Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

That would be hilarious, but I doubt it. There would have to be boundaries obviously. If not things could get too hairy admittedly. Multi race toggle would obviously only work for say forsakeb and the army of the light since lore-wise those groups are not defined entirely of race.

If model toggle where applied to other races, I could only see it be used for like say fat goblins or skinny kul’tirans, maybe even the many tauren races.

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then you have not been paying attention, as the very first time I came up with the idea was for lf humans, I added he to the idea as a compromise for ppl requesting ve paladins, which occurred a few days after I came up with it.

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I am chill with this idea as long as ne also does not get paladins.

That is something we should not cross other then a few odd npc’s

Well you’re on your own there lol.

Night Elves are the race i wanna see get access to Paladins the most. Just the thought of having a Night Elf Paladin riding upon their beautiful golden plated Nightsaber brings me joy. But hey, Night Elves are my favorite race so i’m a bit biased. :smile:


I am a Dark Ranger of Silvermoon Elite Hunter Transmog Squad!

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So then why do you concentrate so hard pushing the HE model aspect in your hopes for model toggles because that’s what your real goal despite your smokes and mirrors about oh LF humans, right? And your only frame of reference for mentioning humans is once maybe twice when you first came up with the idea? Interesting.

But like I said I look forward to seeing you actually talking about what you claim is the more important focus and reason for what you supposedly want from model toggles.

I am also chill the opposite way too, I just don’t want to see playable undead paladins is all.

Same reason as you focusing so hard on be, but reverse. I see allot of toxicity from people trying to shut down void elf requests, and while I do agree a bit with paladins (hence adding them to my lfd idea) I simply have to debate against them. I even go as far as saying that forsaken gave ne dark ranger model toggle as compensation. Also, I dislike rudeness disguised or not.

I also want to see a diverse army of tge light, and just adding one race as a model toggle is not enough.

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So then stop and try doing something else in your approach.

maybe you should consider your own actions before you demand others to.

Ah, okay, that’s understandable.

Well, i personally think if Dark Ranger customization does end up happening, it’ll be for Hunters and Rogues only, which i am okay with.


That can be an interesting thing to do, class skins that is. I wouldn’t mind pally eye glows for just paladins only.


It could work pretty well for Warriors too, imo.


You and I are best friends now.


Unique customization for all Classes is something i’ve always wanted. Id love to see battle scars for Warriors and antlers for Druids.

Yeah, i can see it working for Warriors as well.



I’d love quivers for Hunters (besides the ones tied to Thas’Dorah that is) and Librams for Paladins.


That would be cool overall.

Though scars in general I think should just be an everyone thing.

Perhaps special scars and tattoos for Warriors? Hmm…

Honestly I want a warlock Dark Ranger… Came up with a story for it and everything but it’s not canon so far.

Warriors, rogues and Hunter seem the most likely dark ranger classes.


I miss the old days… Having it all be visual options would be neat.


Ugh, yes! I remember we were supposed to get cool stuff like this in WoD… but you know, it was WoD so of course it got scrapped.

True. Scars should really be an everyone thing. Special warpaints could work for them though.


war paint is a yes in my books, every kind of warrior had war paint, it is silly WoW warriors don’t


Well, today the Icecrown rares hate me and don’t get me started on my dislike for the appearance of the catchup armor. All I get are Scourge stones and one axe with versatility. Gimme all that haste…


Yeah, the prepatch this time around is pretty meh. Was really hoping for some kind of exclusive Scourge themed mount or cosmetic set. :frowning:

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