Darker more mature tones

Anyone else think Wow needs a darker more mature tone? All the artwork recently is just so bright and froofy. What happened to the war in this game? Even the store mounts now are like stuff you would see in children’s cartoons. I really wish they would make wow more mature. Idk I’m just venting at this point but I really miss the tone that wrath had and even legion. Ahj Kahet is ok but still kinda bright and cartoony compared to previous iterations of the quiraji. I wish they would bump up the maturity rating for this game. Bring the war back to Warcraft I feel like the devs have lost sight of that aspect. Currently it’s all friends and fuzzy feelings.


I think the old more grounded settings won’t come back myself. I would like them to but things like warcraft 1-3 and even classic have more grounded fantasy that isn’t seen as “in” right now.

You can argue that wow has more grandiose tones now, that the world is constantly in danger and that things have never been as dark as they are now.

Still doesn’t compare to the old scrouge screaming at their loved ones to escape from them or beg to be destroyed.


Nah I think things are pretty good as they are. Artstyle isn’t context.


Nobody wanting to play Alliance basically and Horde getting shafted into playing with them so we have to “be friends” so they can always stick us together and make us play together.


The Dalaran epilogue was a pretty somber tale.


can’t say much about tone and what not but I would say Wow from story to lore is just boring was leveling through DF since I haven’t play since Bfa and that had it own problem but goin through the first 2 zone i’m just waiting for thing to kinda pick up but beside the 2 black dragon brothers butting head nothing else is grabbing my attention.


I think we need more therapy quests where we process trauma and be a heckin’ good person


I would prefer it but it’s just not going to happen without a change in leadership and the current writers are replaced. But either way could actually work if they would just hire better talent. I’ll just stick to classic until they figure it out.


I dunno… none of that seems “bright and froofy” to me. Ansurek literally experimented with the Black Blood on her half-dead, suffering mother to turn her into a monstrosity as the First Ascended, which by the conversations with others, was not a painless process.


We did just accomplish the Nerubian war recently. :robot::newspaper_roll:


I miss the “war” and grit personallly. Half of the time I think I should be killing the people I’m “helping”… we basically got half an expansion because there’s was very little thought put into the Horde in the WWI. BFA was the last time we got a story line for each faction and I miss that. Even though I only played Horde it made for a more dynamic storyline and it was a good expansion partly because of that. The “work” that went into each faction showed.

I’m not interested in it, but bearded ladies and foot fetishes are on for this expansion. So… yes we could use something a little better than that.


You mean Anduin’s suffering isn’t dark enough for you when Black Widow and Storm are there to make him feel better?


I will never understand why they try so,so hard to make Anduin a main character…is there a community of players that like him?

Slyvannas got a pass cause of boobs. Anduin doesn’t get that.




Not I. Last time I liked Anduin was in Vanilla. Younglin Anduin standing there doing nada.

It’s not his fault though. Sylvie and Anduin both got the same treatment: bad writing. He could’ve been great but they killed off his old pa and then didn’t give Uther, Arthas, or any major character some [redemption] arc to guide him. So here we are. Half-butted Anduin.

Who’s even a well written character these days? The ones we don’t see anymore? Poor Tyrande got the power-cut treatment. Malfurion is… Eh? Chromie is a kid. Like why? Chromie should’ve been awesome.


Guess this is what trolls do lately on the forums.

Eh? No she ain’t


we hated Shadowlands because it was all grown and scary and not fluffy and crayola colorful.

I don’t think it is bright and fluffy.

We start with the literal destruction of dalaran and arrive into a world where the earthern are readily being corrupted into skaradyn, the nerubian society literally sees black blood as the way to ascend.

Are there fun quests and world events? Absolutely!

But unless your whole gameplay is the theatre WQ/siren ilse most of the new gameplay is pretty grim.


Chromie is awesome, she is just whimsical. Not a kid.


make wow goth pls