Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

A lot of people don’t :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Why should Alliance get two Thalassian copies when the the Horde is the original home of the Thalassian model.

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True enough. Allot of ppl likes Mecha gnomes and vulpera and I don’t lol.

What other options where u looking at for forsaken?

Still very much for a model toggle for Forsaken to use the belf skin tone and red eyes.

Hopefully belfs will still get a nice new theme that fits them along the way if it goes that route.


Honestly, the toggle would preferable to me because it would make our Dark Rangers actually feel undead because of the Forsaken racials, aesthetics and racial history are more fitting (minus cannibalize of course.)


Well, Forsaken already have red eyes added, have the Chinese Model option, black hair, so there’s the Vampire theme there, as a Human-turned-Vampire. But most players want an Elf-turned-Vampyr. Vampyr, in that spelling, means it’s a Vampire-Elf, and if Human, it’s spelled as “Vampire”. Still, for Forsaken, there could always be the model toggle, but it would only make sense for Forsaken Hunters and Rogues.

Yes and no. When I comes down to undead be dark rangers we could say they where all undead rangers (though I honestly hate to discriminate like that since other he’s died at the scourge invasion too) but in the case of NE, they where raising them regardless if they where archers or not.

Irregardless, we shouldn’t really try to let dark ranger skins any possibility of paladins. It would break lore and cause a forsaken player riot.

One way to look at it! They are apart of the forsaken after all lorewise.

Hmmm… This would have to go into a brainstorm line of thinking. I am going to start with felsworn that we see in outlands. Just without the spikes. They could allow them back into be society as a way to weaponize them as a counter to the VE.

You shouldn’t speak for other players.

And in regards to the precedent of using the customization for the models they belong to like with DKs, they can always just class lock if it’s that big of a deal.


I agree with Lann. Please speak for yourself, like the rest of us here are doing.


Oh noway Undead are getting Elven Ears!

I do speak for myself, I also seen many forsaken talk about it and stated my experience with them. Baised on what I saw, it is safe to assume that if be gets dark ranger skins they will not only be upset, but they will demand paladins on the forsaken even more, making another few years with spam threads like the he threads we had through out bfa.

And this will be on top of the lore implications this create with undead paladins being a thing if dark rangers goes be.

I think it would be better as an option for Forsaken customisation. Because then you have matching undead racials.

Bit boring if it’s just a skin for Blood Elves.


dark ranger is a class not a race from wc3

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This is my favorite version of such additions as it allows multiple ways to experience the Dark Ranger fantasy.

If we had model toggles for the Forsaken, I’d need a fair amount of Blood Elf hairstyles and colors, which is why I prefer to have them as skins for Blood Elves myself.

San’layn would also have to be a Blood Elf option as they retained more aspects of their culture as Blood Elves specifically.


technically, it’s both, however most of what a dark ranger can do is baked into hunters, so all there is left is just the customizations.

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Yes, I know. But Dark Rangers have a distinctive look that I want access to.

EDIT: Apparently male dark rangers have an underwear texture and their skin texture allows for different faces, but the female dark rangers don’t have underwear textures and their skin texture doesn’t allow for different faces (at least not in the dressing room.) So the males are basically done in that aspect.



I wonder what a female Dark Ranger’s skivvies would look like. Similar to Blood Elf, or Void Elf?

Here are examples of what I’d like as Dark Ranger options are concerned, courtesy of The Goblin.




If they’re added as skins for belves, I’d imagine they’d share the belf underwear shape. If they’re added in some other way, such as a model toggle for Undead, I really can’t predict which way they’d go.

Dark ranger options are long overdue. Void elves can live both the high elf+void elf fantasy. Blood elves should be able to have the blood elf+dark ranger fantasy.
Unless it was an option added to the forsaken or something, idk.