Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Stop saying stuff is expected when it’s made by fans like Blizzard is actually doing it officially, it’s deceptive.

These are examples to illustrate a request, and you should read before attacking people …

I did read, you are who said this.

Not me, so really stop acting like you aren’t and weren’t being dishonest because this isn’t expected, it might be wanted but Blizzard has never officially said it is something they are doing so it’s not as you say expected.


Yeah when they said that I legit thought that new information was released and confirmed based on the wording…


They said they added RP customizations (high elf, wildhammer, sand troll), They could add them as a “sub-race” selection in character creation.

This feature could allow the addition of dark ranger.

This doesn’t change that what you posted isn’t true because it’s not expected, if you can’t understand that, that’s on you not me because I don’t need to argue it any further than that.

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Right they could and that would be great, we just thought you meant it was confirmed for the future. It isn’t but many people want to it be.


I’m French sorry if I express myself badly …:sweat_smile:


All good! I do support the idea though. It would be very nice if Blizzard also communicated that they saw it. So far they’re just posting in that other thread and nowhere else which is frustrating.

A sub race screen would be really great though, I do want that. I wish, it makes a lot of sense.


Adding “undead customization” to a living race could be complicated, it’s the only solution I think is possible.

Don’t worry, I posted this idea in Void Elf Threads for Blizzard to see.:joy:


NGL, a “Subrace” option would solve so many issues with the Customization request and fix a lot of problems with Allied Races as well.

They could even go so far as to change/reskin racials/class selections.


Since sub-races have been a popular request going as far back as Cataclysm, I have to wonder if coding such a system might be difficult to accomplish with WoW’s current coding and engine. That or I wonder if they attempted allied races as a marketing tool and getting sort of a carrot-on-a-stick system in BfA made more sense to them at the time. Who knows?

I’m hoping that a sub-race system is possible, as that would work very well with a lot of groups within the Horde and Alliance. Granted, allied races did muddy those waters a bit, but it could still be workable. Races like Wildhammer Dwarves really deserve better than Bronzebeard Dwarves attempting to cosplay and LARP as them with tattoos and crazy hairstyles.


My my haven’t we been busy little bees? Thanks for keeping this thread alive.


I also really love the subrace idea and the massive potential it could offer.

It’s not much more than a pipe dream right now, but with enough perseverance it could possibly become a reality one day.

Developing the actual system would likely be the biggest obstacle, but after that it’s probably just art assets and possibly unlocking new classes to go along with said assets.


All that really needs to be done is continue using the allied race setup and just make some adjustments to the character creation UI similar to what is shown in the images.
A subrace would still need proper voicelines and racials. So it’d be the same as an allied race. No reason there can’t be a bit of bleed over in some of the customizations, but there should also be some unique to the subraces as well.
Example being if Void Elves and High Elves were done properly. No reason hairs can’t be shared, but only void elves would have the tentacle option.
Could be a bit of sharing on skins, but I think I’d prefer void elves to have the regular skins but the purple touched extremities that look almost like a void version of frostbite. Either way works for me. High elves would have some options unique to them though.

Wildhammer certainly needs proper treatment and racials to reflect what they are as well as voice lines and some heritage gear.

I’d like similar for humans…click human to create but then you can pick nation which would primarily be a different voice set. This would give options for voicelines/accents appropriate for Gilneas/Kultiras (make one for Stromgarde) but they’d be a regular human, no large body size or worgen shifting. Maybe even have the skinnier body option available here.

There’s a whole lot that could be done and all of it would be welcome additions.

Something else I’ve thought would be nice was just allowing people to customize subrace via the barbershop.
If you’re playing a draenei and later want to change to a lightforged once unlocked, go visit the barbershop. Now if you’re wanting to change core race, that wold require the paid option, although they could certainly do away with that as well, wouldn’t bother me.

This would be a nice change if they were to separate out some of the races and do them proper, as they should be. Things like the trolls, wildhammer, high elves, and so on. Then a void elf using some of the high elf style customizations could just go to the barbershop and do it up proper.


Hi all :blush:
I wish that Dark Rangers are a thing . At Moment we could fit that only with transmog … But we definitely need Red Eyes for the blood elves !!! I‘ve played with some Mogs at the PTR. I‘ve used the mog on Void elves only for the Fearless Gladiator’s Chain Helm wich make their eyes glow Red !

Please,please add Red Eyes for the blood elves !


Support for Dark Rangers!


Thanks Fezzy! :smiley:


Also throwing my support in here again :slight_smile:


Thank you.