Dark times for warriors

You proved nothing. All else being equal it’s not performing the same as other specs, singular bleeding edge example in the top 100. Just look at the +15 warrior distribution. Its low.

Given the distribution of Furys damage, relatively weak burst, lack luster utility it is underperforming relatively in all content and it is holding groups back. The point of relative failure is much lower for Fury. You can perform on another spec and serve your team so much better. Performing your best on Fury nets you overall less versus the majority of specs in all content.

I still proved that playing Fury is not holding groups back. If it was that player would not have been taken. Nor would they be as high IO. So yeah, I did prove you wrong.
Because something is doing less dps than everyone else, DOES NOT MEAN IT CAN"T SUCCEED. Maybe you should stop crying to the hills to make our dps broken like DKs. Just because things are harder for us right now, does not mean it will stay that way. Just getting sick of you folks that keep building this stigma that “Warrior = Trash.”


I think most peoples’ gripe are basically with PUG groups - who will entirely pass on warriors because of threads exactly like this. Is the class bad? Eh, honestly, its not in the greatest spot but I mean I’ve been doing pretty okayish for the most part.

In terms of community perception though we’re definitely, “in the trash bin,” as the threads say time and again, so I’ve just taken to… Well, tanking PUGs and calling it a day, and just take it in stride. I think it’s partially self inflicted, though, with the many threads of people complaining about how bad we are - so then the puggies who only care about meta will just avoid us, thinking we’re a drag on their key over something else.

Yeah but i have a guild and i literally just feel bad them using my presence as i dont add anything that couldnt be replaced with a better turnout, its unfortunate and im excited for balances, please soon

Aggregate data doesnt lie, and you’re obviously upset. I’m arguing a point, something you’ve done nothing to refute and conflated with crying. I haven’t argued it’s not possible I’ve argued for how popular Fury warriors are the distribution, damage, and utility tells a story and it’s a story of inequity. Sorry that upsets you but its straight true. I’ll still play it, but it’s simply outdone right now.

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Amen Brother

Yes, we are out shined by a lot of classes right now. Aggregated data tells us that people are still getting content done as well as numbers you know. Just because something isn’t popular, (popular due to it being ez-mode for throughput), does not equal “don’t play, trash dumpster fire.”
No one here is saying the ST numbers don’t need a buff. And if I came off sounding angry, I apologize. I’m not angry, I’m just trying to highlight certain points. People tend to read the big shiny more often.


Yeah i wasnt really sure about my exemple of a kyrian opener, since you would want the other cd rolling, But your opener with spear into double OP, MS, normal rotation and trying to squeeze bs at the end of your CS window, that different, i didnt know it was something like that with kyrian, i would assume it the same with the other 2 covenant that aint venthyr.

And I’m very much not without sin here, I am very capable of being wrong, making over simplifications of people’s arguments, and misrepresenting them. Whenever these occasions are, probably often, I do sincerely apologize.

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Are you doing more damage then some of the people in said raid, or are you always just above the tanks and heals?
If you are doing more dps then some, then you shouldn’t feel bad. Raiding IS a team effort, just because you’re not blasting away chunks of bosses health doesn’t mean you’re not helping.

Oh no in fury the damage is horrible (raids). i dont mind being last on meters but i do mind being last while being over 10 item levels over others in my guild. Its not much better as arms either amd dont get me started as prot. Im lucky to be able to raid with froends but when we wipe woth the boss having 1% hp left i feel chills dpwn my back; dislike that im bring carried lulz im sure blizz will fix more jist hope soomer than later

Item level does not mean much if you simply do not perform as optimally as others.

What is there to say about protection.


I have never in all my time playing been sad to be a warrior… I am now sad. We are just not in a good place right now and it is sorely obvious. Hopefully Blizzard does look upon us and provide some buffs or something (with Frost mages needing dire help as well).

Edit: Removed a section of pointless junk about ignoring someone that I didn’t need to put in.


With all due respect, If someone is going around saying every aspect of warrior is fine right now , I haven’t seen it.


To be honest, in terms of fight design, there is no reason a Venthyr Arms Warriors shouldn’t be the theoretical top dog on Huntsman except by being undertuned. It is our fight. It basically cannot be more optimal for us, nor favor anyone else quite so highly.

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Supatease ranked it S tier. It really left me wondering has he even played Warrior?
Warrior damage is flaming garbage.
It’s S tier all right. S for Sh!t

Have you tried warrior in PvP? They’re in a great place right now. Durable, bursty, and wicked fun. Supatease is primarily a pvper so it stands to reason that warriors would be top tier in his eyes. Honestly he’s right. Warriors are monsters on the battlefield.


I’ll let you know if I ever find a gladiator healer to follow me around and pocket heal me (like Baj) then I’m sure warriors could be good.
But for the moment Rogues and Hunters otherwise kill me in under 2 seconds flat!

I’m sorry you’re frustrated. But the fact is that warriors in pvp are in a very good spot.

If you’re having trouble surviving specifically against rogues or hunters , stack more versatility, take disarm, maybe pop defensive CDs early, or use LOS. There are things you can do to mitigate their advantages.


Warriors have real problems in PvE, but anyone who thinks for a second that Arms isn’t one of the strongest pvp classes in the game is definitely incorrect.

Fury on the other hand…well it’s just a joke across the board.

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