Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Almost, what needs to happen is all the Elves get their own faction. The Elven Order.

Let the rest fight over the scraps while the superior bloodlines enjoy the game as it was meant to be.

Undead Blood Elf? I like how you think, this is actually a really cool idea!


Big support from me! I hope we get them, I kind of think they’ll be customization also… with NE also getting them and I’m all for more customization options.

I also think we have their comments on Golden eyes to back up this idea, in terms of what they said in supporting player choice and if you want to have your character be cleansed by the Sunwell then you can. I imagine the Dark Ranger customization is more of the same in terms of if we want to be an Undead Elf then we can.

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Cant support this enough!

I’m a huge fan of Dark Rangers, as you can clearly tell by my Hunters transmog.

And this is something Blizzard could easily implement. All they gotta do is give us the red eyes and dark skin tones that already exist in the game on the Dark Ranger NPCs.

Please, Blizzard!


Intern: HHeeeyy looks like there are tons of people asking for this Dark Ranger thing.
Dev: Who’s asking?
Intern: Their names?
Dev: Horde or Alliance?
Intern: OOhh… umm looks like Horde.
Dev: Okay, put it on the calendar.
Intern: Wait, no… sorry, I meant Alliance.
Dev: OOOoo… okay, put it on the calendar but make a note that they have to have green skin and leaves all over them… and they make frog sounds… we will call them Frog Rangers.
Intern: …
Dev: And then schedule the real ones for Horde.


but only female dark rangers exist and they are lore wise only loyal to sylvanas not the horde. bad race/customization option when its only females and so lore strict to being a servant of sylvanas.


Incorrect on both points.

After Sylvanas betrayed the Horde a majority of Dark Rangers stayed behind with the Horde while a small percentage remained loyal to Sylvanas. When talking to Dark Ranger Velonara at the Orgrimmar Embassy after witnessing the Horde Council form you get this dialogue option.

Greetings, .

These are interesting times.

Player: "I see you remained in Orgrimmar."

Dark Ranger Velonara: "We dark rangers were fiercely loyal to Sylvanas. We trusted her… followed her commands.

It is clear that our loyalty was never truly reciprocated.

Some of my sisters and brothers have chosen to remain at the Dark Lady’s side. I, and many others, have not.

<Velonara’s expression becomes steely. Determined.>

I refuse to be a slave to this torment.

Both the sin’dorei and Forsaken are my kin. I stand with them, and with the Horde."

Taken directly from Dark Ranger Velonara’s gamepedia page.


Look up Dark Ranger Thandel. He’s a male and there are also male Kal’dorei Dark Rangers as well. I’m not sure if you are feigning ignorance, trolling, or genuinely did not know.


I didn’t know about this, thanks. I’m happy Velonara stayed at least, she was one of my favorite Garrison followers, don’t care if Garrisons sucked, I liked my followers.

Was being a douche in another thread to people who wanted ranged survival back.


Ah, they’re one of those. I too am fond of Velonara and hope she gets more screen time. I feel that she could very well be the Dark Ranger’s new leader. Plus, we get a little bit of her backstory in Legion.


Signed and agreed.

Give. Me. Red. Eyes! Would look so good on a fire mage >.<


Lillian Voss is the new racial leader for the Forsaken. Velonara could make a good advisor to her, or second in command. Main commander of the forsaken would be fitting as well.

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I meant she could be the lead Dark Ranger, not racial leader. Sorry if I confused you.

Yes it would. She’s got the phoenix flame in her. :smiley:

Nah, you didn’t. I was stating Voss was the racial leader for context to make the other two sentences make more sense.

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I thought they confirmed its Calia now?

No, she’s just taking the Kaldorei dark rangers in for some counseling. I’d say she’s a pretty neutral figure.

Just checked, I’m halfway wrong. She’s (Lilian Voss) not the racial leader of the Forsaken but she represents them on the Horde council, so she’s the closest thing they have to a racial leader at the moment.

They should make her the racial leader of the Forsaken though. She’s a good leader with a lot of character developement. She is to the Forsaken what Rokhan is to the Darkspear, and they made him chieftain of the Darkspear.

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Gonna keep this thread in the limelight for now.


This would make quite a few people happy indeed! They’d need to explain how Dark Rangers could be classes other than hunter though, or restrict it to hunter. However, I doubt they’d do that, and Dark Rangers are kind of banshees but controlling a body, so I don’t see the issue with saying it’s just a different class using that concept as well.


Very true. I believe that they can be rogues as well because I’ve seen Dark Rangers with daggers instead of bows. Thank you.

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I fully support spooky elves. A lot of the community would be very happy with paler skin tones and red eyes. Even a change that minor would make a tremendous difference in the playerbase.

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I think the only class it needs to truly be restricted from is Paladin; everything else is free game. For all we know a former Dark Ranger decided they wanted to be a Mage or something in unlife.

Also good gods I would love red eyes on Blood Elves; for any Elf character, not just Dark Ranger.