Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Then you are admitting you have no argument when evidence proves you wrong.

Glad to see you admitting your defeat so we can move on, thanks!


you provided no evidence actually, only something a random charecter mentioned which does not equal all of the group.

That random character is the Leader of the Dark Rangers serving the Horde and thus speaks for all the Horde Dark Rangers. Which is wholly more important than you stamping your feet in protest.


lol. Ok, so first off, stating any undead charecter should be allowed anywhere close to access to paladins is protesting? I will state the fact they shouldn’t for one, due to the ramifications of the light to undead, which is incurciating pain beyond what a sane person can handle.

secondly, Just because one is the leader, does not mean her opinion is her whole groups opinion, it’s not. Time and time again in WoW questing has shown the views of the leaders is not always reflected in the people. Otherwise the world would be rather bland and 1 dimensional. Not all dark rangers would hold her view, and most have moved on from their past, and forsakened it as they are no longer living their first life.

Wow, you can’t even follow a basic conversation. I called you not wanting belfs to be Dark Rangers a protest. Please focus up next time, I know it’s hard but please do try.

They serve the Horde under her, she is their voice and what she says, goes. Simple as that, that’s what being a leader is.

End of story.


So since some Night Elves are servants of the Firelord does that mean that Tyrande and Malfurion do not speak for Night Elves in general? o-O

Velanora (or however her name is spelled) is effectively the leader of the Dark Rangers still with the Horde.

While not all members of a group in wow may follow the leaders viewpoint, most will.

She does not appear to see herself as more Forsaken or more Blood Elf. She sees both as her kin. Her own words. “Both the sin’dorei and Forsaken are my kin.”


Thanks for the disagreement! It really livened this thread back up.


Couldn’t have said it better myself! Grandbrae…your argument here is in-valid! Point noted and disregarded :stuck_out_tongue:


Leader or not, what she said was an opinion piece, and unless we have more stating the same opinion in story/lore this

Is an in-valid statement.

Reagardless though, dark rangers is still undead, and letting any form of undead be paladin breaks lore.


“Some of my sisters and brothers have chosen to remain at the Dark Lady’s side. I, and many others, have not.”

She herself says it right there. Some went with Sylvanas others followed Velanora.

Blizzard isn’t including this dialogue for poops and giggles.

I also contend this statement.

As there is an undead paladin or two in the game it does not by itself break lore.

That said, no Dark Ranger has ever shown as a paladin to that I think it is fair.

Currently I’d prefer the Forsaken Toggle but I also have no issue with Blood elven customization for Dark Rangers.


That stated more clearly states they stayed with forsaken, not follow her directly.

Sir zeliek wants to not exist, the other one isn’t even sane.

So no, undead paladins should not be a playable option.

No part indicates this.

The only part that even has mention is the part where she says she sees herself as both.

I don’t think they should be simply for Dark Rangers.

So on that we more or less agree.

I am however not at all against blizzard adding paladin to forsaken. :man_shrugging:

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paladinism also is not apart of the forsaken culture, let alone that any of them would want to go through even more torment to be one…

I and many others

This part here indicates they choose not to follow sylvannis not because she leads them, but because they wanted to. They did not choose to follow her, just agreed not to go.

Sure, though as most of them were Lordaeronian paladins were a thing of their culture.

I don’t hate the idea of them regaining that.

I mean… Paladins.

By their nature they are a zealous bunch. So… Could still see it.

Don’t think it is likely and I wouldn’t use Dark Rangers to represent it for sure.

It indicates that some followed Sylvanas on her madness, and that others remained Horde. Nothing more.


Actually lorderon paladins was immune to the plague, which created the forsaken, at most the lost their powers later and became generation 2 death knights or left for stormwind, if not joined the scarlets.

In WoW’s way of story telling, being overly zealous while not caring the pain you feel leads to insanity.

Retconned. Paladins are no longer immune to the first plague. Many were simply bolstered from it.

Much of this is still accurate though.

Nonetheless some could easily have fallen then and since and been raised.

Not really… I mean Zellick is not actually crazy as far as I can tell just wants it to end. Heck he’s resisting the Lich king to some degree.

Most others respond to pain as anyone would. Doesn’t mean they couldn’t add them for players. We are exceptional after all.

I do get your disagreement mind. I think it’s quite valid concerns.

And again. I would not allow undead paladins just for Dark Rangers.

source needed. I doubt they would change it just because.

He hated himself, he also had 0 control of his body. If I where to hazard a guess, he’d perform suicide if he could.

Glad we agree to this, but I disagree with forsaken paladins.

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Looked around (on phone so I’m limited) I know a dev answered it at some point though I cannot find it.

Let’s assume I’m wrong.

Dead paladins can still be raised, sir Zellick for example, as well as countless scarlets.

Further by the time is Wrath as seen with the paladin in Icecrown Tirion wants you to save, paladins can be infected and cannot be cured. Bidenbraid I think his name was?

So at least a later plague can raise them, and their corpses are fair game.

Wouldn’t be a stretch for others to still be connected to the light like Zellick.

How well they’d fair could be a wonderful story all its own.

On par with Void Elves resisting void corruption.

He was certainly not happy. Control of his thoughts and voice though.

Would he commit suicide? Can’t say for sure.

Besides just because he was unable to deal doesn’t mean others couldn’t.

Which is totally fair.

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The pain of being an undead paladin is different then the pain a priest deals, at least as a priest they can choose when to use the light, paladins cannot, as it becomes apart of them. Imagine going through extreme pains at all times, being unable to do anything without the constant pain of burning and feeling your body rot with maggots digging at you constantly. I do not think a forsaken wants to deal with that with the amount of torment they already go through.

Wasn’t the story with that is that noth perfected a stronger plague then the one seen in lorderon? (or was that another boss) been too long since I did that quest.