Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

I would be down for this as long as it was just in the character looks department…

I might be tempted to play my BE MM more…

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Well just consider the practicality question.

Just how many more races can they add? Should most if not all of these Allied Races been options for main races in the first place? Maybe.

Well, it’s done now, and they can’t revert it because Nightborne and Void Elves exist, as well as Vulpera for that matter. What core race on their faction are they going to append them to?

They want to give players options, and rubbing against the lore for the sake of giving players options - that are within sensible limits - is the right choice in my eyes.

Do racial abilities and the name of the race REALLY matter in the end? The game does not in fact constantly beat you about the head that you’re a Bronzebeard (with the exception of the brief starter zone-- which itself is now optional. Anyway it’s always been possible to move to others).

Games are make believe anyway. It’s not as if these things are some horrendously story breaking changes. Blizzard has always put game before story/lore, and so they should in my opinion with this product.

A good many.

No, for several small reasons though. Zandalari are very distinct from the Darkspear for instance, as are most sub-race requests from their core race. I do know that most allied race requests are unlikely to ever happen and that sub-race/customization requests are much more likely to happen.

No, racials don’t make a huge difference in the end.

True. I don’t think Blizzard should continue those story breaking changes, though.

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There are male dark rangers. Check Tiragarde Sound, for example.


I would like to see this.


Posting my support for undead skins and red eyes for Blood Elves. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Or they could just be viewed as undead elves, like Forsaken are undead humans and can be a number of classes.

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Paladin and demon hunter, otherwise I agree with you.

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Thank you so much! I’ve always wanted to play a Dark Ranger, hopefully Blizzard will see all the support and grant our wish.

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I believe it’s now more likely than ever that undead skins are coming.


I want to be optimistic but I have my doubts.


Your guild name is amazing. It made me chuckle and it’s perfect for pride month. <3

I’m cautiously optimistic right now.


We likely are not getting anymore playable elf races. So this is likely the path of least resistance for a lot of us getting something that we’ve wanted for a while. And for us, blue eyes aren’t anything that we wanted. And since red eyes, and pale skin tones are already in the dressing room, they’d only have to enable them for players.

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I’m aware of this, I didn’t state that in that post but I believe I did later in the thread. Maybe I didn’t.

The only thing that makes me think that won’t happen is paladins and DHs, they’d want to class lock it or the lore would be very questionable. It’s still possible, though, and at the moment it’s the best time ever to introduce it. BfA was the perfect time to introduce several playable races, and they’re still possible (possibly even likely), but dark rangers with the Sylvanas story in SL are at their possibility peak right now.

Still hoping for it myself.

I had the same reaction except I’m mad I didn’t name my guild that now.

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They have void elves that can be holy priests though. So I think they are forgoing a lot for customization. Because lore limits it so extremely.


A spec is not the same as a class. Holy and disc, versus paladin and DH.

Yeah but specs are a part of that class. And people can still create that spec. DH are less of an impact because they have no eyes, so they probably will still keep the DH customizations that are separate from other Belf ones.


My Warlock has golden eyes too. And people tried to say I shouldn’t. But my characters story is I almost made a Priest or Paladin in all actuality so I felt it fitting he was studying the light when he changed paths. So the golden eyes make sense for me, in all reality I just like them. But it supports their comments on Golden eyes and player choice. And I think the same would be for the undead customization I agree.


They were likely given priests to represent shadow priests and balance things out so Horde wouldn’t have a priest race over Alliance. Priests are also a class given to a lot of races to represent things that aren’t normally priests, like witch doctors for trolls. Lorewise, holy priests on void elves make no sense, but it’s unfair to lock a spec away based off race. The same thing can be said for LFD shadow priests.

I’m talking more in terms of skin. If we’re locking DHs to only night elves and blood elves, and then let what would undead blood elves be DHs, any arguement against things like orc DHs would burn in a nuclear fire.

I’m sure any Pally that has red eyes will just be a corrupted Pally with the corrupted Ashbringer, and more power to them.

It’s not like WoW’s lore ever really made sense. We went from Vanilla that had very little of it to TBC that took heroes from WC III and made them villains, just cause.