hi derez alt
Ok so the RNG variance point I was making does not apply. Thanks for sharing that.
Then swapping accounts to like it lol. Literally used a 1 post character
Bad noxxic bad
Do yourself a favour and never link noxxic again.
That is not me.
What’s wrong with that site?
Nevermind reading reddit. Good grief
Yeah you just avoid noxxic haha
Guess I need to level my Affliction. Fury definitely needs some love. Looks like rogue got hit by the nerf bat hard
Fury is pretty much bottom 3 in raid content. It is arguably dead last in pvp content. It is at best middle of the pack in M+ content, however on weeks like this, its awful ST dmg become too readily apparent.
Please stop.
In no way did what you say detract from what he said.
He said.
If by, “a bit weaker” he meant bottom tier raid ST, then sure.
He also mentioned other forms of content, outside of raid. Content like rated pvp? Spoiler, fury is bottom tier again.
M+, at best middle of the pack. But this a tyrannical week, and we circle back to bottom tier ST.
So you are pointing out that you are wrong that they are bottom tier in all content. Middle of the pack isn’t glorious, but it’s better than last. We’re not in a good spot but that doesn’t mean it’s worthwhile to write doom In the forums.
And “a little weaker” was in relation to arms.
I’m not sure why you’re attacking me about what I said. We agree, we need help. My only contention is that getting upset on the forums and apparently attacking people who have perceived difference of opinion isn’t constructive.
Blizzard gave fury a 5% buff, they are aware of our less than optimal state. More will come. Just chill buddy. We all want warrior to be beefy, we’re on the same side.
You seem to be upset that people are upset of the disastrous state of warriors. Are you good?
It is clear you don’t mind warriors being below well below average in everything, but pvp.
Have a good day bud. Happy holidays.
Okay buddy. Please don’t harass people venting about the terrible state of warriors. Thanks
I get the feeling you are reading my tone as sarcastic. I generally try to avoid antagonizing people and try to keep a positive attitude. (The regulars in the forums know me for my positivity)
I genuinely wish you well and though we clearly aren’t seeing eye to eye I meant what I said, Have a good day and happy holidays.
ITT: Boffin being accused of harassing, Derez being accused of trolling despite having an in depth discussion of statistics in the middle of it all, and someone stuck on M+ 8s and 9s with a 199 ilvl blaming the class.
Derez specifically said he thinks Fury needs a buff in another thread, iirc. The details on how and why are important and worth getting right. Until you’re pushing +15 and higher, you should take comfort in knowing both Fury and Arms are popping high keys. If you’re like me and working on 11s and 12s, you know the potential is there, and it’s exciting pushing up towards it.
Do you know how many keys we’ve missed because of tuning? 0. Do you know how many keys we’ve missed because I can’t see where those stupid ghost charges are going to end up? At least one, maybe two. If only Blizz could patch me.
If you’re in heroic progression, then everyone doing mechanics and not dying is your prio. As long as people are pressing buttons reasonably well you’ll likely clear content. If you’re especially good at your class you’ll likely shine even on an undertuned spec, and if you’re pushing up against your theoretical limit, the raid can’t ask any more of you. If everyone else is too you’ll likely soar through the content, and if not, then it isn’t necessarily your spec that needs tuning. People just need to step their game up.
The only people I feel bad for are those who are pushing Mythic progression, everyone in the raid is pushing their class hard, and Wars are so middling/low that leaders might consider dropping them. That’s when you hit these thresholds where something like Fury doing another 10-15% damage alone might make or break a fight for the raid. The low end can be legitimately dragging them down, and that’s a bummer.
Everyone else? Just worry about playing better yourself imo. It’s likely not the spec holding you back.
Except that you could put forth equal effort in another spec and achieve significantly better results. That’s what’s disingenuous here. Its straight underperforming in all content. It isn’t the worst but even the best in the world know the effort to reward is backwards here. If you say otherwise you straight up dont know what you’re talking about.
Agreed. Day one player and never remember it being this bad.