Dark times for warriors

Wow you guys reported me lmao. That’s not homophobic mate. I’m bi but it’s ok, that’s how you trolls operate

First he turns me into a freaking prophet and now he does a Kevin Spacey. This thread is a gold mine.


God, that just made my night. lmao.

Seriously though,

Can’t say it was a pleasure, but it’s your loss. I know a lot of us are just bringing info from the Warrior Discord over here. If you don’t wish to listen to it, your choice.


Saying butt buddies isn’t homophobic just saying. The report was a troll move

Only digging yourself deeper.

Lmao that’s cute man/girl sorry I don’t want to be sexist by assuming ur gender

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“Butt buddies” is a belittling term for a gay relationship. In this context you used it as an insult. So yes. It was inappropriate

Again. I have never trolled anyone. I have a pretty good track record for straight forward and friendly interaction. I don’t know what I did to upset you. But I assure you I meant no offense.


Said who? Can you open up the homophobic dictionary for me and show me where it says that?

Have a good night bud.

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Good night mate

Lmao, I can just imagine a Blizz employee looking at the Warrior forums with such bewilderment.


Dark times indeed.

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Pff haha, this thread just get better and better.

Happy holidays my proud fellow warrios

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I don’t ever understand the carpal tunnel complaints about Fury. I’ve mained it for 4 years. Currently playing with an injured hand and it’s not taxing at all.


Absolutely love coming back to read updates to this thread lmfao.

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I love how disagreeing to someone with factual evidence is classed as ‘trolling’ to some people.



I sadly find Arms awkward so I can’t really get into it. I enjoy the fast pace of Fury. It’s also fun to tell people in LFR that if they are below me they are doing something wrong since a, fury, b, my gear is trash tier right now. I wasn’t last on the meters. ;3

Happy Holidays/Christmas/[Your custom here] fellow warriors. Hopefully Great Father Winter gets us all big sticks.


Well this issue is simple.

I think people are referring to the usage of data sets with rather small sample sizes vs. even more data sets with much larger sample sizes. Both “sides” are using factual data. Both data sets objectively show Warrior does not do good DPS at the moment. Nor are they used much for high keys, for obvious reasons. Then there is a more subjective argument on which data set is more valid. I go with the more realistic and larger sample size of 90%. He goes with the 95-100%. In my data set, Warrior is below average on both specs. On his, Fury remains trash and Arms just barely squeaks by.

Neither data set shows Warrior being good, not even his. Smack dab average in a best case scenario in cherry picked numbers. I think many players just want one spec that is considered good. That again is a subjective argument, if every class (or the class you like) should have one high performing spec.

Although one must note, the guy who thinks Warrior doesn’t need a high performing spec mains the #1 DPS spec (AFF). Funny tidbit.


Looking at the 90% percentile, dps classes specifically, m+ category, all keys, the average warcraftlog score ~=72. Arms is 74. At the 95%, avg is 86 and Arms is 90. At the 99%, avg is 101.725 and Arms is 102.49.

If you really want a laugh, at 90%, fury is ~15pts below avg. At 95%, fury is ~4pts below avg. At 99%, fury is ~4pts below avg. Keeping this in mind, the lowest spec(Sin rogue) is ~19, ~24, and ~7 below at the 90th, 95th, and 99th percentiles respectfully.

Why look at the deltas between percentiles? Observe the concept of difficulty curves in specs. At higher level of play, people play with better intention behind button presses. It doesn’t have to be a mechanical curve, it could just be understanding of passives, stats, and other side things(idk, i dont play fury), but you can def get to ~avg or slightly above.

Using all three datasets provided from M+, we are avg.

Just checked Mythic & Heroic Nathria as well.

@90%, avg is 81, arms is 80. @95%, avg is 85, arms is 84. @99%, avg is 94, arms is 92.
Lowest spec(s): 71, 75, 82, (90%, 95%, 99%).

@90%, avg is 84, arms is 81. @95%, avg is 86, arms is 84. @99%, avg is 91, arms is 89.
Lowest spec(s): 77, 79, 79, (90%, 95%, 99%).

You can’t really look at Mythic Nathria for any reliable data most data is coming from Mythic+, Normal and Heroic Nath.

Arms is avg at best in most content. You can argue that it is somewhat decent in mythic plus. It’s better than fury for that matter.

Fury is just garbage in anything: pvp, dungeons, and raids.