Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Red eyes for all races, unlocked dk skins for all classes.



All races/classes can be risen undead and hunters can rp dark rangers.




I really love the tear drops like Sylvanas omg.




I will absolutely roll a blood elf hunter for this.

Or an undead, but I already have one at 50, so that implies a lot less effort on my part.


Just add San’layn and boom you will get dark ranger look and undead allied race.

If they did San’layn as an AR I would not be against seeing DR/Undead Elf tied up into it in fact I quite like that idea and or for BE customization, they could have Velonara and who ever they bring in leading the San’layn maybe banding together / doing things together both were or are effectively abandoned and on their own, the only difference is Velonara and her Dark Rangers are already in the Horde so San’layn would need lore obviously, and then it just comes down to a matter of having certain San’layn features as toggles, so the claws, fangs etc that we have seen would be part of their customization line as options.


Bumping thread.

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I would play Horde if this was a thing. I know yall favor Horde, do it blizz!

They honestly should have just done High Elves and Dark Rangers.

Maybe they still can I guess.


That wouldn’t look right.

So it looks like Void Elves and Blood Elves will be getting Arcane purple eyes in Shadowlands, which is great and all. But where’s my red Dark Ranger eyes at?

Playable Dark Rangers please, Blizz!


As a model toggle for the forsaken!

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I’m all for a model toggle. But the thing is, if one race gets a model toggle, every other race will get upset and start screaming for their own sort of model toggles, which would get annoying real fast.

In my opinion, the best way to give us playable Dark Rangers is through a Night Warrior-like quest line that would reward the customization for Blood Elves.

The quest line could be about the remaining Dark Rangers who stayed loyal to the Horde, like Velonara. And the Alliance could possibly even get their own version of the quest line, where Calia helps the Night Elven Dark Rangers return to the Alliance, which could unlock Dark Ranger customization for the Night Elves.


I agree and I don’t think races should all get toggles. That user specifically just wants the precedent set because of a desire for a model toggle for HEs on the LFD roster which is a joke because Horde is the original owner of the model you’re not stealing the Thalassian model twice.

The DK implementation shows a precedent for things going to the model that the race is, and I’d note the DR toy turns you into either a NE or BE using the / funny lines etc while it’s active as well.


Lfd would be the model toggle for the alliance side.

Lol don’t listen to lan. High elves is a suggestion, I want to play lf humans.

May I add you on discord as well? I have an interest in lore and more friends is always a good thing.

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Even if there was a model toggle for both factions, that still wouldn’t stop people from asking for more. We’d have people asking for Void Gnomes and all kinds of other crazy stuff lol.

Not a fan of High Elves at all, but i will admit that i think Turalyon-like Humans would be kind of neat. Still don’t think a model toggle would be the best idea though.


This is the first time I’ve ever seen you recommend LF Humans yet I could go back and find countless posts on begging for the Thalassian model to be added to LF as you take this idea to green light that one. But sure we’ll go with you want LF humans from here on out I look forward to seeing you talk about it.


If you so wish. :smiley: