Darker more mature tones

It really is starting to just sound like bots now, isn’t it. Same buzzwords over and over again. No original thought, just regurgitation from a script.


“Disney” being co-opted and used in the same “dog whistle buzzword” manner as DEI and Woke.

“Disney” is now just a fabricated boogeyman for bigoted hot takes.


I saw some footage if the new raid and apparently the boss when respawning / spawning in can just run everyone over with blood spewing everywhere 1 shotting the group.

That was pretty cool.


this has been a critique about wow since the very beginning.

no I don’t want a darker tone.

I would also argue that one of their softest art directions mist of pandaria was one of their very best expansions.


Aye, anyone saying “it is too disney” are literally playing with blinders on, doesn’t do side quests or just mad that Anduin isn’t an edgy boy or Alleria has screen time.

If they did side quests and actually look at the environment, you can see it has the same story telling as wrath, their precious boy. I’ve seen corpses in Arathi pinned to barn doors. Burned skeletons and houses. People being eaten or encased in web for feeding.

I mean…it is the same exact thing from wrath to now. Only difference is it is void cultists and not Death Cultists. We got the same melodramatic villain.

Anyone saying they want darker never truly paid attention to wow because this is the same level of darkness since the beginning.

Warcraft was NEVER warhammer. The manner of genocide in warcraft was always toned down. Very much implied but hardly ever gory.


or they have a specific agenda that they are pushing in bad faith.


Doesn’t get more darker than escorting an orphan around who begs you to slaughter more fish faced freaks and then laughs and revels in their blood.


They could make this current art style darker, more gritty and less oversaturated.

I don’t think they would even have to go back to the rough style of classic or anything, just stop making everything look like a super bright anime.

Revendreth was pretty dark and spooky, and it used the modern art style. Something like that would be a good compromise I think

Revendreth was bright though. You sure it isn’t your monitor?

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I am looking forward to Undermine more and more.

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We found out that the evil that is trying to destroy Azeroth is more important to defeat than each other. I really enjoy joining in with the Alliance to destroy beasts faster. I find that there are really good people on both sides.

As far as darker more mature tone… nah. I think WoW is just fine as it is now. TBH this expansion isn’t bright and froofy.


Absolutely! Oh, brb, I gotta go collect more plushies for Aethas!

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I finally got around to doing the last campaign chapter with the Kirin Tor this morning.

Please Blizzard, fire all the writers and sensitivity readers immediately. I’m begging you. :pray:t3:


You, sir, are a heartless monster.

I like it.

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Blizzard doesn’t have the writers or the political will to actually try and pull that off.

Although I will say that dropping the gritty grim dark stuff- the first three games for Warcraft were centered around three wars of genocide, just putting that out there- but keeping the goofy cartoony stuff that was deliberately put in there to make sure the plot comes up for air once in a while is a bit of a problem.

Getting Dollar Store Smegol every time I have to do a world quest involving kobolds is an exercise in torture.

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Laughing, for real.

I have zero idea how that made it out of early production.

Absolutely no one found that to be both grating but aggressively annoying? No one at all?

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This the same studio that made all of DF, so… probably not.

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I would appreciate it if you would refrain from name calling.

That is a dark quest. Actually think about it for a second. All those toys represent dead children since children were also in the city.

You’re collecting them for the surviving children.

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