Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Good idea!


That’s sure to stir up some delicious dissent. Great idea. :smiley:

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I’m a fan of paladins for Forsaken so I guess I’d be a liar of I were against Darkfallen paladins…


I know, I was joking. Sir Zeliek was undead and he wielded the light so undead elves being able to wouldn’t be a stretch.


There’s also the Risen.


Lore for it, with citations.


Here ya go!


I’m ready to become a Undead Blood Elf Warrior finally.


This does require a bit of a disclaimer though. Paladins don’t just use the Light. Paladins become engulfed with the Light. We know that simply using the Light causes horrible pain to Forsaken, but it’s not clear how being turned into a Light smoothie would go for one.

Alonsus Faol only experiences pain when he channels his holy spells, while if memory serves there was a bit somewhere about the Risen paladins being in constant pain. If I am remembering this correctly, it would lend credence to the idea that priests and paladins wield the Light differently.

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From memory the whole intertwining of paladin and Light is detailed in that Arthas book during his ascension.

Well Sir Zeliek is the primary example of an Undead Paladin, so there is precedent that it’s possible under the right circumstances.

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He’s also a Death Knight, so he’s a bit of a special case.

The Risen have undead paladins that as far as I know don’t have any special circumstances to justify their existence, so I don’t know if said circumstances would be strictly needed.

Was it mentioned as an explicit thing, or just something Arthas felt? Also, is there any indication there that this is different from what priests experience? I don’t remember the quote in question in detail.


I’m pretty neutral on undead paladins (as long as it isn’t the silly lightforged undead concept, which I personally hate), it’s the undead priests that I care the most about and people wrongly saying “Oh they only use shadow” when that’s blatantly incorrect. They suffer nobly with what they do (see the link I shared) so they can still use their magic, and it shows that the light isn’t about some obnoxious faith thing, but it is about willpower, which is far more interesting to me personally.


Yes. Alonsus Faol is a canon example of an undead holy priest. And back in Vanilla/Classic, the undead lowbie priest quests explain how undead wielding the Light works. If memory serves, it heals them, but is painful, so they view it as a necessary evil. Granted, that was before Shadow Mend was invented, but still.


If people are still that sketchy about having an undead paladin option, you can always explain it away as them channeling through the Sunwell instead of themselves or something like that.


Dude, more customization is good.

The customization on the game is more and more situation

It’s pretty explicit I believe. It was explicit in the Tirion novel too.

As if in response to the assembly’s command, the light came to rest upon Tirion himself. Partially blinded by the intense radiance, Tirion felt his body warmed and energized by its holy power.

Every fiber of his being was ignited by divine fire. He could sense life-giving energies flowing through his limbs, energies enough to heal any wound or cure any disease. He mused that these energies were enough to burn even the souls of the accursed denizens of the shadow. Despite himself, he shuddered involuntarily.

Ablaze with hope and joy, Tirion knelt down and took hold of the mighty hammer—the symbol of his holy appointment and station. With joyous tears streaming down his face, he raised his head and looked toward the Archbishop, who smiled warmly back at him.

“Arise, Tirion Fordring—Paladin defender of Lordaeron. Welcome to the Order of the Silver Hand.”


To be clear, I still think Dark Rangers as a customization option for Blood Elves and Night elves is more likely and thus what I’m advocating for in this thread. However, I would prefer them to be part of San’layn/Undead Elves allied race.

What would everyone’s dream unlock/recruitment questline be?


I get bit by a resurrected Queen Lana’thel and given a free Race/change.


I sincerely apologize for my inability to keep this thread active. I am going through personal/medical problems.