Darker more mature tones

Nah, just anused you keep making up all this stuff on tangents to the barest of replies

I said David Brevik hates current Diabo…fact.

I said he hates the forced content into Diablo that he did not approve of, fact.

I said he hates the forced less dark tones for Diablo, fact.

I said he hates the forced Diablo teddy bear quest that was put in for the sole purpose of lightening the theme, fact.

I said he hates the fact that they got mad at him for his cow level stuff so forced in an NPC in a cow suit against his will, fact.

Don’t believe me? Look all that stuff that I just said up on YouTube.

He hates the Hellfire expansion, that was the result of gaming studio interference.

So you didn’t give proof of any Diablo toons so you do indeed, not play the game as I said. I know all I need to know about you, bye.

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TWW, Azj’Kahet has it’s moments. Till I can’t shake the feeling that we’re dealing with another Suramar.

I kinda felt like the Nerubians back in WOTLK were religious insects, not some noble insects. That was the least interesting part or was impactful. I was expecting savagery or zeal.


Chromie isn’t a kid but Chromie does give off big time stranger danger vibes.


Which Horde character is going to go off the deep end before being overthrown by the other Horde leaders this time?

IMHO, no. Blizzard doesn’t have the writing talent to handle “dark and mature”. It’s more likely to come off completely cringe.

I rather Blizzard stick to what they are decent at and not tap talents they don’t have.

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Why do you keep asking this?

These are mutually exclusive.

You’re one of those that whines any time there’s a female character or RL woman involved in something, aren’t you?


Because I said it is not as dark themed as it used to be. You keep saying that it is. That’s how I know you don’t play any of the current ones and hence why you refuse to show your toons, can’t show what you don’t have. Argumentum ad ignorantiam is something else, now isn’t it?

Oh? And you must be one of those guys who is always in the friend zone.


the storyline of this game is way too soft
like, why couldn’t Khadgar just stay dead? his death had more impact. Bringing him back just reconfirms to me that this company has no balls from a storyline perspective
everything has to have a happy ending

seriously, kill more characters, and use that as an opportunity to bring in new characters.
they milked Sylvanas for multiple expansions for the $$$, but its time to move on… Alleria is the new cashcow. Its the same rinse/repeat strategy they’ve been at for multiple expansions

Stop Patrick, you’re scaring him!

You outright said you haven’t played D4


Yes and that is why I am not talking about it. I am talking about D3 and what Diablo has become according to the creator of it. Cuz I played every Diablo in every version up until final D3. I have Diablo 4 though so maybe someday I will play it. I am trying to get every toon on my entire battlenet account to max level though and that is taking a while and also almost have every achieve in SC2 campaign. I don’t have time to play it now and I know I am not going to like it when I do end up playing it but I already bought it if that makes you feel better.


Then your argument is DOA


No it isn’t. This thread is about how the darker tones have kinda died out, I said how they died out in D3 for me. Then you started talking about D4 even though I specifically stated D3. Why play D4 if even D3 wasn’t dark enough for me and did not deliver the gameplay that I wanted. It was very lackluster to me. Necromancer came out in an expac and not in the original game for D3. You didn’t even get the Necromance by buying Diablo 3, they made you pay extra just to get the class. That is another reason why I did not like it that much because it is my favourite class there AND they have a nasty habit of allowing all of your Diablo toons to vanish from your character selection screen from time to time so I sometimes log in and it looks as though my toons don’t even exist. So WHY play Diablo 4 if the majority of my Diablo 3 experience was downright terrible? Then when I did finally get the Necromancer, everything about it was a lot less dark and bloody than in previous Diablos. They really had me playing a Witch Doctor instead of a mancer cuz that was the closest thing to one out of all the classes.


D3 came out 13 years ago, D4 just recently came out

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Yea. And Diablo has only gotten worse since then, not better. WoW needs darker themes, Diablo does, SC2 was actually more dark themed than Diablo was or WoW is towards it’s end…and so…you don’t have any Diablo toons. So you don’t play it so quit talking to me about something you don’t know. Everything in Blizzard needs darker themes.

Not a teddy bear quest forced into Diablo against the creators whishes, or a silly guy in a cow suit to try and make up for the cow level slaughter.

SC2 was darker than WoW currently is and even darker than a lot of D3 was. And that is because it had Blizzards ORIGNAL creators directly involved.

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The OP is right. wow has taken a significant step toward the Fortnite children’s cartoon since DF, beginning with Exiles Reach. It still makes me cringe to this day, and I have to fight through it every time because it is the quickest way to reach level 10.

Some will argue that Warcraft has always been like this. But it’s not like that. It has always had serious elements that have been somewhat trivialised by the graphics, as well as silly or slapstick elements that were meant to be lighthearted or funny. But it was never that infantile. It still felt like Blizzard was speaking to an intelligent audience.

Things in TWW have improved slightly. A tiny bit. There is still room for more.