Darker more mature tones

There are some very dark elements sprinkled in through the side quests that can be easily missed or skipped over. I am a completionist so I tend to find the lil chunks of goodness in the roughage, like finding the bacon bits in your salad.


Incorrect, folks loved the environments, particularly Revendreth and Maldraxxus… people hated the massive retcons to shoehorn the jailer into everything…


(post deleted by author)

The expansion literally starts off with Xal’atath attacking Dalaran via the Nerubians and then blowing it up causing all kinds of chaos. Khadgar almost died(But as far as we knew it seemed like he was dead). Anduin has given up on himself(People like to moan about him but males have emotions just like anyone else.

Magni was struggling with his role as Azeroth’s speaker and he gets be with his family in a much more natural way and without being all crystaline. The Nerubians are waging war on the Earthen via Xal’atath, causing havoc. Isle of Dorn may look pretty and different then Shadowlands but I think people bright colors for not being dark.

Also, one of the very first Earthen ends up dying for his cause to fight the Nerubians near the Meadery. He even has some character development at the end, but still dies.

Theres a giant crystal looking thing in Hallowfall that turns into purpleish void leaving the Hallowfall people vulnerable and well the Nerubians are also attacking them, killing their people, along with other problems. Anduin is slightly regaining his faith in himself(Which shouldn’t of been gone in the first place but I digress). The Anduin hate is really odd, he’s not supposed to be Varian Wrynn 2.0, never was.

Oh and Az’kahet New queen who literally sided with Xal’atath and turned her own mother into a monster via experiment and black blood.

Oh and those mummified earthen/ Hallowfall people who can still feel whats happening at least before they turn into complete puppets? There’s a lot of creepy stuff going on down there.

The creepy area where the Black blood is ominous. During that whole escapade in there Alleria is dead set on avenging Khadgar almost letting the whispers just take over(At some point its going to happen so that tension is there).

Oh and Xal’atath in a later questline almost sucks up all the void energy into the Dark Heart. Khadgar ends up being alive somehow sort of one of the few saving graces in this story. Anduin regains his Light abilities. So its not all doom and gloom(And it shouldn’t for obvious reasons).

Its really not all “Friends and fuzzy feelings”

Does that strike you and fuzzy feelings? Nah I don’t think so(Worst case scenario is you’re trolling).

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You listed some indeed darker moments in TWW, but you also listed alot of the crap moments too. So I am not sure where you actually stand.

Its not too(Since you asked) “fuzzy and friendly” If anything its an improvement from Dragonflight. Tone isn’t something I take issue with in the story. Its usually very specific story directions. Or just the whole concept of them(See the Hallowfall people) but still entertained.

TWW is a definite improvement over DF. DF was absolute :dog2: :poop:.

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Have you seen what Activision has done to COD?
They’re going the wrong way, friendos.

I haven’t played COD since 2005. But I did see what Ubi did to 2b in the Rainbow Six/Nier crossover… yikes.

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The real world is plenty dark right now. I don’t mind the silliness of WoW one bit.

Also they put the War in Warcraft back in BFA. Didn’t work out.

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They aren’t mutually exclusive.

I meant to respond to the OP

I know, I was just saying that you can have dark themes and humor. You can have humorous dark themes, which I really enjoy… but anyway. WoW needs to tip back abit more and find a better balance, imo.

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Balance is key, I agree with you there.

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It does.

The game just feels really really bad at this point. It’s not even childish humor.
It’s just straight up silly. Everything about it feels really immature.

Dalaran blowing up and lots of known characters dying was a real knee slapper agreed


Can’t have Slaughter without it.


Starcraft 2 had the same problem. There was a massive tone shift and art direction shift.

It can happen but no one has to like it and you can’t be mad when people don’t like it, especially when you already had a golden goose.

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I don’t generally mind the lighter tone of wow than what I usually prefer because wow is a unique world and what’s superior is the gameplay of the specs and classes. Too much cutesy-ness will eventually annoy though.

Where I think it’s lacking currently is the storyline. Just lacking some oomph and feels tacked together this expansion.

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It’s goofy, like most modern “writing”.

E.g, when you somehow make Turalyon come across as a pansy, because he of all characters seriously needed to be up in his feelings apparently /lol, gimme a break.