Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Yet this isn’t mentioned anywhere in the wikis about the paladins.
it just said warriors were taught the light and that priests were taught to be martial.


hmmm. You know I think Blizzard is missing a major trick here.

I don’t know how they would implement it but the customizations you list and the customizations the Darkfallen crowd list have some distinct crossover.

A model toggle on Belfs and Velfs and then someone takes these plus the customizations from DarkFallen threads and make the perfect Undead elf.

Although( and I respect you aren’t asking for them) They could make a new race called “Undead Elf” and they would have more customizations than some allied races.

Also since we DO have Kaldorei undead now and some of the DarkFallen use kaldorei models making it a Elf toggle would be great too.

I might make another Belf if I could get Dark Ranger.

Also some of the stuff is already there with Night Warrior Eyes. Give me a nelf or belf with dark black eyes and bleach white skin.

But seriously you and the DarkFallen people should talk. It’s the most solid argument I’ve heard for customizations.


Oh trust me, we talk a lot :wink: I’ll always support Balesong, they’re awesome and have wonderful ideas.

San’layn being a toggle on Blood Elves would be great as well, if no AR. Someone (Lannisterian) suggested fangs/claws being a customization toggle, and pair that with lore, it’d be satisfactory if it never is meant to be race. (would need lore saying they joined the Horde and perhaps a bit more on how they’re created/curse origin.)

But yeah, to mix them together could be pretty simple, to be honest. It’d be something like:
-For Dark Rangers, toggle off fangs/claws, give your elf undead skin (pale, ashen, grey, ashen dark, etc) and red eyes
-For San’layn, toggle on claws/fangs and various eye options (amber/red/black like Lana’thel, I saw you mention in your post)

And that above concept could apply to Night Elves too, as you said, we saw Night Elves also got Dark Rangers (and most likely can be Darkfallen, I don’t see why they wouldn’t. They already have fangs, anyway!)


You’d have to look into arthas’s book for that information. For some reason the wiki’s hadn’t been updated with it, or the previous in game mentioning of how paladin’s work.

Paladins is embued with the light, thus an undead paladin deals with constant pain.

Priests channels the light, thus able to choose when to go through pain, when it’s needed.

… Considering most of the darkfallen is dark ranger customization, as well as inherits their lore, I’mma say no to VE at all with them.

An AR would be nice, but if anything, I’d say make them a model toggle of forsaken, if not an AR.

The dark ranger kaldorei’s story is moving towards forsaken, with them feeling too guilty to rejoin their kin.

You mean forsaken, Dark ranger’s should not be a BE customization, as BE’s has access to paladins…

To lann’s credit, he is saying they might need to be an AR rather then a customization for BE. They are still undead, and again no undead should have access to paladins.

As Forsaken customization, where dark rangers belong!

Ah the best of both worlds! The perfect solution.

Oh we do! We support each other wholeheartedly. Fallynn’s the best and few people are more deserving to get what they’re asking for than her. She’s had to put up with a lot of crap from certain types of people and has been dealt a lot of disappointments, but she keeps trucking. I’m going to try to follow her example.


Darkfallen and rangers are distinctly different, as rangers are Banshee and Darkfallen are afflicted with a “vampyr” curse (origins currently unknown, speculated Revendreth but this isn’t confirmed. We only know it is an ancient curse). They were strong followers of Kael’thas and were left there when Illidan lost against Arthas to be turned into the vampyr. The curse is a mutagen, as we see with Lana’thel’s wings and the Blood Prince’s bat-like ears. Whereas Dark Rangers have been forces of Sylvanas (with some going against her now that she went against the Horde.)

Void elves getting DR or Darkfallen customization I’m iffy about. I don’t mind the idea, since they can be DK, so would have to be ‘turned’ after joining the Alliance. How they’d explain it, I don’t know. As long as Horde got them first or at the same time, I’d be fine with it, though.

As made clear above, I distinctly disagree with you about paladins, however if people are that against them, I feel they could block out paladins from the customization if it’ll appease.

I wish; I don’t think he’s ever said anything about San’layn or Darkfallen, at least, it’s never come up to me. If he said they’re more likely to be an AR, I’d be thrilled. I don’t recall him saying anything of that nature though, but if there’s a source, I’d love it.

While I personally disagree with you on the forsaken toggle, I’d accept it as ‘better than nothing’. However, there’s many factors to consider with this, and with ‘multiple models under the same race’ issue as well. They are:
-there would need to be an animation for Darkfallen or Dark Rangers during “cannibalize”. The move would make sense for San’layn, as it could be them consuming blood, but I am unsure if Dark Rangers actually devour flesh.

