Dark times for warriors

I love reading all of derez’s replies. They’re so emotionally uncharged and clear. I thought he was a huge troll at first but then I realized he was always speaking facts.


The front page is littered with topics of Warriors tears and frustration as the majority of the player base disagrees with you. Youre just wrong and if you out dps your goup i salute you for playing with bad players. As for your legs i hope you feel nice on the pedestal youre standing on because the rest of us that would like to viable are tiring over your need to boast youre better than the community nd our opinions

Because repeatedly linking parses with less then 200 data points and using it as evidence for a class being balanced is speaking facts right.

When every other log with 10000s of data points tell the actual story.

Then he claims he is a CE mythic raider but is unable to provide proof.

A 2 post character praising a famed forum troll. Wonder who’s main that could be.

Its important to remember we are barely a month into the expansion. Blizzard have already given warriors a buff. Clearly its not enough, proper balance takes time, they are apparently aware of the needs of warriors. Buffs will come


Your initial sentence ignores that these parses are the best. It is unfortunate that the less there are of warrior parses in total, the less amount will be in the 99th section. It’s just how statistics work. Derez’s main problem with what your going against, is why you would intentionally choose to study players who are objectively not playing or being shown in the best light?


The best puts us at below average.

As the parse numbers grow the gap will widen.

Logs are objective i don’t know what you mean. Bigger the sample size better the accuracy of the spec.

Again I find it weird that a char with less then 10 posts happens to align directly with derez narrative

Was I supposed to have more?
Lets ignore that another person here mentioned that Derez is an EU player but sure, lets ignore your narrative and focus on this instead.

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No, I’m just curious as to why you think those logs matter with such a small sample size. And even then arms still is below average.

I’m not a statician, but I would think herioc and normal logs show better accuracy of spec standing.

You’re asking me why the top 200 parses in the world in the hardest raid difficulty that is still being progressed in are important to spec balancing? If you choose to look at the 99th percentile of Heroic, the results are basically the same with ofc, an enormous increase in parses and a slight shuffle of the top 3 and bottom 3. Arms moves up by 1 spec as well. So I’m not going to reply any further. GL


Lol okay man. I guess class balance is based of the top .01% that are still performing well below average.

Blizzard devs agree warrior dps is week or they wouldn’t have buffed us, but apparently yall know better.

For Drez

Emotions shouldn’t dictate balance decisions. There’s also a phenomenon of amplified complaints when people feel emboldened by others complaining. Also, i think most class forums are littered with tears.

I think Fury needs a buff, and Arms could arguably use some ST love, but probably not much. Which part do you disagree with?

I knew you’d say this, but there’s no way you’d ever be able to show me they are bad based on their M+ logs. It’s too dynamic of an environment and you can’t just look at the ranking. If you want to try pointing out where they fail, be my guest.

I’ll give you one hint to get you started: the Spriest suffers when I detonate packs every 1.5 minutes. He’ll go up as we enter higher keys/fort weeks.

This is what I honestly don’t get. Please help me understand: why do you insist on playing the victim, instead of seeing someone performing and thinking “what could I be doing to push higher?” I’m not even highly performing, just pushing average keys with non-raid gear.

Also, please understand the only reason I called you out was because you tried to call me out first. If you want to aggressively say I don’t know what I’m talking about, you don’t get to fall back on saying I’m putting myself on a pedestal. You’re putting me there to make yourself look, I don’t know, humble?


Are you unable to read.

This is incorrect.

Warcraftlogs does do it for us, yes. And by using it, I have proven the majority of what you’ve said thus far to be either gross exaggerations of flatly false.

See, this is where interpretation of data comes into play. What he was talking about.

You disagreed with him, and then immediately did what he was talking about. Do you understand this?


That’s not even remotely the same thing. What the actual hell are you talking about.

Do you not understand that even objective data is often subjective?

Something like math is not subject to this, obviously. Your biases will not change an addition problem.

But interpretation, usage, and understanding of data are all affected by preconcieved notions, biases, and opinions.

You don’t seem to understand that objective things are subjectively utilized and understood, which affects their use and understanding.


Your “interpretation” is objectively false. Time and gear are relativity finite resources, one because of the other. Principle opportunity cost at your gear level you will hit a personal working maximum, that potential is significantly less than the upper delta of other specs. This affects you, your guild’s hps for phases, and time, these are finite empirical points or and operational frames which Fury reaches at a slower pace and lower fuctional maximum making it objectively worse at the given task. Aka weaker. “Paths of least resistance” in the data (which shows that you’re making the argument for “objective” data in bad faith) demonstrate all this soundly.

People are able to push Fury to its limits and even there it’s coming up short relative to other specs. That does not mean that people operating below the cutting edge aren’t held back by the limitations of the spec. Are there other factors? Of course, but you’re making the case that it’s player skill and that’s disingenuous and shows a lack of understanding for variables in a complex environment.

Your behavior was praised earlier for being not being “emotionally charged”

When it’s become clear you’re just here to argue in bad faith because you understand the subjective nature of statistics. I’m disappointed I gave you the time of day and hope other warriors won’t make the same mistake.


That is incorrect.

Actually, if you’d paid attention, I specifically left room for the fact that there are other factors. My only point was that it is most commonly, a la typically, player capability and error that limits output.

How is this arguing in bad faith.

Showing confusion and frustration is not bad faith. It’s showing confusion and frustration.

None of what you’ve said disproved or otherwise showed my being “wrong”.

Your stance is that playing weaker specs limits progression. This is not the case. You provided nothing to support that.

Logic is not supporting your stance. As this is a game of numbers. Just because a case made is sound, does not mean it holds to reality. If the low-tier specs are able to output the required dps to down a boss, then they are not stopping the raid. Other factors are more likely to blame. And are.

It is a game of numbers and both logic and evidence supports my stance even if you dont understand it. There are thresholds and dps checks, at gear levels the threshold for these are different because of the significant difference between specs. Showing in this dimension alone it’s not just skill causing teams to not meet their thresholds

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Do not conflate understanding with agreement.

Which you have not shown.

You want me to show the gear break points are different? Lol how many fury warriors does Limit have for progression? Where the skill level is arguably nullified?

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All you have to do is show the required average DPS breakdown from tanks and DPS roles, then show how frequently Fury sits below that threshold, and by how much.

How many of every spec do they have? Do we buff all specs that aren’t present in Limit’s raid?


Why so you can argue again in bad faith that its insignificant while failing to take into account the multiple variables that goes into a team kill? We already know its underperforming. The biggest offender is pvp and that’s another example of factors beyond simple skill that make the threshold a multifactorial target