Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

I missed you all as well. Thank you for your kind words and continued support.


Seriously hope this gets looked into soon for sure. Dark Rangers are lorewise already in the Horde…


I hope this happens too. I really do.


Come on let’s wail so loud (like a banshee) that Blizzard hears us!


I truly hope we see Dark Rangers in some capacity someday.


It’d be nice since they’ve been asked for for a really long time.



Look another Dark Ranger quest, that’s never been finished~ Found by Dark Ranger Megara on Twitter.


Thanks Fen!


Some new faces for the guys, especially, would be nice. And maybe a new stance and idle animations would give the Blood elf model a different flavor.


That vid you posted has some gorgeous work! I soo love those huge glowing red eyes. And some glowing ruby ear decorations, and option for glowing red tattoos would be so beautiful!


What is this witchcraft? How are you posting twice in a row. :stuck_out_tongue:


I feel now, more than ever, Dark Ranger/San’layn customization for Blood Elves is not only possible, but likely.

I really think the VE/HE customizations just show how much it can be done with the already existing assets and would unlock just a whole new aesthetic and thematic for Blood Elves and the Horde. I am vibrations about this.


After getting the Sylvanas’s Legendary bow at Sanctum of Domination, I feel like Dark Ranger should be more of a thing now especially for Blood Elves.

It does feel nice and right about it.


I don’t know. I’m not really feeling optimistic about their inclusion at this point. The options are already in the game and all it needs is to be enabled. Yet, even though it could be done in this patch with no resources or real time spent, they refuse to do it.

I wished I could see this as hope, but seeing as it’s such an easy thing to implement and the fact they haven’t done it even when it was asked for in Shadowlands beta makes me feel otherwise.


I am just going to be optimistic that they are just doing a deep focus on Allied Races, and Core Race suggestions are on hold but still being taken. At least that is what I hope.

Also, the “like allowance” is attacking me today…


It still confuses me as to why it hasn’t be done yet. It really wouldn’t count as a Blood Elf pass to just flip the switch for these options. Besides Void Elves got a “pass” as an allied race during the time of the core races. This focus on the Allied Races shouldn’t prevent them from enabling something so simple, cheap and easy. It’s less effort than the paltry effort of moving blood elf hair textures to void elf hair.


Though this thread is petitioning for customization, a dark ranger class isn’t totally out of the question. In fact there are things pointing to Dark Rangers possibly being the next class.

  1. Sylvanas raised fallen Kaldorei as Dark Rangers, most notably Delaryn Summermoon and Sira Moonwarden. This serves as an Alliance “in” for Dark Rangers. There must be a reason to create and then shelf Kaldorei Dark Rangers besides “they’re cool.” If they were a temporary thing, they all would’ve been killed.

  2. They let Sira the Darkwarden live and have her captive in the Stockades which, along with Delaryn, could see her rejoin the Alliance and act as mode of introducing Night Elf Dark Rangers to the Alliance. Or she could become a threat later.

  3. In BFA Alleria confesses that only Sylvanas commanded an army capable of defeating the Old Gods/Void. Dark Rangers were part of that army and because they are undead, they’re resistant/immune to the void’s whispers.

  4. We’re due for another ranged, mail wearing class. We’ve only got two that wear mail (Shaman and Hunter) and only one that uses bows, crossbows and guns.

  5. Sylvanas is preparing to become what Illidan became to the Illidari and what Arthas was to Death Knights for Dark Rangers. Plus she has her own novel coming. So far she’s par for the course on becoming a class Archetype. She’s become a villain ( like Arthas and Illidan), has a hero class/unit deeply associated with her (Arthas = DK, Illidan = DH), is getting a novel named for and about her, thought she was doing the right thing by doing all the wrong things, and is an important figure in Warcraft lore (Warcraft III like Illidan and Arthas.)

  6. Dark Ranger wouldn’t be an elf only, one faction class as Night Elves can now be Dark Rangers, Humans can be dark rangers with the precedence set by Nathanos, and Forsaken are obviously able to be Dark Rangers. I’d even wager that trolls could be Dark Rangers (only in the game mechanic sense as they’d really be Shadow-Hunters) and Void elves too.

  7. Presumably, the next expansion is a void vs light expansion and as such Dark Rangers would make sense as they deal with both death and shadow magic as well as being immune/resistant to the void’s whispers due to their undeath. Remember the void sees Sylvanas as one of it’s greatest threats. It practically went rabid in Alleria’s head and more than once too. There’s got to be a set up for something there.

  8. Devs have refused to acknowledge or address Dark Ranger customizations despite how easily they could be enabled for Blood Elves.

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I’m holding on to that “we are looking into AR’s now” bit they said, they acknowledged the feedback on core races, and I do believe we will be seeing something, but not on this cycle -like how I believe AR’s were gonna come out in 10.0 but they fastracked them due to backlash-

But yeah, I feel slightly on the optimist side here believing we will be seeing more stuff for Blood Elves next expansion, specially so Dark Ranger options.


I want to think it’s more of a organizational issue. They have gone Core Races first, then AR’s, with Void Elves being the only exception, and I think that was evidently a case of getting in front of the backlash that giving blue eyes to BE’s would have caused otherwise. So the BE skins on VE feel like the exception to the norm, and with a very clear purpose.

And sadly, we don’t have as many people campaigning for Dark Ranger/Undead Elf/San’layn options as we had for High Elf options.

So I’m still hopeful it might happen, but I can see why it’s not happening now, specially if it’s also linked to more spoilery reasons if there’s a Venthyr link.

But yeah, while I love the HE options they opened on SL for VE, part of me it’s convinced it was done in a large measure to prevent backlash for the BE blue eyes. Without that, I don’t think we would had gotten them.