Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Apparently, Blizz is trying to decide on whether or not Sylvanas’ bow will be an artifact or a legendary. Also something about an extra special button?


Hoping this new stuff is good signs for Dark Rangers possibly playable in the future!


The bow makes me think Blizz definitely wants Dark Rangers rolled into hunters, so I wouldn’t hedge my bets on a class.

That being said, I really hope we get the customization options for belves or a model toggle for undead.


That’s my preferred outcome as well. The customization options are more versatile for RP, such as if you wanted to make a San’layn character.


Yes, the options can double dip pretty well for DRs and San’layn.

This makes them work well with every class really, except paladin I guess. But I wouldn’t want to give up an entire suite of awesome options just because of one class.


Indeed, I just hope to get more lore as well. And this applies to options for everyone too, it would be nice if we did get more lore (even a smidgeon) for more things, like the Sand Trolls, Wildhammers, High Elves, and if DR/San’layn become customization, lore for them too.

Not even something that would require a massive amount of work. Maybe a few quests maximum talking about the gaps. If Blizzard would listen to the communities and what we want from the lore, that would be lovely. In DR’s case, perhaps a few quests regarding those no longer loyal to Sylv and very loyal to the Horde. It would bring some very good flavor. Heck, it could be the unlock quest for the customization, or something. I have my ideas for San’layn with regard to that as well.


Some jungle trolls use those skins, so they might not be sand trolls. Regardless, lore on the skins would be nice.

All that would be needed here really is “those Wayfarers in Telogrus finished their training and became void elves” and “some high elves returned to Quel’Thalas”.

Would be great to get some heritage armour for them somehow. Maybe a log in screen toggle too. It’s kinda awkward to see a Wildhammer standing in front of the snowy gates of Ironforge on the log in screen. Somewhere in Aerie Peak would be nice.


Oh yeah, I remember someone saying that. Still, having actual Sand Trolls with lore would be neat in my opinion. I still don’t understand why the lore isn’t: “The Sand Trolls we worked with on Voldun joined the Horde”.

Makes sense, I have no ball in this court and admittedly was just trying to be thoughtful, not a big lore person for them :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah that makes sense, another bit of lore I don’t know much about, though I do know Wildhammer enthusiasts would like druids (GRANTED I don’t like class restrictions at ALL so :stuck_out_tongue: )


They had some NPCs yacking to introduce new Class/Race combos so there’s no reason they could not do that now.


I’ll admit, high elf wise I only care about the Alliance ones. When I play blood elves I like to play them as ones that were there the whole time, even if I use blue eyes on them. But I listed both to be fair.


Yeah that’s fair, the only Thalssians I am interested in myself are Sin’dorei (somewhat now I guess, since they lost a lot of what made them interesting :frowning: ) San’layn (duh), and Dark rangers (though I have no character that is one yet, and don’t know much of their lore, but will do research if I ever feel the urge to make a character). Too much of a Horde player :stuck_out_tongue: (Even though I can’t stand the horde either now… )


I actually tend to prefer the Horde too. But I happened to main Alliance in Wrath and never got over it.


For me it was TBC…


Seeing as it’s a pretty good time and rather fitting for the current expansion’s theme for Dark Rangers and San’layn, I wanted to post a guide I’ve made on how to submit in-game feedback to suggest Dark Rangers as either a playable race or customization option and also refer to this megathread. I’ve been gradually doing this for the different megathreads to help out.

Since several Dark Rangers broke away from Sylvanas and sided with the Horde, I think it would be good to show off support for them to be more than just a forgotten faction within the Horde and instead get some love and development.

I do think it’s important to still continue show off support for the races people want playable, and doing an occasional in-game suggestion might be a good way to show off the work we’ve done for our megathreads.

Here is the guide I’ve made:

Once a month on only one character, I send an in-game suggestion for the races I want playable. I do one suggestion for each race and refer to their megathreads on the official US WoW forums for more information. It’s something I don’t regularly do, as I don’t want to spam the system, but it is something I try to at least do occasionally.

If you’re interested in submitting in-game feedback for any races you are interested in becoming playable, here is how to get to it in game:

Step 1: Press ESC to bring up the general menu.

Step 2: Click “Support.” It’s at the very top of the menu.

A new window in-game should load. It can take a few seconds for it to load completely. Underneath the “Search World of Warcraft Support” search bar, you should see a line of square images that refer to specific categories of support.

Step 3: Click the “Submit feedback or bug report” square. It should be on the far left when you first load the support window.

It’ll take a second to load that part.

Step 4: Click the lightbulb icon on the right that says “Submit a suggestion”

Step 5: Click in the text box on this window to begin typing a suggestion.

You’re now ready to submit an in-game suggestion!

It’s limited to 500 characters you can type, so you have to be a bit creative in the limited space. As I said before, I usually do one suggestion for each race I want playable, giving a very brief mention of the race, the faction I want it for, and why I feel they’d be great to add. I then make sure to type the name of the associated megathread, assuming they have a megathread, and mention they’re on the official US WoW forums, stating to go there for more info, such as ideas, fan support/designs, ongoing discussions, etc.

When you submit the feedback, it states you won’t get a response, but that it’ll be looked at in some way. Now, this wouldn’t be a sure-fire way to get a race playable, but it can’t hurt to do so in my opinion. After all, we have to show support somehow!

So for those interested in supporting a race you want playable, this is how to do it in-game. As I said, I usually do this once a month (on just one character) at most so as to not spam the system. However, multiple people doing it could help a lot to showing support for races we’d love to see playable.

Also make sure you’re submitting a suggestion and not a bug. I mean, yes, the character creation screen lacking playable Dark Rangers is quite the game-breaking bug (with an easy fix!), but a suggestion will likely be received better as opposed to sending that as a bug report.

Hope that helps! :bow_and_arrow:


Red eyes. I will settle for just red eyes. Pls. Pls Blizzard.


Do not settle! We must have…


You guys still there? haha gotta keep this thread alive!

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Dark Ranger options sure would go great with this mog I’m wearing right now.

The Venthyr chest and legs work surprisingly well for a Dark Ranger look.


We want dark rangers and we want them now


I don’t think I ever posted on this character here, but this is my DK in a Dark Ranger mog.

(Somand alt)