Darker more mature tones

You know that’s not true.


It is. Go ahead, which cinematics was he featured in.

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Delete this bro it goes against the edgy narrative aaaaa :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Also people who think the game wasn’t always poop jokes and a million dated pop culture references are outing themselves as tourists I swear


With me trying to be objective as possible, I think the way Anduin is acting seems perfectly reasonable for what the story has done and is trying to say about him. He’s currently extremely mentally broken and unable to pull himself out of it. I think it would be weird if he wasn’t acting this way.

Subjectively, all I really see when I look at his character is “this story arc is because my former faction leader was written to inflict her own metaphorical sexual abuse on him after forcing me through a previous story permanently tarring my character as a genocide enabler but apparently only now does any of this want to be written with any consideration”.

And it makes me want to reject the entire premise. I don’t want to be around this character because of what he represents, which is inextricable from his current arc.


I’ve seen them. You know you’re not being honest so you cannot give a list.

He tears up once in the intro cinematic to TWW because he’s in intense emotional pain. That’s it. Just the once. He might look pensive in some of the cinematics he’s in in BFA, but he’s not crying.

This is what I mean when I say it’s weird. It happens just the one time and that immediately discounts everything else Anduin has done as a character. It becomes the only thing about him.

Not when he jumps from the prow of an airship in order to sacrifice himself so that a ballista won’t stop the airship with his friends taking off. Not that his first instinct when he cannot call on the Light is to rush into battle and attack with his sword. It’s the one time he gets a little teary eyed.

What’s more, it would even matter if he did cry more than once. There is nothing wrong with crying.


It’s not even about dark or not dark

There’s just no cool characters or events

The writing is just objectively bad


All perfect examples of what OP is talking about. Looks at how rounded everything is, the emphasis on highlights vs shadow. Compare that to the Valeera Sanguinar vs that Draenei Paladin poster, it has, no pun intended, actual edges.

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He’s crying in BFA, come on. And yeah, there is nothing wrong with crying. Seeing a leader cry should be a special moment. Not the standard. Like in Lord of the Rings. King Theoden. Tough man, stoic, a true leader. Breaks down and weeps at his son’s grave. That was not only understandable but relatable. That’s how a good character is written.

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World of Warcraft is designed to appeal to the broadest possible audience, or at the very least offend the fewest.

It’s like the Nickelback of video games.


I honestly think none of the people complaining about this have actually played the game (or didn’t pay attention if they did), and are only “outraged” because someone told them to be.


I want to see Thrall be dismembered in the glorious movie level CGI that Blizzard is known for! :dracthyr_yay_animated:

( can’t resist )


He does not cry in BFA. He is saddened by his people dying in one cinematic, but even then he doesn’t cry.

This is a different discussion than him crying at all, which is what I usually see. People who complain about him crying, complain about him crying at all and it’s couched in toxic masculinity.

As I said, the reason why he has such trauma is tied to the SL story, which is very bad and makes it not feel as impactful. Sure, that’s a legitimate criticism to make and one I would agree with. But I don’t have a problem with him crying.


Dude you play on moon guard. You have nothing to complain about.


What you’re seeing is probably the end result of a lot of market research and data crunching. I agree with the current tone for the most part, but think it’s just a bit overdone.

I love dark and creepy. I enjoy disturbing people and places in the game. Duskwood, Drustvar, Satanic kids, upside down sinners, and all that stuff. I just don’t want it to become the whole game.

We need some more disturbing stuff to balance out the bright and goofy. Just don’t go too far with it.


No I don’t. I play on the EU.

The problem isn’t the tone or maturity, it’s the simple fact you can’t find an atom of nuance in WoW even with all the bad faith in the world. Arthas’ story is VERY dark, yet W3 was cartoonish, and he’s goofy in WotLK - but the trailer. You could wish the game grew with its players, but it just didn’t, we lost almost anything grim - “in your face” grim. We just need to remember the game is PEGI whatever, WoW can’t grow.

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Nuance is a missing word in the WoW dev’s dictionary. Going from one extreme to another is their thing.


Anduin’s supposed crying in the BFA cinematic is overstated, anyway. He’s definitely tearing up and yes, the cutscene wants you to notice, but he’s not actually breaking down in that scene. His very next action after the mass heal is him shouting a rallying call.