-Head banging elves would be super awesome, so I can’t be opposed to that one. HOWEVER I’m not sure if they’d be wanting to make a new animation for that. Still, though, I think I’ve seen dances of other races on each other before? Like the human dance on a male blood elf? So I dunno.

-Do not fit either San’layn or Dark Rangers, nor do jokes. The Sin’dorei ones fit better, in the very least, but still not quite. The solution to this would be getting new voice lines, but would they go that far for customization? This leads me to wonder if just an ‘undead elf’ allied race (where you could be a Banshee or Vampyr, like different Mah’gar clans) in general would be the best bet, due to the factors but especially this one.

These debacles might apply for other ideas where different subraces are under the umbrella of one ‘race’. Because the voicelines and jokes are so specific.

With this being an expansion with customization pushed, however, maybe they will change the way they do that.


I think he is referring to my support for San’layn as an independent AR with toggles (to their various aspects) to incorporate the DR fantasy through it as opposed to Forsaken model toggle.

I would lean towards BE customization as they are in need of a second visual theme, and for all the reasons you listed with the voice lines etc I don’t really like to see them via Forsaken as the route Blizzard would go (it’s better than nothing of course) and I am fine with the player agency to know I am a Forsaken Elf it is just incorporated via the BE customization / model.

I’m basically of the same mind on Paladins too I’d be fine if it was left out of the customization.

But basically I think he was referencing that I am amicable with having the DR fantasy tied in via a San’layn AR if it’s not BE customization.



Wow, I feel silly. Oh well :stuck_out_tongue:


I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if blizz was saving dark ranger skin tones and eyes for when subs start to drop and they need something easy to pull them back.

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I want to say if I understand Brae correctly his preferred for a model toggle for Forsaken but would be okay with BE customization so long as Paladin was restricted from the options.

Which is basically my stance in reverse I prefer them for BEs but I would be okay with Forsaken getting a model toggle so long as they had new voice lines.

But if they aren’t done as customization for BEs I would be more okay with them just being tied into a San’layn AR of itself. Which I think Brae is saying he would be fine with as well having it tied in with the San’layn (for the visual fantasy anyways I’m fine with no confirmed DR lore in this scenario so long as the visual fantasy is done)

Also for clarity when I envision them as customs for BEs or what have you, I sort of assume San’layn in that either it’s official Darkfallen customization with toggles to leave off the claws etc for the regular DR fantasy or it starts out as DR fantasy and then they add lore later with customization toggles for San’layn.

Either way I seen them as helping each other out / being able to both be done if that makes sense.


Yeah, that makes sense. There definitely is also lore to consider when it comes to certain things, as if Darkfallen were to be on the Forsaken, they’d need to explicitly join them lorewise. Thus far, there is no lore for joining the Forsaken or Horde.

Dark Rangers are with the Forsaken, so they might not need the loretidbit as badly.


Just wanting to point out again how easy this would be since the assets are pretty much already made.

They just need a few eddits/additions.


If blizz went that route with wildhammers I would agree, but they didn’t so I doubt they would. Yes we disagree about paladins, but the lore is crystal clear on the effects of paladism on undead. So no undead paladins.


I agree with dark ranger on cannibalize, but it wouldn’t be too far fetched.

Unique dances us not a must since most AR’s don’t even gave their own. Dark ranger be/ne would get the dance from the origin race they where raised from.

Unique voice lines is a must.

This is correct.

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I want to note, even if they where a be option for both be/ne, it would feel strange if DR’S have the same voice lines as normal BE’s/NE’s

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I think the argument would just be they do fit better than current Forsaken voice lines. Though the DRs from BFA I thought had their own so idk why they couldn’t just use those what ever route they decide to go if they add them.


Perhaps at one point they intended to have dark rangers their own ar? :man_shrugging:t2:

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I look like a dark ranger.


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Probably because it’s not true. Paladins aren’t lightforged except for lightforged paladins. imbuing = lightforging
The bit with Arthas wasn’t anything special either, it’s just a passage talking about how the light felt, and apparently it feels just like when I drink my coffee too fast.

Sure do. I have a void elf that’s also a knight elf.

Lightforging essentially almost makes them being of light itself, it’s not a normal embuement.

And yes it is true. In the arthas book, arthas first perspective view during the paladin cermeony is that the light flowing into him, swelled up causing him pain, and then went down to a tolerable level.

Think of paladin is a pond of light and a priest is a river of light with a dam they can control.

Reread it.


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