Dark ranger skin color

with the 9.2.7 patch the dark ranger skin option for Night elves, Blood Elves and void Elves is gone


Have the same issue :slight_smile:

sameeeee for my void elf hunter

My dark ranger skin is missing as well. Please fix Blizz!

Very much hoping this is just a bug! I love my red eyes! :sob:

I noticed the same when I logged on, tried visiting barber to fix and options are missing

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Same. I wonder if its not account wide anymore and just have to do it separately on each character.

Nope logged on my hunter which was the one who originally did the quest and its gone too

Mine is gone as well, and I even redid the quest on my marksmanship blood elf and still nonething. Please Blizzard fix this.

Also having this issue. I still have the tmog appearance, but the skin from the barber shop / character creator is gone.

I’m having the same issue redid the quest and nothing happen :frowning:

My Void Elf is no longer undead! Same with my Night Elf characters!

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Fixed! :grin: I was able to reset it in the barber shop by tweaking the settings, then going back to the original colors. That reset it to the dark ranger look at no cost.

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write down step by step

Hello, I had the same problem My character has golden eyes instead of red.
How I reliably fixed it, was go to the barber shop. Click on any other option other than the red eyes.
Then hit the reset button on the bottom left it brought back the red eyes. It costed me no gold. It will last until you log out. So keep that in mind if you are roleplaying.

Quaotik is right – have confirmed that this works, and also confirmed that it does indeed break again as soon as you log out of the character. But I guess it’s an improvement.

Same to both and my pet was dead. Why would i want golden eyes? /cry

There is NO option for red eyes anymore…

Appears to have been fixed.