Here is a thought. Clearly you have great vision but some of us are sick of fights where the ground is the same damned colour as the attacking spells from the boss. Purple on purple is a classic failure of choices and lack of understanding of the eyes ability in a very active visual field to discern one bloody half shade lighter purple deadly spell to the purple ground designs. Other stupid matching colours are also happening too often in game. So no, we need bright contrasts and the fights should involve our skill not how well our eyes reacted to a micro difference in a ground to spell colour tone. If you are lazy as a designer it is also cheaper to have dark walls etc. so no one can see the fact you were slack on detail and design… I was looking are some of the environmental work recently and I am still blown away from the work they have put into their art.
…I think you may have made a mistake about the topic of this thread.
I think the art work is too cartoony.
I know many people like it that way.
I’d like to see more detail/more realism.
And let me save someone the time: I’m not
going to play another game over it.
This IS my game. I’d just like to see it evolve
with a little more epicism and less teeheehee-ism.
Fewer bunny suits and fairyland wings…etc.
There is plenty of warring going on. Just not faction wars. also, go hate the void cultists.
As an aside, it’s just bizarre to me that on my hunter tracking, this giant six-legged beetle shows up as “humanoid.” I don’t think the devs know what “humanoid” means, anymore.
Darker mature tones went out the door when I found out the Nerubians have an anxiety room with a teacher called Mr Flower who tries to get them to open up about their feelings and emotions.
These spider people are made from the OLD GODS they arent like NORMAL PEOPLE. They are MONSTERS.
Monsters with trauma.
Some “people” will try to convince you that is a mature storyline.
There was that one spider person that liked to rip the limbs off other spider persons. That was kinda fun.
Back in my day ALL the spider people liked to rip off limbs.
Spider persons are not a monolith. Apparently.
Because it’s nice and bubble-wrapped to protect their delicate sensibilities.
Because you know, warcraft and safe-space go hand in hand apparently.
All I’m seeing is if you like gritty, dark stuff, you are apparently sub-human, and much lesser than these holier-than-thou types, and you’re basically incapable of intellectual thoughts, lmao. Kinda funny how some people’s minds work
Back in my day they’d just call me a psychopath…
…then I would have to correct them that it’s sociopath.
“Sometimes people are the monsters” and “sometimes monsters are people” are, like, both really standard themes in dark fantasy so what you want isn’t dark themes, it’s a justification to kill without question - that’s bog standard “heroic” fantasy
Psh, like I need “justification.”
If anyone wants current wow levels of dark and gritty it’s right over there
Its name is…. Dawntrail.
Humans are robots mutated by the old gods, what’s your point?
I find it really difficult to be edgy & mature playing a mechagnome.
Mechagnomes have the most edges.