Dark times for warriors

Fury plays well just needs a flat increase to damage to be competitive. I was a strong advocate of this on the beta forums but I guess I was just shouting into the wind. But yeah its extremely under tuned ATM and the “5%” we received was frankly insulting. The spec isn’t broken or in need of a rework. I think it literally just needs a percentile buff as I find the damage profile of fury fairly balanced.

Fury is my favorite spec but since I raid mythic I couldn’t really warrant playing fury over arms. Arms is no prize but its still better then fury and it excels at some fights in Castle. The problem with both these specs is what they do well they do really well but what they are weak at they are really really weak at. Single target for both arms and fury is atrocious. We are some of the lowest performing specs on single target if not the most. Add in downtime which punishes us heavily as well and its a no contest for us being terrible on fights like Shriekwing/Hungering Destroyer/Artificer.

You could argue well these are only early boss fights and don’t matter as much as later ones. But it does do well to highlight the inherent flaws with arms and fury. Fury doesn’t do enough damage to be competitive on single target only being ok in cleave situations. While arms is too dependent on condemn to do really good ST as well.

Fights like Huntsman (which is probably the best fight for arms) shows that too much of arms damage revolves around condemn. When we have a literal condemn battery for majority of the fight as well as sweeping strikes our damage is very competitive and few classes can actually keep up. Take that away on a fight like Hungering Destroyer where a large majority of the fight we cannot condemn and our damage plummets to the near bottom.

I know the execute phase is supposed to feel rewarding and its warriors time to go “ham” but the amount of dps we generate outside our execute phase is pretty pathetic. I find the middle portion of fights very very boring as arms. Really my job is to not overcap on rage, spam overpower and ensure deep wounds is rolling as I MS on CD.

TLDR Flat increase for fury and more engaging/more even damage profile for Arms.

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Arms isn’t performing poorly on HD though.

Arms does not rely on condemn.

I’ve made another fan. Wonderful.


Who knew “warriors” could cry so well! Cry for me!!!

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Well said mate

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So i don’t frequent the Warrior forums at all and clearly a lot of you guys and gals don’t like this Derez person.

But perhaps its because he’s right, providing statistical evidence opposed to anecdotal and most of you came here with the intention of boiling in a cesspool of like-minded individuals who have an agenda in mind, and refuse to acknowledge that perhaps you don’t understand your class or the game all that well?

Two of your specs were uses in the hardest content the game has to offer. That doesn’t mean its a class without problems, but it means that its a class WITH some serious strengths.

(Fury is bad though)


Definitely correct. Like pretending Prot Warrior isn’t bottom tank at the moment when it is.

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Couldn’t agree with you more. Warriors are shafted right now.

Absolutely agree Croyle. Right down there with Guardian Druids

So, show how this is the case.

Neither guardian, nor prot warrior, is a weak tank spec…?

All tanks are viable. None are “weak”.

You play on words too much out of technicality but that doesn’t mean there isn’t some problems.

Prot Warrior has low survivability compared to the rest of the tanks and their damage isn’t up to compensate. “Low” as in, not good like the rest. Is this due to the tank design itself? Or the high amount of magic damage going around? Not sure. Also, as far being the bottom tank at the moment, They’re the lowest participation of Mythic+, and all of Raiding. (Also just because a top .01% player can make it work, does not mean that the class is fine.) I believe it just needs very mild buffs. Nothing dramatic.

Fury is just doo doo. There’s no defending it.

Arms’ main redeeming quality is being a PVP powerhouse. But they are no longer the king of cleave and are far from it. But overall I would say they’re okay. Personally if they just changed Sweeping Strikes to do full cleave damage(or 85%) instead of 75% outside of PVP I think that would put them where they need to be.

Show me this.

You mean the thing every tank is specifically weak to.

Popularity does not equate to capability.

When played optimally, a spec performs well, and when it is not performed optimally, it does not perform well.

You are saying that this is not reasonable?

A; they were never really the king of cleave. But they historically have been very strong in cleave scenarios.

They are currently very strong in cleave scenarios.

worst since the first patch of Wrath. At least warriors a good at pvp at the moment

No. They’re just above average in cleave. Wouldn’t really call that “very strong”. Just maybe eh strong. Non cleave specs are currently doing more than they are.

Prot is weak. Instead show me how they’re not. I really want to see it. For the sake of hope, because I don’t see it.

Even garbage can be well played in niche scenarios. It’s still garbage. It still has problems. No, it’s not reasonable to say that just because the top .01% can make something work, that it’s in a fine spot.

It is reasonable to examine the top players when looking at class balance though. They are the best examples we have of players utilizing a spec to its full potential. They show what the spec is capable of. And given that those clearing mythic currently are going to tend to be above average players it also shows how fury plays in direct comparison with what top players of other specs are capable of.


Have you seen arms on the final two bosses.

Look at Echo’s denathrius kill.

You’re asking me to prove a negative.

The burden of proof is on the one making the claim or statement. Prot is weak. Alright, then show that.

And no. Popularity is not indicative of capability.

In a scenario where everything is played optimally, you can see how specs are tuned to perform.

If you perform subpar, and blame your results on tuning instead of your own subpar play, how do you not see the clear answer lying before you.

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More important than debating the state of warrior; what went wrong in your life to become a regular on the WoW Warrior Forums? Asking so the younger generation doesn’t make the same mistake.

The burden of proof isn’t on anyone. That’s an escape-goat made up for people with emotional bias outside of a court system. Not hard coded numbers that should be easy to prove in a game that’s based off numbers. If you have proof, it’s easy to share. No one’s going to jail here lol.

I do well in raid with my warrior. That is not the issue. The issue is me doing well on my warrior versus me doing well on my DK are two entirely different things. Or my druid. Feral and balance. Which is mildy frustrating. Because I prefer warrior.

Then get better.


You know nothing about me as a person or a human being. I would ponder that for a moment, mate.

A statement is made. That statement is contradicted. The burden of proof is on the one who made the initial claim.


Burden of proof is a rather basic principle.

You do realize the concept of burden of proof predates your relatively young court American court system, yes?


This says a lot more about you than him.

Scapegoat. Don’t use words you don’t know.

It’s from philosophy, which is what all argument is. I’ll let wikipedia take it from here.