As a returning player I will say I’m having a lot of fun w War right now. All the skills feel impactful and weighty. Still leveling.
I want my time and IQ points back for reading this thread.
You’re right, Green. As always, these forums are thronged with troll ignoramuses, and, as usual, most of those contending otherwise are people who’ve never done anything of substance in the game. Simply check the M+ leaderboards. Not a single Prot Warrior in the first 5 pages. It was pretty much exactly the same for CM in MoP and WoD. The leaderboards were almost nothing but blood DKs; the designated OP tanking class at the time. (Which it was, as AotD and RM, rendered the hardest pulls in multiple dungeons cake.)
This is nothing new. It’s been this way for 15 years. Blizzard does this literally every expansion. There’s always one class that’s head and shoulders above others, and one that’s deemed the red headed step child. And warrior has been in the latter category a disproportionate amount of time to my recollection. It wouldn’t matter much, were this a single player game, but these disparities always induce pervasive conceptions about viability among the player base. And those conceptions significantly affect those playing those classes, and negatively impact their playing experience. In MoP, for example, no one wanted you as a tank in CM if you weren’t a DK. Could it be done as another class? Yes. I did it on a DK, Druid, and Prot Warrior. But that doesn’t mean the disparity wasn’t there.
It’s funny, because a DK whining about Prot Warrior being OP resulted in them being nerfed hard shortly after the release of Legion. But point out the fact Prot could use a little boost, and nothing happens. Quite to the contrary you get a bunch of flagrantly fallacious responses from people on alts defending warrior inadequacy.
What do you consider something of substance? Because it’s very likely Green hasn’t done it, either, based on the character’s Armory page.
But there’s a Prot Warrior in the world first Sire Denathrius kill. In fact, there are two different Warrior specs in the world first raid comp.
If you are going to try to say “They were only brought for Bshout/Rally Cry”, that’s at least a major competitive reason that something like, say, Rogue doesn’t have. The Wars also had to perform at a minimum well enough to not die/kill the boss.
If you are going to try to say “I’m talking about M+”, I won’t be surprised at that level of goal-post shifting. Whatever window makes Warrior look as bad as possible, eh? Might as well bring up Prot/Fury in PvP while you’re at it.
Welcome to the M+ meta, where there’s a clear winning comp and everyone who pushes to the peak of keys does the exact same thing. Is this only a problem because Prot War was the one being chosen at least at the end of BfA, but now isn’t?
This will never be any other way for M+, btw. You have to choose your threshold for balance, and anything above that is just going to be who/what can optimize hardest. That threshold is probably around +15.
Blizzard doesn’t do this intentionally, there are just too many specs to balance. How could this not happen?
If you pug, sure. But if you don’t pug, like me, it has no impact whatsoever. We’re pushing the keys we can push, in the short amount of time each week we can push them.
Do they care about where Fury/Arms land in the M+ leaderboards/raid log aggregate rankings? No. Do they care about where I land on utility/damage each dungeon? Yes. Am I holding the group back? Not remotely.
This is my main. It’s not that I want Warrior to be inadequate, I just want arguments that Warrior IS inadequate to not be so weak.
Lol your opinion means nothing. You proved to the forums that you can’t read logs or use any sources to prove your point. GO away troll.
Just ignore him. He does this on every post and he doesn’t ever back it with proof.
Where did I prove that, exactly.
One simple fix for Warriors, as far as PvP is concerned. Stormbolt baseline OR a melee range stormbolt stun. There is pretty much no reason for me to take the other talents in that row.
Hey buddy, welcome to the warrior forums
I can see you’re new here so let me just let you know, Derez is quite knowledgeable. It’s okay to disagree with him, but let’s keep the name calling to a minimum.
We’re all here to share our knowledge and passion, let’s try to keep it a good place for info not personal attacks.
Eh, from what I’ve read you’ve presented a statistical argument constructed by a process that no one in this thread (including me) understands. It might be an objective argument, or it could be a cherry picked and completely misleading artificial datapoint.
I don’t really know why this debate is worth having. Arms is probably not going to be buffed much if at all, and fury will likely receive some numbers tweaks in the next month. Nothing in this thread seriously challenges that conventional wisdom so I don’t know what the fuss is about.
My god you two trollS are annoying.
What do you get out of trolling so much?
Wait, what?
I know you two. You’ve done the same trolling against me. You’re his wing man. You two are probably the same person using two different accounts. It’s kind of sad actually
You’ve got it wrong friend.
I’m trying to maintain a standard for people to be civil toward each other. The reason you have the impression I’m his “wing man” is probably because he often gets wrongfully dog-piled.
I’m no ones wing man, nor am I trolling. I’m sorry you got that impression, however you’re a bit off base.
No malice intended, just hoping to do my part to make these forums a bit less toxic.
Good luck buddy, happy holidays.
What do you get out of trolling so much?
Someone disagreeing with you.
Is not them trolling you.
Homophobic language is probably against TOS.
You know it was like 2 weeks ago there was just a constant wave of, “Derez why can’t you be more like Boffin. Boffin’s the best*!”
Now because he doesn’t advocate burning Derez for heresy, he’s a bootlicker like the rest of us. Life’s funny. I give it a month tops before Boffins first accusation of being one of the 60 accounts controlled by Derez/Me/Auzz/Backstabbath/Caargon/Althiala/Osaliske/Linc/Tinder.
You two are probably the same person using two different accounts. It’s kind of sad actually
A month. ROFL! What kinda idiot thought it would take another month.
Umm what? Eh w e idc
AHAHAHHAHAHA, i’m so glad you wrote that