Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Okay but we need this simply because my OC has this exact hair style and I’ve wanted it ever since I saw it on male night elves x.x I’m SO JEALOUS.


I’ve always thought they were perfect for Dark Rangers as well. Thanks for the support!


No problem at all! And yeah, I do like those mount designs a lot. I will hand it to SLs, even if I can’t stand the expansion, there’s a lot of good designs.


The original post was updated with more a extensive suggestion list.

Dark Ranger Customization Suggestions:

Skin Color:

  • Unlock Death Knight Skin (Simplest solution)

  • Undead White Pallor

  • Undead Black

  • Undead Brown

  • Undead Green Pallor

  • Undead Grey Pallor

  • Undead Blue Pallor (Like Sylvanas)

  • Rotting/Mottled Skin

  • Stitched Skin


  • Glowing Red Eyes (Already in game/Dark Ranger NPC Asset)
  • Glowing Red eyes with black sclera
  • Glowing Dark Orange Eyes
  • Glowing Dark Orange Eyes with black sclera
  • Blind Eyes
  • One Blind Eye versions for all colors


  • Damaged ears
  • Notched ears
  • Severed ears
  • Long
  • Medium
  • Short


  • Long
  • Medium
  • Short

Faces: (besides the standard blood elf faces of course)

  • Torn cheeks, exposing teeth/jaw
  • Gaunt
  • Noseless
  • Damage


By Saliancia

Hairstyles: (Besides the current Blood Elf hair)

  • Sombra
  • Undercut
  • Knowledge Bump
  • Braided Hairstyles (Waterfall, Lace, and ladder)
  • Curly hairstyles
  • Afros
  • Wild/Banshee
  • De-tentacled void elf hair








The hairstyle depicted in this art of a Dark Ranger OC by Trashasaurus Rex.

Hair Color: (Besides the current list of colors)

  • Ghostly glow (White)
  • Ghostly glow (black)
  • Black with white
  • Red and Black


Black and White Hair color


Red and Black Hair color

Facial Hair:

Give the men more facial hair, please.

Scars/Burns/Wounds: (We want scars in general, really)

  • A few different styles of Banshee tear burns (like Sylvanas)
  • Facial burns
  • Frostmourne Scars
  • Facial stitches (lips, jaw, throat, eyes)


Art by Noksimian depicts one style of Banshee tear burns.


Another style of Banshee tear burns.



More tear burns.


Dub_Morgan’s art of their OC Ceres depicts the throat stitching I mentioned above.

Tattoos/Warpaint: (We want tattoos in general)

  • Farstrider Tattoos
  • Cultist Markings


  • Gothic
  • Cat Eyes (eyeliner)

Jewelry: (For males too, please)

  • Gothic Chokers
  • More color palettes for the metal and gems, including dark colors like black and midnight purple.

lets take a moment of silence to honor forsaken ranger captain areiel and blood prince dreven. 2 of the hordes best, lost during the fourth war

gone, but not forgotten :pensive:


I hated that I essentially sent Dark Ranger Lyana to die against Saurfang.


Not a huge fan of Saurfang at all. (Yes, I also hate Sylvanas).

All my characters were loyalists my VEs too actually if we take into account I faction changed them after I did the story for Horde.

But I also hate the story direction they took her so there’s that I suppose


I kinda liked him but then they made him a martyr and then a trinket…lol.
Curious if anything will come of that, storywise, or what.

Okay I will say I adored him prior to BfA. But when he sat in that cell doing NOTHING when the Horde needed him, THEN proceeded to do something when the Alliance let him out, he let me down so hard I just…hated him. The “ohhh but he was sad and the horde were being meanies” isn’t an excuse, we needed him right there to stand up and help us against Sylv, but he STAYED IN THAT BLOODY CELL. He failed us all in that bloody gesture.

I think that’s why he is one of my least favorite. I thought he was so great and then he let us all down. Just like Thrall.


Yeah, you’d think he’d have just broken out on his own.
It does seem like they have a tendency to use characters for a bit then toss them aside.


To be fair, he did just try to off himself.

I do not think he was in a good mindset.


I get that, but when we needed him the most, he failed us. And it would be different if he stayed in that cell and was rescued later, but he literally was released by Anduin and worked with the enemy faction before the Horde that needed him.

Personally… I really think it was horrible story writing that ruined the character and super bad representation of how depression works, leading to hatred and demonization because of his nonsense.


Rather then let him out he should have conveniently overlooked the guard placement. Have him muster the will to get himself out of there.

Instead of suddenly getting over his depression because he got a pep talk.

Needing to bail out an iconic Horde character was not a good moment for either faction.


See I like this idea, it would feel soooo much better…


Absolutely hilarious how it took me maybe 5 minutes on WoWhead to make this. It’s NPC options, they could toggle deathly skin tones & red eyes for blood elves, I feel, at any point. Sincerely hope they do so.


Good point, it’s been a while haha. I’m a little rusty on those elements of the story.

So many characters were introduced in Warlords and such, and you hardly ever see them again.

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It would be cool if they added San’layn customization too!


Which is why it’s so odd that they haven’t. It’s such low effort and yet they still haven’t added it.


yeah i was just saying same thing in another thread. red eyes are already in the belf models folder. remember when they were datamined? and so are belf undead skins, for dks. its so easy to add. i find myself frequently thinking…whats going on over there?