Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

That was not what I got from what she says at all…

Anyone still have the screencap?



This has the dialogue that made it to Live.


Ah, here it is.

“I see you remained in Orgrimmar.
We dark rangers were fiercely loyal to Sylvanas. We trusted her… followed her commands.
It is clear that our loyalty was never truly reciprocated.
Some of my sisters and brothers have chosen to remain at the Dark Lady’s side. I, and many others, have not.
<Velonara’s expression becomes steely. Determined.>
I refuse to be a slave to this torment.
Both the sin’dorei and Forsaken are my kin. I stand with them, and with the Horde.”

She does not appear to hold one over the other.


She may not, but the the dark rangers is forsaken.

She’s the leader of the Dark Rangers, so she speaks for the entire group.


Considering some of her lackeys choose to be with sylvanis, she don’t speak for all of them.


Sylvanas is no longer with the Horde. Any Dark Rangers that followed suit are irrelevant to this discussion. We are talking about the Dark Rangers still in the Horde.


They are relevent, it means the dark rangers isn’t some hive mind you think they are.

No, they are not relevant for they are not the Dark Rangers in the horde that would become playable in question. And because they are not, they are irrelevant to this discussion and do not apply to the lore of the quote by the Dark Ranger leader.

End of story.


You claim they are not relevent because you state it is, they are how ever are, it means they have the ability to choose whom they are loyal to, and they can choose to not follow in the same path as their leader. It’s called world building. Where one can see that everyone under a command does not share the same viewpoint of the leader.

They are no longer part of the Horde and no longer part of the equation.


Dark rangers is dark rangers, they are apart of the equation, and they are strictly forsaken.

Apart of the Horde are what matters. Dark Rangers not in the Horde do not matter.


They do matter. like it or not, end of story.

They don’t.

Truth bomb.

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They do.

Truth nuke.

They do not.

There is an overwhelming amount of evidence against you Brae.

Give up. The more you try to fight the lore, the more you end up looking foolish in front of you. I am honestly embarrassed for you.


I’m not fighting against the lore, you are.

But you are. You’ve yet to provide any evidence otherwise.


I have no need to, the entire existence of dark rangers is historically been with the forsaken, and only appeared alongside the forsaken. There have been little interaction of them with other races.