Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Please yes, this. This would fit my RP purposes 100%.

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You’ve got me there, though I think the female gnomes look much better than the males.

Yeah, I know about Nosferatu (from the once lost silent film) and the legal issues associated with it. The thing is despite many vampires in mythology being ugly, there were some mythologies that had beautiful vampires (at least the females, not sure about the males) as their beauty helped lure in victims.

I can understand and appreciate your opinion on Venthyr, though. I am not trying to offend anyone who actually likes how the Venthyr look. I like their voices, how they dress, the general aesthetic of Revendreth (gothic <3), some of their characters (Denathrius <3) and the implication that Denathrius is responsible for the dreadlords. The dredgers are cute. The main reason I’m against them isn’t their appearance, though.

It’s because if they’re introduced San’layn, the first vampires that appeared in WoW and only ones established in the world of the living, will be ignored for a completely new race. We won’t see new lore on them. None of the questions we have such as the origin of the blood curse will be answered. The biggest reason is it’d feel really weird to have venthyr, most of which are souls of the dead, return to Azeroth.

From what I understand (I might be wrong), they don’t have physical bodies as we do. I’m not even sure they could exist beyond the Shadowlands. The whole Shadowlands races thing is confusing.

It’s okay, that you like them. I have no ill will towards anyone who likes how they look. You do you and if that makes you happy, I’m glad for you. Everyone deserves to be happy. Again, I like many aspects of the venthyr.

But this thread isn’t about San’layn. :smiley: It’s about Dark Ranger Customization which I’m surprised weren’t options in the initial round of new customizations. Question: Are you somebody I follow on twitter? If you are, I love seeing posts out your characters.


doubtful, since blood elves has access to paladins. If it happens it will either be a customization for forsaken, or as their own AR.

I dunno how I feel about that. pointed ear forsaken don’t look that good in my opinion.

I do agree they should be playable, just I don’t think it should be through blood elves.

As long as they stay true to the lore and give customization people have been asking for, I’d be fine with it. I prefer certain ways over others, but lore (and proper customization) is my main thing, and what it comes down to for me. If they end up on something other than blood elves, I’ll just need to save up a lot of gold.

But I would like hair styles from blood elves to carry over whatever they do decide to go with for Dark Rangers.


I’ve come to really like Venthyr myself through the Revendreth questing experience, but I still don’t think they should be playable. Not even counting the new vs old thing, they just don’t make sense as a playable race.

We play as mortal races, and Venthyr aren’t mortals.

Dracula. Not sure if he counts as mythology, but he’s definitely an example of a beautiful male vampire.


Liking to agree, but going to drop it here now, since it’s going off topic again, and I don’t want to contribute to that more. Think I shared my POV on that certain subject, and if people want to discuss it more, they can in a related thread. Won’t comment further even if others do (and though I agree with what’s being said in certain areas.)

Anyway, hopefully there will be fruition to that Dark Ranger questline that people have been talking about. Perhaps more lore on dark rangers in general will come along as Sylvanas activity increases, like what those are doing who are not following her and stuck with the Horde. There’s some good key questions to ask:

  1. How have they been faring since the “The Horde is nothing” debacle?
  2. How have they been treated since (1) happened?
  3. Some different perspectives would be very interesting to see when it comes to the Dark Rangers, as they’re pretty unique and in a tight spot.
  4. Thoughts on what Sylv is doing now?
  5. Possibly infighting between those who still are loyalists, and those that are not?

At least we now know it’s not a lead in to the tome of undead beast taming, since that’s just a drop in Maldraxxus. So that’s good news.


True that! I got lucky and it dropped for me while I was farming for the warhound. (Which is a neat idea for a Dark Ranger mount, come to think of it, considering that’s Nathanos’s dogs.)


DR stuff on Belfs is the easiest and quickest avenue for these options.


I’m with you on rather having playable San’layn, I think with the Venthyr they’re just tying it into another race that was there in classic and even before that.

I’ve got a death knight I’d make into a San’layn just like you do. =]

I’m hoping we get some real cool reveals in Feb for the future of the expansion including more customization and maybe even allied races.


So… to be fair. They did exactly this with high elves when they made void elves. So many people wanted high elves and got void elves and later the apology was giving void elves and blood elves blue eyes.

Though I imagine and they may go into it with the Venthyr/Arthas storyline that the San’layn were like the Valkyr inspired by the denizens of the shadowlands. Valkyr were inspired by kyrian and san’layn inspired by Venthyr.

The kyrian and maldraxxians easily leave the shadowlands at will. They most certainly do have physical forms. Souls that go there don’t but when they are reformed into an aspirant, or venthyr they’re given a new life and a new body. Watch maldraxxus afterlives. Draka physically enters a burning legion outpost in the material plane.


Draenei, Undead, Death knights, Nightborne. None of those are “mortal”. They’d make about as much sense as death knights do, being called “mortal”. Oh and demon hunters. Demon hunters are more demon than not and are ageless and don’t even go into the shadowlands when they die but the twisting nether instead. Handful of the player races/classes aren’t aren’t mortal. I wonder if void elves aren’t. Since they’re attuned to the void would they go to the void when they die rather than the shadowlands? Like how demons go to the twisting nether?

They’re all from the mortal plane though. None of them are from the Shadowlands, which is literally the afterlife.


To be fair the situations aren’t the same, HEs are a request of an already existing Horde race one that by the way is the majority of remaining HEs so the situation is always going to be different.

Do you think VEs were unpopular? People were quite happy with VEs, what is the apology? Who is the apology for?

They never commented on why they did what they did but if we are playing the assuming game here, weren’t blue eyes data mined and the forums erupted? It was probably a poor attempt to trying to think of both sides when in reality BEs got shafted in that entire thing.

So no the two situations aren’t similar at all because San’layn don’t currently exist on Alliance for there to be a need for a compromise / change / consideration to be taken into account.

To bring things back around to this OP, Reno’s point works for both fandoms and I can see there being overlap if they go the customization route to achieving both the Darkfallen and Undead Elf fantasy.


The shadowlands is just an alternate dimension reality like the void. It is the realm of death and where “mortal” spirits go when they die. To be reborn as a being of death. It’s not much different then a demon hunting going from being a mortal to a demon.

If you play a demon hunter, do the NPCs not refer to you as a living mortal, as they do with every other player character?

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Yeah because blizzard doesn’t pay attention to detail? Which is why they’d make perfect sense as allied race. Demon hunters are confirmed by blizzard their starter zone and their class hall to NOT be mortal and go to twisting nether when they die.

Alright, I admit I was wrong but this isn’t the thread to argue against or for Shadowlands allied races. Can you please take this argument to another thread?


what even sillier, they refer death knights as “living” mortals.

Forsaken too, but everyone mentions they are mortals.

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I figure it’s cause we’re from the “mortal” plane.