New Customization Options for Blood Elves and Void Elves

Well, she’ll like that for some (a certain) players.


Did the males lose our jewelry? I know you did not like it but I did and seems odd to remove one of the few things they actually put in.

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What I said earlier is that there are people in this thread arguing who don’t genuinely want Dark Rangers. They just latched onto an argument of unfairness… pointlessly, because obviously the train has left the station.

I want Dark Rangers. I’ve observed other people in this thread who have expressed that they genuinely want Dark Rangers…

and I said that in my post. I literally mentioned other people requesting Dark Rangers.

But, as you mentioned with the megathread you posted… it doesn’t have people lobbying for it like you see with High Elves, or like you see with San’Layn.

and that’s the issue…

and your question of either-or is part of the problem.

The place that you ask for Dark Rangers can’t be in a thread posting for High Elves because it would be off topic. So if that’s where the demand is, it’s not particularly genuine either.

No Blue reading through a High Elf thread is gonna be like, “Oh and occasionally someone mentions Dark Rangers.”

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Sylvanas leaving the Horde is a blow to playable Dark Rangers or customization, but on the flip side, I theorized it was a possiblity because BFA added not only Night Elven Dark rangers of both sexes, but also added male thalassian dark rangers, which is big for a group that before had been explicitly female thalassians.

Who knows.


I actually didn’t ask you specifically. It was a logical exercise.

I gave you the instructions. You were supposed to make the choice as if you were someone who cared only about trying to stop High Elves from being an Alliance Race.

I even told you that the person involved doesn’t care about Dark Rangers.

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I posted this a bit above earlier (I am unsure if you saw it), but do you think this text makes a strong case for such customizations? Sylvanas left yes, but we see many stay behind.

Idk what is going on with Alpha atm. They were gone with the last build but that might be for some other reason.

I mean you quoted me specifically and not asking everyone in general, so…

And I acted accordingly and answered.

Or were you hoping that I would have chosen a different answer for some other reason?

I didn’t want dark ranger stuff for myself initially, but now I am thinking I would make at least one. She will give poor scourged beasties a home.


A true saint, I’ll send Miracle grow your way.


Thank you! I’ll name new Teldrassil after you!


Renodrassil is a fine name in my Honor.


I’m kind of the opposite weirdly. I’ve always wanted Dark Ranger stuff, but don’t know if I’ll roll one right away.


I mean I was laying out the thought experiment clearly. But this kind of goes back to the posts where you were debating an argument I never made against me. Maybe pay attention before debating me on something?

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People like Velonara (who is among the more notable Dark Rangers) staying Horde signals to me they are leaving them in their back pocket at the very least, allowing Sylvanas to continue with her story while not killing the idea of Dark Rangers off with her departure.


I’ve got a Farstrider. I don’t know that I’d roll a Dark Ranger. Don’t really need a second Blood Elf Hunter…

But they’re super dope.

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Maybe that’s what the undead Night Elves are for.

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It’s funny how that sort of thing works out. I think there’s some good story potential there.


Well to be fair, I skimmed it looking for support from you, and it hasn’t received any unless I missed a comment?

So perhaps there are many like you who are simply using this thread to lobby for them, if as you say you do support them which is also valid.

I plan to make my Hunter one obv, but kinda considering switching my eyes from Green to Red on most alts.

I did pay attention. I paid attention to your argument that was wrong, pointed it out and corrected you on why you were wrong with your argument all in one hour.


I do hope we see them, as I think it makes a valid case / opportunity to see them.