Dazar'alor is revenge for Teldrassil

You can theorize all day. End of story, human is the most played Alliance race.

It’s not theories, just facts, the horde got population for the blood elves racial and currently are op for Mythic plus, just with a look at the logs you can confirm these affirmations.

They are theories. Because you don’t have data on why these things happened.

And they are still irrelevant. Again, end of story, human is the most played Alliance race.

And you’re here to make sure we get our quota of verbal harrassment, is that it?


I don’t have anything I want to add to the discussions going on in this thread, but I did want to step back in to say it was very uplifting to see that Darrethy and Syaeles turned things around and were able to have an actually reasonable conversation.


Why does the Alliance need “revenge” anyway? It will just create a vicious cycle of hatred, over and over again.

Revenge? or Justice?

Those are two different things.

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Dazar’alor is not revenge for the Burning, it’s been framed as revenge and payback against the Horde for hitting at Kul Tiras. The second portion of the war campaign quite literally shows the whole reason the Alliance mobilized for the attack is because the Horde yet again attacked them first. It’s Anduin, Genn, and Jaina in opposition to the Zandalari, as opposed to any night elves.

I’ve said this before, but there’s a damn good reason as to why this is. They want to keep up this ‘morally grey’ narrative, and they can’t do that with the Burning as the main focus. Night elves are shunted off to Darkshore, and that’s where they’ll stay. Why? Because that way we can have a marginally ‘balanced’ set of sides in terms of morality.

The idea that the current raid is meant to be revenge for Teldrassil is nothing more than them trying to downplay the Burning, which is a major wrench in their entire expac theme. Remove the Burning, and you can have a ‘both sides do bad things to each other’, and your ‘it’s just Sylvanas that’s the problem’. If you just leave in the individual war campaigns, the world quests, and then the raid? You get your morally grey expansion themes.

The Burning and Dazar’alor, however, are not and cannot be made equivalent. Nor should Horde players want it to be so, as that concept literally just makes the Alliance seem even more white-knight and merciful.

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That is literally the entire point of wow, and the garbage story lines put out to justify factions existing.