Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

You and me both. There were so many missed opportunities, so much potential and yet it was squandered in this expansion much like a lot of things.


Omg I haven’t seen a post from you in forever I remember you used to always defend Blood Elf options :raised_hands:t5:

Glad you’re doing well


I took a break from wow for about a year because I just wasn’t having fun with shadowlands. My friend told me it got a lot better now so I’m trying things out. Hope you’re doing well! :blush:


I took a small break too so I get it, though I can’t say I’ve had much fun since I came back either I think I’m not in an mmo mood though to be fair so it’s not a Shadowlands thing, it does rub me wrong that Void Elves got to skip the line when core races were being worked on to be awarded a second visual theme, and now here Blood Elves sit with nothing to show for it still.

I did like the covenants story wise I mean I thought they were enjoyable Venthyr and Night Fae being my favs I do think so there’s that.

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I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve mostly been doing the campaign and tmog runs/ allied race stuff to keep me busy. I can say it is definitely better than when it first came out but still needs work for sure.

I totally get that. I was honestly pretty upset that void elves got their customization before any other allied race. I understand more customization is coming out in the next patch for allied races which I am excited about, but I do still wish belves got some of the customization we asked for. Instead we got jewelry and blue eyed elves. :joy:

I agree here! I loved the venthyr campaign and the night fae. Bastion made me kinda fall asleep and necrolords was alright. I think I just don’t like the aesthetics of it lol.


Jewelry guys can’t even use too!


Sometimes I wonder what’s going on through blizzards head…


I’d like to see a second visual theme considering Blood Elves lost uniqueness to gift VEs two distinctly different visual themes while retaining their own uniqueness on top of it, thats why I like Balesongs thread here so much because its my favorite option for one but I’m honestly open to any of the others people have suggested.

And then even just basic things they never followed up on like they added diversity options, Blood Elves have 14 skin tones, they have 2 shades of tan/olive and 2 darker the other 10 are shades of white? They didn’t even expand on that at all? Anyways big agree on the idk what Blizzard is thinking sentiment


Totally agree I think belves should get dark ranger customization =) they’d look awesome. I’d make my toon one in a heartbeat :laughing:


Yeah it’s frustrating to see no acknowledgement for this stuff at all. I get they are ‘focusing on ARs right now’ but it’d be nice if we saw some sort of gameplan. As of right now there is 0 draw to get me back into the game and I’m gone in a month.


I’m no longer playing the game either. I’m pretty disenchanted by everything about Shadowlands.


Posting these male Dark Ranger markings examples too (already in the Belf and San´layn threads):

Finally, some examples to make male Dark Ranger marks (cause let´s be honest the available art only include females and I at least rather don´t get jewerly fiasco 2.0):






Like I said in my other thread, I would LOVE gothic makeup for men. All makeup for men is fine too of course if they like it <3 I just really think it looks super awesome goth-wise :heart_eyes:


dark ranger class for 10.0 make it happen blizzard!


Thanks! These are awesome I’ll add these to the list!


some day


Model toggle for undead would be cool, except I don’t want to have to pay $25 to race change my current Blood Elf to an undead Blood Elf. I’d prefer if they added the options to Blood Elves, PLUS a toggle for undead, so you could choose which racials to use. Dark Rangers are technically both Forsaken and Blood Elves anyway, so why not?


This honestly makes the most sense :stuck_out_tongue: Granted… that 25 race change is probably what they’d want to go for given, you know how they are


Velonara calls both Sin’dorei and Forsaken her kin.

And Sylvanas said good bye to loyalists at her home in Quel’thalas.

I like your outlook / stance.

If not this route I’d like to see some form of second visual theme after blood elves lost any sense of visual uniqueness to gift Void Elves blood elf options allowing them to be both void and non void.


The main problem with Forsaken Dark Ranger toggle is that the Blood Elf model does not have the Forsaken Rot/Jawless/Straps/Hair options.

So they would either have to do a good amount of work to make Forsaken Dark Rangers work to make them jive with the Forsaken kit or leave Dark Rangers with extremely limited options.

So it makes a lot more sense workwise to make Dark Rangers a Blood Elf toggle.

Also pure Forsaken players might not like that they did not get normal forsaken options.