Just for a quick point of reference;
The dps comparison on this is largely unimportant (it’s actually a bit of a joke, which is why it’s not done every tier). The important bit is if you scroll down just a bit, and expand “Additional Raid Information”
Here you’ll get the two charts this is somewhat useful for, APM and DPS variance.
Only quoting this to save room, but in regards to the paragraph, I follow your reasoning, and it does make sense. For not having the data to go off of, you’re still at least staying on a consistent point and making reasonable steps. I really appreciate that.
Do you see how I gave specifics, and instead of responding to those, you give a generic response that is vague enough to refute me, without actually addressing anything I’ve said directly?
You mean, like the people they’re being compared to? Again, this is the second time you’ve done this. You’re implying that looking at the higher percentile is giving some extra edge to the warriors at that level, that is not available to the other specs. This is incorrect.
Again, at no point did I state this.
Actually, you’re the only one in the thread who has stated such, even if it was in a vain attempt to be mocking.
You really don’t though. What are you talking about?
The only weak covenant for either spec is necrolord.