Dazar'alor is revenge for Teldrassil


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that is false, i mean, i am a worgen player and i know many people who play alliance that care about teldrassil, maybe not the same way as actual nelfs players but they DO care.

So okay does that means that dazarlazor is a win for the horde because they fully join the horde after that?


It was a baby made in vanilla.

I’ve said up and down that night elves cared about Teldrassil. I think you care about being a night elf and being in night elf culture. I don’t believe you ‘enjoyed the city of people living.’

As a moral trumpcard, maybe. Teldrassil was bar exodar the least used city by a country mile.

They certainly didn’t care because they liked the World Stump.

And if we’re on anecdotal evidence? When the expansion was in beta, I asked in trade chat (alliance side) on multiple full RP servers what they cared about more:

  1. Depriving the Horde of Lordaeron
  2. Losing Teldrassil.

The answer was always, every single time, overwhelmingly Lordaeron.

No. It means that Teldrassil is far less of a loss than Lordaeron, as the night elves reconquer their lost zone.

But as long as we’re on this topic, if this is true, does that mean that Teldrassil wasn’t a loss even for the night elves, since the Horde completely failed to deprive the Alliance of Night Elves? That was the stated point of the entire fiasco.

This is kind of tricky. I would argue that yes Dazar’alor is in many ways a win for the Horde, and in fact that was a big thing that people complained about when it came out. It seemed like Anduin was actively pushing the Horde and the Zandalari closer together, I even point out as much earlier in the thread.

The problem is i’m not sure if the Zandalari will matter as much here on out as the Night Warrior. I know for sure the Night Warrior will win Darkshore, but i’m not sure if the Zandalari will aid us significantly from a narrative standpoint.

I’ve been RPing a Night elf since Wrath, so… Yes, I did enjoy ‘living as’ one.


I didn’t make a comment on your roleplay character. I stated that I don’t believe you ‘enjoyed the city of people living.’

I don’t think that ever even occurred to you. And why would it? They’re npcs. Certainly not under any threat of being removed before BFA’s announcement.

Nah it’s a lose because from this attack is where Sylvanas gets the idea to use the black empire dagger to turn the tides, without knowing the side effects of the entity inside of the dagger is already gone which puts the horde into a more dangerous situation and lose another warchief

Still had a bunch of lore.

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I mean yeah, that’s the other component of this too. Narratively we know all the emotions we’ve invested will likely lead to frustration because there’s very little chance the Horde will win.

Oh, so now you know what I think better than me, huh? Having a little delusions of grandeur here, don’t you think?

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Yes. It was a corrupted sin created by a power-mad druid against the will of the Arch Druid, and the dragons that night elves were intended to revere.

I’m politely calling into doubt the veracity of your claims.

And the Night Elves faces a lot of strife to purify It and earn the blessing of the Dragon Aspects, which they did. Now the Horde destroyed it, invalidating that storyline.


It didn’t invalidate the Storyline, but it did render its benefits moot. I far more empathize and understand the loss of Teldrassil than I do all-but-nameless NPCs.

Losing a zone sucks. Plain. Flat out. That’s the worst. Quadruply so if it’s the seat of your race’s power.


i guess that only time will tell.
while true, gained the zandalari and we will see how much that will help in the narrative or the fact that the horde failed to kill jaina (again) considering that after this is not only where sylvanas will try to use the dagger AND forced sylvanas to use derek where baine will literally betray the horde (and risk of another civil war increasing) simply because jaina survived.

like you said, only time will tell.

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No, you believe so strongly in your own misconceptions that you are ready to push them on other people to ‘win’ arguments in your own head. You don’t care what other people enjoy because you only want to invalidate them in your own mind.

I cared about Teldrassil, I enjoyed the city, I enjoyed the leveling experience and the NPCs I met, and I don’t have to justify myself to you to validate myself.

I am curious to see how many actual NPCs from Darnassus died, or if it’s mostly just that 90% nameless, because that’s the core of the problem in a lot of ways. If Darnassus gets restored it may be…pretty much the exact same as when it burned down.

Jaina only survived to be killed for the next drama thing they have in mind(Talanji killing her kickstarting another war, Arthas comes back and kills her, she still get the humillation conga, etc)

Maybe we can win but with another leadership because there is a high chance for Sylvanas get kicked or sucked to another dimension/plane and we continue to war like Orgrim with Stormwind being raided just like at the end of WC1

well, we can see some survivors in stormwind.
maybe there are others who are not ingame but alive.

Were any of them the night elves you specifically saved?

If not, how do you feel about that? Have you ever stopped to consider that before this thread?