It’s literally not, please pay attention
Demon hunters are a class
Sleep tight, don’t let the nerubian bite
It’s literally not, please pay attention
Demon hunters are a class
Sleep tight, don’t let the nerubian bite
That quote is from several posts back, not the post, which I quoted, to which I was replying.
Look, I can’t recall in the lore what Night Elves did in the ancient past and it’s irrelevant to Night Elves now. IRL humans have engaged in cannibalism in the past, that doesn’t make it okay now, when all civilized humans have renounced it. If Night Elves are currently barbecuing Vulpera or Tauren in some quest or event I can’t remember, well, then that, too, is some awful writing.
OP, you’re saying you want “darker” themes, but one of the main themes of this expansion is literally about darkness corrupting us.
The Nerubians are being corrupted by black blood, the Earthen are being corrupted by shadow magic, the Arathi are being corrupted by shadow cultists who want to turn their home into eternal night, and the kobolds are being corrupted by darkness itself.
This is probably the most obvious expansion in which “darkness” (lead by the harbinger of the void) is the main thing we’re fighting against.
It’s going to culminate in the next expansion, which is symbolically named Midnight.
I’m not sure how much darker it can get. You might be referring to certain elements of “hope” being promoted (like friendship, fighting trauma, and togetherness) but that’s absolutely essential to have in a story about fighting evil.
That was my whole argument too. It’s like, are these people even -reading- the quest texts? I get heavy Legion vibes out of this expansion because of some of the questlines, it’s pretty edgy. Midnight is going to be even moreso I think.
Yes, some people have legit phobias they can’t control. Is basic empathy too woke for you?
I think the staging is being criticized here rather than the topics.
I agree. Bring back the poop quests that the game lacks now.
You do know that is a form of PTSD right? Harping on something after the fact to the point it negatively affects you. He has trauma and the trauma was wondering if him doin all those things was really him or just the brainwashing. PTSD comes in many forms.
Of course. But I think you’re doing the writer’s job here.
I think I’m really not. The whole game cinematic and with the questline and them talking about getting over trauma with Lothar losing her arm and overcoming it, losing said faith and finding it is all for Anduin to get through his own trauma and it worked.
A lot of the talk and listen with him is coming to terms with his trauma and how it really wasn’t him doing those things and that yes, he is worthy of the light.
This is what you get when you erase all semblance of war, hatred for the other faction and we get disneyflight followed by the peace within.
So you don’t know what a gaslighter is. got it. You also don’t seem to understand that mature themes can be in content targeted to kids. I gave you examples of things with mature storylines that were family friendly. Your lack of understand is not my problem.
You are going to need to show me where I denied any changes. I have always maintained that Blizzard made changes not because of the children but the lawsuit. Trying to rehab their public image to one of “we value women”. Just because you bought the “my kid” song and dance does not mean the rest of us did.
Sure this seems easy to you when you don’t understand half of what has been said and willing to lie about the rest.
Yes…but that’s not where they’re headed.
Things just get sillier and sillier.
Wow was always silly
not to the current extent…
Yes to the current extent, actually way goofier
Taking away mounts and outfit people already have will be difficult to motivate. They COULD do these things if special servers for this “darker” style are introduced. The chances of that happening though are limited.
just a general discussion about where the game seems headed…
you know…opinions.
I want to go a bit darker but here we are. The questline regarding Stalvan Mistmantle used to be really dark.