it triggered real existential dread possibly?
In that situation, yeah that’s fair and I won’t knock someone for it.
I think the character of Anduin is another topic that doesn’t entirely relate to the OP.
With him… well the biggest issue with Anduin is why is he in the story? You can have characters like him but they don’t belong in the forefront of conflicts. He is a Prince(King? honestly im not clear on how Stormwind is ruled anymore) who is incapable of leadership on a battlefield. Why is everyone insisting he be there? Why does he want to be there?
You can keep him in the castle as a ruler he doesn’t constantly need to be forced into situations his character doesn’t belong in. Anduin isn’t Arthas he isn’t a battlefield leader, it baffles me why they try to force him into that character role.
It’s toxic masculinity to view men who cry as unmasculine or to deny that as a human experience, yes. I’m not a fan of Golden’s, but she was vindicated for her comment on him being a symbol of what a leader could be without toxic masculinity when the complaints about him are overwhelmingly coming from that perspective.
It’s not about saying masculinity is toxic and that men must cry. Everyone processes their emotions differently. It’s about that aspect of performative masculinity that denies that fundamental human experience of release through crying is toxic.
apocalypse of the planet you are on isn’t edgy enough for you?
Well honestly yeah.
Having the world at stake is often seen in children’s cartoons because its seen as so over the top it isn’t really threatening. Someone killing the characters parents instead is seen as darker.
Usually darker themes don’t dwell on that level of death. Its why in Warhammer 40k exterminatus is rarely focused on and is handled in a almost bureaucratic way within the story rather then with any passion.
Edit: To build on this. Darker stories first require the audience to be invested in the world and its characters. If they are not it usually becomes a comedy rather then a serious story.
People who know literally nothing about the story complaining about the story again
Good ol’ wow forums
the game never had darker more mature tones, they occasionally delved into the creepy but never went further than the old dark Disney cartoons. the game was rated T for Teen for a reason. I think all the people who started playing as a child are misremembering. Its always been cartoonish, even in its darker moments.
Vote for me as the next main character. I’ll get Sylvie’s front-convex-geometry back in action and gentrify Goldshire.
No more fish toys folks. It’s all hummus and chic peas from here on out. That’s right. Hipster Sylvanas is on her way.
Anduin’s basically always been played against Arthas since he got his teenage/young adult model, and he’s definitely a battlefield commander when the need arises. Throughout MoP, he was proactive and constantly in the thick of the story, but he stayed true to the ideals of the kingdom. Where Arthas struck down innocents without hesitation, Anduin tried other routes. Arthas killed his father to sieze power, Anduin didn’t want the crown but had to take it after Varian fell. Where Arthas’ faith never wavered and he became a monster and a death knight by choice, Anduin was forced into that position and was shaken by what he endured. He’s always played a very similar role to Arthas since he was actually active in the story.
As for not being a battlefield commander, that’s just not true. He has less experience tham Genn or other long-standing leaders, but far from none. You’d be hard-pressed to find a faction lead who isn’t also a battlefield commander to some degree.
If burning people alive doesnt count as darker, what ever will
The biggest issue with this is that well… it isn’t what happened in the story. Arthas saved all life on Azeroth by purging Strathome. That isn’t speculation either we have conformation from the bronze dragon flight that his actions saved every sentient life…
Anduin also hasn’t ever been successful even with the plot bending around his naivety. Arthas became the lichking not a death knight ( Lore wise its important the Lich king is a fused construct of multiple souls not a single entity).
Anduin doesn’t really serve a propose on a battlefield. He has no notable leadership skills, ability to lead, tactical knowledge, and isn’t even all that inspiring (going off the short stories). He is an accomplished healer and priest… that isn’t credentials to be on the front in WoW.
I don’t think Arthas and Anduin work as mirrors of each other. The two characters played entirely different roles. Arthas was a hero who accepted damnation to save his people and ultimately succeeded. Anduin… Anduin whines and the plot bends to force him to be tolerated by commanders who should be dismissing him or in a better story deposing him as ruler.
I have no idea why the noble families support Anduin when they actively moved against his father a far,far more competent and engaged leader.
No I’m pretty sure people hated Shadowlands because it was dog****.
MoP? Calia? Kadghar?
The Battle for Lordaeron would’ve been an Alliance loss without Anduin. The player character reaching Oribos was possible only due to Anduin.
Arthas was already fallen long before he took up Frostmorne.
Few things here. Will try to keep it in order
MoP… Anduin was pointless, in fact he made the world worse with his actions. He allowed Garrosh to escape causing countless to die in WoD and that isn’t including all the lives lost by not dismantling the horde and allowing BFA to happen. He got Calia murdered along with dozen of forsakens trying to reconnect with their old lives by simply allowing slyvannas to kill them infront of him. I don’t know what you mean by Kadghar.
The battle of Lordaeron wouldn’t have occured without Anduin’s meddling, at least it wouldn’t be from his actions. It was also Jaina that turned the tide Anduin didn’t do anything but heal people…
The story of Arthas is one of personal sacrifice mixed with pride. At the end of the day unlike Anduin he succeeded.
The game has always had brightly colored outfits, ridiculous shoulder pads, and poop quests. Just look at some of the early gear sets whether it’s tier, dungeon, or even leveling.
It really hasn’t changed much.
Mario has pits of lava it isn’t a dark horror story. I legit can’t get into the simplistic mind set of " ooooo this thing has one aspect guess it wasn’t really its main theme after all checkmate!"
Is this a reddit mindset?
Ive been a pretty big advocate for this myself. But everytime I say this game is far too cutesy, some furry lover gets on here and reports my posts and comments for “trolling”
I want gritty undead. I want dark stories. I want the Nerubians to be just evil and not two dimensional. I want to feel the impact of what we are fighting for again.
But as the game currently stands, i have no feelings for the storytelling other than apathy.
Xal’atath feels like a genderswapped Kel’thuzad, tbh.
Right, that says a lot if you don’t even recall the most recent event of this expansion.
Anduin was not responsible for Garrosh being spared, Taran Zhu was the one to push for that. Anduin was a major figure in bringing back Calia, and the sole individual to heal Kadghar.
The Battle for Lordaeron was a direct response to the burning of Teldrassil.
As for Arthas’ personal sacrifice? There wasn’t much there, everyone else bore the burden of his actions. Considering that his actions destroyed Lordaeron, he most certainly didn’t succeed the one decent goal he had, to save his homeland.