Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

very nice .

There is the toy that makes you look like a Dark Ranger for a while.

We’re well aware of that very low duration toy that definitely doesn’t replace the want for actual dark range lore/customization, REAL customization, for our toons >.>

(Would be like saying the orb of sindorei is a fine substitute if we didn’t have blood elves, which I disagree with wholeheartedly.)


We can’t give up on this you guys let’s get our rangers


Here to pledge my undead support for our undead sisters


Did all the love and support for this die?

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I’m just gonna leave this video here;

Lots of great Undead Elf edits. I hope we can get these options for Blood Elves once they resume customizations :hugs:


Wowhead recently made an article on a blue post on the EU forums that customization is going to continue after all. While nothing about Dark Rangers is mentioned, I thought this would be of interest to this megathread.

First, info on what is coming is shown here:

Of the blue text, this is of note:

"We’ll be continuing to expand our character customization in the future, with our sights set on Highmountain Tauren next.

Stay tuned for more information."

While nothing specific is mentioned for the future, aside what was mentioned in this article, it’s good to see Blizzard change their mind on customization. While we don’t know what customization options are forthcoming, I felt it was a good idea to share this with this megathread since it is customization focused.

I hope everyone is doing alright. I’m still rooting for y’all! :smiley:


Right, since the high elf community is getting exactly what they’ve been asking for for gods knows how long, I’m thinking Blood Elves, particularly Dark Ranger & San’layn fans, should get some love too.

Options like those presented in this thread would bring uniqueness to blood elves that it desperately needs right now.


Undead trash sylvanas loyalists I hope the light of the sunwell exterminates them

I do support the idea of having dark ranger and san’layn customizations for Blood Elves.

Despite the High Elf Alliance drama, this is one thing that I do wish Blood Elves get their wish.


That’s good! I know high elf fans are celebrating today, and it’ll enrich that end of roleplay. Here’s to hoping for more options across the board.


Listen, I do feel that adding more customizations that fans want is the best option for this community to be healthier on both sides. And despite how the development of this game went, they finally have had their wake up call and started looking at people’s desires.

I also would like the idea on dark ranger, because lore wise - it’s only horde side that has it, and Blood Elves having dark ranger customization while being a hunter would be pretty awesome to roleplay as too.


the undead are not themed blood elf, that is thematic forsaken!

blood elves don’t need customization of evil cannibals who enjoy eating people.

we need magister tattoos, farstrider, beards and more light customization. that’s the blood elf theme

Now is the time Blizzard! The assets already exist!


Support for the Dark Rangers!


Looking at this how this video had aged with Void Elves getting natural hair colors, Blood Elves should definitely get access to the preexisting Undead Elf assets. I’d also definitely like to see them recieve some Void Elf hairstyles and colors as they definitely fit the Undead aesthetic.


the blood elves are not cannibal undead monsters that is not our lore or our aesthetics or our identity as a race. that is thematic forsaken.
we should have lightforged customization! to differentiate ourselves thematically from the void elves. light vs void

Unlocking the DK skin tones + red eye color could do SO MUCH.


Personally I can’t stand the lightforged customization idea and wouldn’t use it. I’d way rather have Dark Ranger themes, they’re far more interesting to me. This is my personal opinion of course, and I’m sharing it here since you decided to share yours on this thread. I am aware that you have the opposite view, and am sharing mine here.

Hard pass on anything to do with lightforging elves. Lightforged draenei have the light element covered. At least undead are already Horde.

Support for Dark Ranger customization for me!