ohhh. interesting
Paladin would be the only class that would make sense to ‘class lock’ if it’s added. There’s not really any clash outside that, but idk if I would lock them outta paladin either. They haven’t class locked customizations from folks yet, they shouldn’t really start now. Blizzard should make em literal Blood Knights
People keep putting out their April Fools stuff earlier and earlier.
Edit - if this is true Blizzard, please don’t put them in Mail.
Goblin druids.
Draenei/Mag’har warlocks.
Uhhhhhh lightforged demon hunters.
I would accept my character exploding if it meant I could be a LFD DH
Hey I’m always just happy to see draenei explode, it makes it easier to get to their bones with which to build a road.
You’ve got yourself a deal.
It’s nice to see Orcs so excited to recycle.
We’re big on going green.
Here’s a mindblowing revelation.
We’re not cousins. We’re siblings.
Edit: Sort of…? It never specified ALL San’layn. But there’s a vampiric breed of banshee nonetheless. Kind of. If we look at blood mages as vampires. Also doesn’t explain the different classes of the San’layn. Who knows at this point.
Kinda mentioned this in the San’layn thread but I don’t think that the Blood Mages bit there is in reference to San’layn.
Blood Mages in WCIII were using fire and fel together. Not blood. And nowhere in that block does it mention vampyrs. Blood Magic can be as simple as what the Death Knights use in blood spec.
Further the San’layn wont be made for a few years after this point when Kael’thas attacks Icecrown. Lana’thel won’t become the Blood Queen until then.
I think all this block is doing is solidifying that
- Dark Rangers are members of the Darkfallen subtype of elf. Undead Elves all appear to have this subtype now, including the Banshee themselves.
- Darkfallen are not all Rangers nor are they all banshee that have reclaimed their bodies.
This opens many doors that were once lightly blocked in the lore or at least under contention.
Dark Rangers now have leeway to be many classes and from many start points.
Yeah, I’m thinking a Darkfallen allied race that allows San’layn and Dark Rangers to be realized would be a cool way to go. Covers more classes with both.
Now if we only had multiple voice packs to choose from as a customization option.
In light of recent revelations/videos it seems two of the Sube Races for Blood Elves are actually the same request in a way?
Racial identity options
- Dark Ranger Themed Options. (The Dark Ranger quest that is constantly updated on the PTR would be a good way to reward them)
- San’layn Themed Options.
- Felblood Elf Themed Options.
These Subrace options could be added through a quest like Nightwarrior options for Night Elves where.
Wonder if I should change the wording…
Nah, it’s probably fine as is. They’re both Darkfallen now it seems, but still different sub-types of Darkfallen I think.
Maybe just add “such as claws, fangs, and bat shaped ears” to this part for clarity.
All I am saying is:
-Hints of Dark Rangers on the files.
-9.2.5 patch on the horizon, that should come after the expansion announcement.
-Expansions since Legion having a preorder bonus, with BfA and Shadowlands Pre-Order bonus of Allied Races and AR Death Knights being available upon announcement.
So, class skins as Pre-Order bonus?
Should I also spacify Dark Ranger and Felblood things as well?
That’s what I’m hoping for. Would suck for undead elf customizations to be Hunter locked though, even if it does come with DR skins for all the abilities too.
Maybe for Dark Ranger you could mention the undead skins and red eyes, and the tear stains like Sylvanas has.
For Felbloods, maybe something like “fel tainted skins, horns and tattered wings like those found on the Felblood elf NPCs”. Here’s a picture of them from Wowpedia if you want to link it in your post: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wowpedia/images/e/e7/Felblood_elves.png
I have seen this video and of the 3 ways he discussed adding them, I’m torn, would kind of want them to be a new class, but how much would they have to take from other specs to make them work. Also, not sure how to feel if they were limited to Blood Elves and Night Elves, but it’s supported by lore so we’ll see.
Basically this, and it in no way does anything for adding a second visually distinct set of options for BEs after BEs lost visual uniqueness to provide the visually distinct second set of options for VEs RP tools if it’s just for hunter.
Indeed, would be a shame if they were locked to a class; I’d really hope they opened to all classes, maybe just leave Paladins out if they want to. But overall I am against limiting customization options, I think personal immersion is paramount in a MMORPG.
If Dark Rangers just become a skin for Hunters, I worry about them becoming an even worse Wildhammer situation.
I get that they’re Rangers and all, but I feel like them just being a customization option for Blood/Night Hunters would likely become another thing we see on a PowerPoint slide with little fanfare, and then treated as LARPing Blood/Night Elves instead of having their own identity or in-game presence. Just seems like a Wildhammer situation on a potentially worse scale, given how limiting it is to have Dark Rangers just fixed on a specific race/class combo.
We’ll see what happens, I guess, but I really don’t want any race to just become a cosplay option for a parent race. Hoping for the best, despite that.
19 days until the next expansion is announced!