Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

I agree with this.

Dark Rangers are a perfectly viable request and no one should really be against it. Have different opinions on how? Sure. but against it? Why?


forsaken night elf toggle too? :thinking:


However, they want to implement them. Though, I believe that Calia is working on helping with issues so they can return to their people. I may be wrong.


Calia is being written to be a tie between Alliance and Horde as well as the future Undead leader to replace Sylvanas since Lilian Voss is only temporary but yes, she took some of them back home or at least that’s what it showed us in game and said in the book.


If I never see Calia again I’d be happy, unfortunately they’re intent on shoving her into the faces of those who really dislike her. (No offense to those that do, I just really…really hate her. Probably my most disliked WoW character.)


I’m mostly apathetic towards her unless they choose her to replace Sylvanas as the forsaken leader.


Think they were leaning toward that, but the response was so negative they likely decided not to… well. Hopefully.


Good. She’s fine as her own thing.


Lol, I know you guys don’t really like Calia but she’s more than likely going to become Undead/Forsaken leader eventually due to the fact Lilian Voss has said she doesn’t want to be the leader and by Blizzards own lore/labeling she’s called the interim-leader of the Forsaken.

I wouldn’t put it past them. Look what they did with Sylvanas, The Lich King, Undercity and Teldrassil.


Wouldn’t be as much of a problem if it wasn’t the ridiculous, and (in my personal opinion) utterly stupid concept of ‘lightforged undead’. It just annoys me that Blizzard has 0 idea in adding nuance in many situations involving the light aside from rare occasions.

Meaning they will make all lightforged nosense ‘mary sues’ and anyone who doesn’t lightforge ‘objectively evil’. Especially with how they handled the forsaken in BfA. I used to really enjoy the forsaken story due to the nuance and how they wandered from the ‘oh no undead are evil’ ridiculous trope.

Now it feels like they’ll add ‘oh and by the way you can just lightforge and not be evil’ to the mix. Think I’d leave the game permanently if that happened to be honest.

Edit: And no, it doesn’t need to be in the game for undead paladin justification, there’s undead that can wield the light under extreme pain already which is very noble. Lightforged undead would be a very lazy copout.

I’d be fine if I was proven wrong in that regard. Where we see plenty of regular forsaken that are good-of-morals and plenty of lightforged nonsense bad-of-morals/evil. But will they do that? Haha. No. I have a hard enough time as it is trying to explain to close-minded buffoons that my DKs have their personality/morality when living upon gaining free will because it varies person to person, this would just add another layer of frustration to the mix.


This I can agree with fully because I’m still not past the awfulness of the Teldrassil storylines it was just not something I enjoyed doing or experiencing in game on either side.

I can agree with most of what you said as well but this part specifically I still think Undead Paladin should become a thing even without the whole Lightforged Undead concept because they are already in game as NPC’s.


Yeah that’s what I meant, sorry I didn’t make it clear! They already exist, and are among the most noble of paladins considering the agony they go through, yet still would utilize their magic despite this for…whatever. Their people? Families still alive? Their home? Morals? Whatever the case, they’d have to endure so much, and it’s really selfless. (this could of course be applied to evil purpose too, of course, so not always noble.)


I believe even the Scarlet Undead are a perfect example of this.


They could also potentially see it as using the light as a tool to spite their enemies.

It’s harder for a member of the scarlet crusade to say forsaken are evil when one rolls up weilding the same Light against them.

Taking on the Light despite their pain to protect their people.


Very true, this is a great point! I like this a lot.


I like her as maybe an advisor to the forsaken. but i really want to see the desolate council be reformed and have some new notable forsaken characters


Always have and always will hate Calia

Here to show my support as always for my fallen sisters to join me as a playable class race or toggle


Almost halfway through October. Let’s get some spooky announcements including our banshee here for Blood Elves or Forsaken Toggles and such.

You know, those undead hound mounts are great for dark ranger characters, I feel. If I ever return to the game, I might try to roll one.


Nathanos gets one.