Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Bump truck!


Still kinda hoping we see this added… As several others have pointed out there wouldn’t be a huge amount of work to do.


Exactly and that’s why it’s disconcerting they weren’t added in the initial pass. Despite people saying that Blood Elves didn’t make suggestions during Beta, I’ve been requesting Dark Rangers in many forms for years and specifically asked for customizations during the beta.


Let’s keep this thread where it should be.

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Here is an example of the banshee tear burns I want for Dark Rangers. Thanks to Ariel for providing us with this image.




I saw those in the Blood Elf thread, looks great :hugs:


Thanks for using your Trust Level 3 to help!


Any time! :hugs:


I never knew this thread existed but it was in my suggested topics other night so I gave it a like and started reading it and well it took awhile but I made it through finally and I really hope we get some cool and fun options like what is suggested throughout this thread. :heart: :heart: :heart:


night elven dark rangers makes no sense on the alliance. They had already accepted that are now apart of the forsaken.

Dark rangers should be either an AR with both races as customizations as a model toggle, or a model toggle for forsaken players.

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More support for Dark rangers! Definitely think they should be added ASAP.


For now Kal’dorei Dark Rangers don’t make sense on the Alliance as we left their story on a cliffhanger at the end of BFA. IF I maybe so bold as to predict what I feel is the natural/predictable course of their story, I believe Blizzard is going to have them rejoin their sisters and brothers after Calia’s counselling.

It’s really one of the few logical reasons that Blizzard would even allow them to exist after BFA instead of killing them off. Not to mention Sira is being kept in the Stormwind Stockades. If they really weren’t willing to accept them back, Sira would be dead again.

I doubt either of those will happen. I already have people coming to my thread screaming “No more elves” and complaining about elf fatigue. Then there’s the work involved to make a model toggle for Forsaken that Blizzard is very unlikely to do. I’d prefer them as a model toggle for Forsaken too (or a class), but I don’t think that’s going to happen. I’m asking for what’s most likely to happen. Thank you for arguing against my petition maturely and politely.

Thank you for your support~


It’s not ideal but could NE Dark Rangers be under Nightborne customization?

Maybe, but it’s best to have them on the Night Elf model. Blizz still hasn’t fixed the problems Nightborne have.


The way it’s looking and even with lots of feedback it looks like they still aren’t going to because since original PTR of the upcoming patch there has been nonstop feedback about Nightborne, Nightborne character customization, Nightborne faces, etc. and the only extra stuff that’s been added customization wise is for Void Elves.


Blizzard should update character creation like the examples below to add “subraces”.


By choosing the Dark Ranger, the incompatible classes for an undead (paladin, druid) could be unavailable for them.

This is the only solution I find feasible without having yet another elf race added.

EDIT ! :hugs::heart:


Kinda doubt that.

This company won’t even respond to void elves desires.(not to mention blood elf or anyone else)

They’re not interested in the subrace/culture setup.


It’s literally fan stuff that has been posted in other threads to say it’s expected is quite a stretch but people seem to think if they say it or post it repeatedly it becomes true somehow.


I do not understand your hostile approach ?

Stop believing that there is a war between people on the forum wow …:weary:

I was about to ask if there was information released that I wasn’t aware of that the person knew. Bummer. Speculations only then, and I’m not confident they’ll do that.