Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

So Death Knights should be considered a race?

Slap some goth makeup on a belf and give it red eyes tada.

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Are undead blood elves connected to the Sunwell? That would also mean undead paladins if they were just customization.

No, because death knights of any race can be raised. Death knights with racials is strange though, and likely only for gameplay purposes.

You seem to be the most reasonable person I’ve encountered on the subject.


It’s dumb but it’s the best we’ll get sadly. High elves without blond hair is also questionable. The high elves blood elf side can pretty easily make sense, but void elf side is never going to make much sense, really just going to have to deal with it. Best bet is thinking of it as high elves turning into void elves instead of just normal high elves.

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Bumping because i wanna see this happen!

Also, wanted to share a pic i took awhile back of my Hunter in one of her Dark Ranger mogs that i used as an entry to one of Wowhead’s old pet/transmog competitions.

I didn’t win, but it’s one of my favorite pictures. Sorry it’s only a link. I don’t have TL3 anymore because Blizzard thinks i’m a bad girl for leaving the forums. :frowning:

Edit: Got TL3 back!


Blizzard doesn’t want to give Zurogrusel TL3 to post links for a megathread, me sad. Blizzard always trying to keep the green people quiet. But they don’t know the power of green.

It is a good picture, to be fair. Hope they update all the old zones someday, that would’ve looked really good in Ghostlands/Tirisfal/Silverpine. Maybe Hillsbrad.


Just keep hanging around in the forums and you’ll get there eventually. This will be my third time getting it back lol.

Yeah. This is one of the reasons i actually enjoyed Warfronts. The updated Arathi Highlands and Darkshore looked great.


Thank you guys for bumping this thread.

That transmog looks awesome, Hella.


Is it wrong that I would gladly sacrifice my two blue eyed options, for some kicking Dark ranger options?


Gonna throw some support to this idea.

I don’t even like elves, but dark rangers are neat.

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Nah, just personal preference. You wrong though :angry: because I disagree :angry: :angry: :angry:

Agreed, especially Arathi in my opinion.

Gonna get my daily salt in and complain that elf threads always seem to get the most support >:(

But, yeah, agreed.

Hey you, yeah you joke thief, I made that pun first!


A bit late to responding, but other elves were raised into undeath as well. We just haven’t seen the non-rangers, I believe at least. So if they did make it dark rangers, yeah they’d need an explanation. Undead high/blood elves is the easier and more logical way out.

55 as of time of writing, tripled in likes :sunglasses:


Bookmarked this thread so i can keep track of it. Not sure why i haven’t done that sooner.

Thanks! I have like four different Dark Ranger themed mogs for my Hunter lol.

Definitely not. Id sacrifice them in a heart beat if it would mean we could get Dark Ranger customization instead.


If it’s any consolation I think for me I see it like the golden eyes. When they originally happened the pushed it was a connection to the Sunwell? Yet here I am as a warlock able to choose them. And it was something along the lines of them saying if you want this option and to have your character be cleansed by the Sunwell then you can in an attempt to emphasize player choice for your character. So I kind of view it like that, if you want to be a Dark Ranger appearance it would just sort of be your choice. And thinking on it I don’t see why if raised by Sylvanas she would have stopped with only Hunters, I’m sure she made use of any loyal Blood Elf if she felt inclined to utilize them again in death.

Oddly enough since to me it isn’t an AR community but sort of a customization option request, I’m okay with it not receiving a in depth explanation, I’d rather them save the resources for lore explanations for the AR communities that get added via customization.

That’s just sort of my take though, if they want to add lore to justify it I wouldn’t fault them either of course though heh :sweat_smile:


I should of said it looks Hella awesome. :smiley: I’ll see myself out.


Sounds like a good idea. Nelfs got the Night Warrior thing after all.


I say we just give the option to the Blood Elves to compensate for the Void Elves getting what they wanted. Just an opinion.

I’m still hoping for some make up and warpaint options for every race in general. Would love to see some neat ash/black warpaint designs with this Dark ranger concept. I bet it would be stylin’. Or smokey eye make up. Just do it Blizzard.

I see some people remarking to give it to the Undead but I think Undead could have so many more neat things than being another version of an elf.

Seriously tho, they can have so many options that Elves cannot.


Oh, I agree with this wholeheartedly. The void elves are blood elves and as such they got most of our customization options (note that I am not complaining and am happy for Void Elf players), Dark Ranger customization does feel like a just compensation.

I really hope the tear markings (this especially), warpaint and makeup will be customization options too.


I support this OP.


Thank you for your support!

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Yeah what a swell idea. Let’s add a class that is basically just a hunter, but somehow come up with 2-3 brand new specializations for it. Instead of just adding a character skin for a horde race and letting people play existing classes.

Also how would you explain the racial limitations of the new dark ranger hero class? Bloodelf… Forsaken… and what do Alliance get? Oh right nothing because it is a horde only class.

It’s 100x easier to explain that some elves just gave up their bows for a new fighting style. It’s not entirely unheard of. Liadrin was a priest before she became a paladin. Adding the undead skin tone to bloodelves and giving them a red eye color to go with it would be all you need.