Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

for me the Velonara stuff in particular gives hope that they might have something planned for the future, crossing my fingers!


We already have two races that share the same model I don’t think we need a third

I honestly think we could probably get away with them adding an Undead Elf model option to the forsaken race. It probably makes more sense lorewise too considering the class options and racials.

I’d actually very much prefer dark rangers to be considered part of the Forsaken race, I just fear it’s less likely to happen. Introducing an alternative race/model could lead to other races wanting similar treatment, or might open up the floodgates of “well Forsaken can be any race, we should get versions of all the horde races”

again, nothing I’d be personally against, but for Blizzard I feel it might be more work than they signed up for, hence the blood elves just needing a skin/eye option would seem much more feasible

as long as we get something I’ll be happy with it, so I’m trying to hope for a best case scenario

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Can I get some awesome warpaint and smokey eye make up to compliment this tho? Those red eyes of hunger. Serioulsy tho you guys… hey you gguuyysss something that was never offered before? Besides just changing colours on everything eyes/skin etc?

“I’d be so happy.” :heart:

That would be a firey affair.

I’m not sure about the idea of the Dark Ranger thing though. Other than an eye colour difference and generally wearing dark gear, what would the difference be?

I can’t speak for everyone but, at least for me, it’s more about the aesthetic options at this point. It seems more and more that Blizzard are opening up the customizations so that players can better reflect their characters the way they want them to look.

Listen, I would love dark rangers to be their own class or allied race or something along those lines. But with the amount of elves we have at this point, that wish feels like a diminishing dream. What we CAN get is something like red eyes and a pale skin perhaps to suggest that type of character. It goes a long way for making our characters feel unique, and red eyes could encompass a few of the wanted races (such as san’layn) in a feasible way.

Hopefully that made sense!


OK, then perhaps suggest that to them (as has been done with this post, and via the Suggestion system). Then if anyone wanted to play a Ranger elf, with red eyes and pale skin, they could. I see no problem with that.

PS: on the RP front, I think it would be neat if there were Zandalari troll appearance options to make your Z troll look like a Blood Troll. Yknow, the white skin, creepy look, red hands and feet, etc. You could RP that you found your way back to the True Zandalari Way but were unable to make yourself look like them. Now THAT would be cool, I’d a make a ZTroll for that…


Yep! That’s what we’re here trying to do. :slight_smile: Keeping a dialogue going and showing support is the most likely way we’ll get the attention of the devs, and right now is the perfect time to do it with alpha customizations in the works.

The recent blue eyes for both void elves and blood elves are a good indication that they’re listening to player feedback and willing to throw us some options, and since the red eyes and pale skin are technically already in the blood elf files (to be used for NPCs like dark rangers), it wouldn’t be difficult for them to give them to us, no additional work necessary.


As much as 2 more elf races would be for the game, I think the community would have more fun if we didn’t include another variation of elves, humans, and tauren.

Elves are a special circumstance. We know this because of the existence of Velfs. They exist as a reason to give the Alliance elves so they don’t feel bad about Nightborne on the horde. Both factions need the same number of elves. AGAIN Velfs… 6 elf races? Please lets have fun with something other than an elf for once? There are so many races they could put in the game. Why 2 more elves? Customization options would be the best bet here and please everyone.

Those who want new races that aren’t elves and those who want to play as a Dark Ranger/gothic elf can get this with Dark Ranger/goth Belf options and then we have a spot for a new Horde and Alliance race.

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I don’t see anything wrong with it going to BEs. We saw Sylvanas say goodbye to loyalists back in her home in Ghostlands, so she might have been the Banshee Queen but she still always showed love to Quel’thalas in her own way. I think other Forsaken Elves would be attached to Quel’thalas in that sense.

I kind of want undead NE customization also, I certainly don’t think that would go to Forsaken.

That’s kind of where my head is at and why I’d prefer BEs getting it over forsaken. Also today’s announcement were obviously going to see more customization, the eyes for BEs and skins for VEs being controversial they didn’t want to announce one but not the other but at the same time. So I kind of am hopeful BEs will get a bit more love in customization VEs got a whole new skin pallet, BE fans should too (I know were getting the new diversity options but, VEs are getting that is my point anyways).

Anyways here’s to hoping :clinking_glasses:


Well there were mainly 2 races who have existed on Azeroth the longest. Trolls and shortly after Elves. And within each of those races there were different tribes who spent lots of time apart who then became racially different from their cousins. Each has their own history, legends, heroes, etc… So I think it’s natural that they would be the most diverse race options, especially elves as they are quite long lived.

There are other race options to be added to either faction, but a lot of them have to have new lore written for them. I’m not opposed to other races… Sethrak, Saurok, Ogres… all great options. But I wouldn’t diminish the addition of other elven races made playable. In the end more options are great for everyone in in my opinion.


I’ll never let my sub lapse again if we get a dark ranger option, be it for elves or forsaken.

Please, Blizz. Opening up the high elf (sorta) option has made so many players so very happy and fulfilled long time wishes no doubt dating back to classic. It means a lot to them and I’m super thankful for that!

But just one more eency weency option for dark rangers would have the rest of us shrieking like banshees (in delight.)


yes thats what we need
more elf things
lets ignore everyone else and just add more elfs

Long ears on Forsaken. Why not.

Right? Honestly at this point IDK what to even think XD I always thought that “rolling” high elves into Void Elves was the liklier option -I literally made some mock ups about it like two weeks ago lol- but I didn’t actually thought it was gonna happen lol.

HE skin tones for VE and DR skin tones for BE would be perfect tbh, I really think it gives a very good equivalence with “thalassian” being the midpoint between VE and BE as races and “Void” and “Undead” as the extremes.


The same is true of a High Elves… but we don’t get to have that either… so if we have to accept High Elf customizations on Void Elves as the closest we’ll ever get, then so too should you have to accept undead elf customizations on Blood Elves as the closet you’ll get.

No, we don’t need a third model, and that’s why Blizzard won’t, but undead blood elves are distinct enough from normal blood elves to warrant things like new voicelines, racials, and heritage, and that sounds a lot more like a new race than a skin.

That said, I know that won’t happen, so yes, I know they’ll be customization instead of their own race. That is, if we get them. As it was put here:

Barely any race requests, if any at all, deserve to be customization instead of their own distinct race. But almost all of the ones we get will be customization. The only exception to that I think there is is the ones in BfA, like Zandalari.

and again… the same is true of High Elves… they are distinct enough from Void Elves to warrant things like new voicelines, racials, and heritage… sounds like a new race doesn’t it?

Oh, I’m more than aware.

It does. You should note that post of mine you responded to was created 5 days before all this high elf stuff was released.

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