducts and run off will raise you into undeath if it touches your corpse. It is even sentient to a degree, the blight in southshore will actively form into angry gobules that will try to eat your face.

Now it’s just like…spooky green gas?

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Writers doing their homework on the lore before writing anything in BfA.

You’re a funny guy Darrethy. We should exchange Btags.

As far as the Blight goes I can’t really comment to much on it. I have not put much study time into it cause it’s not Night Elf related lmao.


There’s like eighty different kinds of blight. The latest Alliance war campaign has them mass murder forsaken and steal their masks, so you can bet those masks are going to be used to great effect in the near future.

Or not, if they decide to use Blight again to have another moment to moralize at Horde players about how evul their faction is for fighting the Alliance.



I’m kind of the same actually, i’m mostly invested in the Forsaken so I study Forsaken stuff. But Forsaken were originally Scourge so I had to study scourge, and the Scourge were once Lordanian so I had to study Lordaeron, but then in Cata they became also part of the other human kingdoms so I had to study the human Kingdoms, and then there was a bunch of new lore in Legion about their religion being suppressed by the Krin Tor when they were alive so I had to study that.

Oh and said religion is also based on a ancient knife that was carried by the Troll Empire and the Dwarves, so I had to study that too, and also the Black Empire and Old Gods, and also Lordaeron became Fantasy Jerusalem so I had to study the Arathi Empire at their Zenith and…

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I went a similar path if perhaps not as muddied with so many different names. Can’t really learn everything there is to know about the Kaldorei without getting into Troll lore and into a lesser extent some Qiraji lore.

I wound up reading Qiraji lore along the way…which made me read Night Elf lore, Fandral specifically and how much of a BA he used to be. Where the Qiraji feared him so much he was given his own title: ‘Fist of the Earth’.

…I miss Fandral.

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Fandral had a lot of potential to be a really strong rival to Malfurion or perhaps even go through is own arc that ended with becoming an ally.

But hey what if we had sunburnt night elves that can turn into fire cats and pheonixes that’d be neato right?


Ugh, the thing that frustrates me the most about that is there’s actually potential in the concept. Flame Druids are why I like the Drust, mixing death with Drudism to approach the balance of nature in new and unorthodox ways.

When I was fighting the Flame Druids I was thinking the whole time ‘Like…how does this work? how do you mix fire magic and drudism?’ and I came up with a bunch of different theories at the time. One of which was that ash helped things grow and perhaps in becoming corrupted the Flame Druids were convinced they were literally burning the world down to help something beautiful rise from the ashes.

And then we fought Fandral and the explanation for all these strange fire magic spells was…he was angry.

Really angry.


Only because of the human racial was op in pvp(especially in WoD), currently with the dh and the human racial nerfed to the ground, that number has decreased a lot and night elves are the second most played race in the alliance with void elves being at the 4th place

The real reason why he wield fire magic was because Ragnaros was giving him that power.

Right, but like why? and also how? How do you mash together nature magic and flame magic in that way and why has no other druid tried merging with elemental spirits?

We just don’t know.